Yooouuuu aarrrreee a TAMAGOTCHI...


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"Aww man! LAST ONE TO FLY TO MAME CITY IS AN EGG HEAD!" She screamed, and flied of to Mame City, not knowing how wonderful dream town is.

Uwasatchi's Enchanted Flying Kuromametchi abandoned her and she was trapped in Dream Town! So she turned into an egg head.

Memetchi came back and joked 'Ha, your an egg--WAIT UR REALLY AN EGG HEAD!!!' Feeling guilty, she cracked the egg.

Uwasatchi's head was back to normal! But out of the egg hatched an evil Devilgotchi! "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" Uwasatchi screamed.

Uwasatchi ran for her life, too, and soon she found herself in GuruGuru Town, where Memetchi lived. She went for a ride in the ferris wheel, but the devilgotchi smashed it to pieces.

'Noo! Our planet famous ferris wheel!' Memetchi cried

'Lets make a new one!'

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Memetchi started making seats. She mushed up the insides of the Banana and made them in a chair shape, and used the banana peels for the edges. "Now they just need to dry so we can put Lovelitchi's perfume all over them, since they smell when they dry. But how can we steal Lovelitchi's perfume?" She asked.

Tamagotchi: Kikitchi

Looks like: My pic

Personality: Kind and Cute!

other: Likes bananas!!!!

other other: has a crush on memetchi! But she doesnt know!!!!

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This looks fun! :lol:

I'd like to join~


Tamagotchi: Maskutchi

Looks Like: Pictured above ^^

Personality: Gets up late, likes to be fashionably late. Lazy at times and can be a bit selfish.

Other: Has no arms, so he uses his feet as hands.

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