awesome2489 Well-known member Joined Oct 16, 2012 Messages 90 Reaction score 12 Location Why are you looking at this? Dec 25, 2012 #521 Me? Who's Me? Anyway: "Good morning!" Kikitchi said after building 167 castles. "OW!! My arms feel like noodles!"
Me? Who's Me? Anyway: "Good morning!" Kikitchi said after building 167 castles. "OW!! My arms feel like noodles!"
tamatown123 Well-known member Joined Dec 5, 2011 Messages 1,486 Reaction score 301 Location UK (England) Dec 27, 2012 #522 "YUM! NOODLES" Memetchi screamed, and ate Kikitchi's arms.
bowchilala Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2012 Messages 185 Reaction score 6 Location In my moms room. Her bed is so comfortable Dec 27, 2012 #523 "yikes" said balletchi. she then try to heal kikitchi's bitten arms "feeling better?" she asked
awesome2489 Well-known member Joined Oct 16, 2012 Messages 90 Reaction score 12 Location Why are you looking at this? Jan 3, 2013 #524 Kikitchi's face O_O . "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" HE SCREAMS AS IT ECHO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awesome2489 Well-known member Joined Oct 16, 2012 Messages 90 Reaction score 12 Location Why are you looking at this? Jan 3, 2013 #525 Then out of nowhere, Kikitchi got strong and threw: pencils, poop, fire ( He was wearing gloves ), Her castle, a women, Mametchi, rubber snakes, real snakes, poptarts with fire on it, toilets, bricks, ran her over with a monster truck, threw worms at her, glass, her school teacher, ninja's , a bottle of poison AND her nightmare... (evil laugh) EVIL CLONE MAKIKO'S AND A MAKIKO DOLL, MAKIKO HAIRS, MAKIKO POOP, MAKIKO BOBBLE HEADS, MAKIKO DRESSES, AND WORSE... MAKIKO HER SELF!
Then out of nowhere, Kikitchi got strong and threw: pencils, poop, fire ( He was wearing gloves ), Her castle, a women, Mametchi, rubber snakes, real snakes, poptarts with fire on it, toilets, bricks, ran her over with a monster truck, threw worms at her, glass, her school teacher, ninja's , a bottle of poison AND her nightmare... (evil laugh) EVIL CLONE MAKIKO'S AND A MAKIKO DOLL, MAKIKO HAIRS, MAKIKO POOP, MAKIKO BOBBLE HEADS, MAKIKO DRESSES, AND WORSE... MAKIKO HER SELF!
tamatown123 Well-known member Joined Dec 5, 2011 Messages 1,486 Reaction score 301 Location UK (England) Jan 4, 2013 #526 "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Memetchi screamed, and ran away.
bowchilala Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2012 Messages 185 Reaction score 6 Location In my moms room. Her bed is so comfortable Jan 6, 2013 #527 "wait.... since when kikitchi can turn into super saiyan? oh well" balletchi then summons a portal and throws the woman into the portal
"wait.... since when kikitchi can turn into super saiyan? oh well" balletchi then summons a portal and throws the woman into the portal
awesome2489 Well-known member Joined Oct 16, 2012 Messages 90 Reaction score 12 Location Why are you looking at this? Feb 23, 2013 #528 Then Kikitchi goes into his castle and goes to bed with his Spinda Pokemon doll.