x.Chasing Sunshine


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Exactly! I hate it. I really hate when people drop out of the show two weeks before opening night. :/

"I'll get ready and come help you, then." She leaned down to kiss his cheek before picking up some clothes from whatever hadn't been packed yet. Her shower didn't last too long; she was out in about fifteen minutes. She sat down next to him, starting to help with whatever was left.

Yeah - let's move it up though? It just seems far away. :/

I know. The other thing that bothered me was when one of our leads tried to get out on a show night because he'd lost his voice. He'd gone yelling at the top of his lungs to make it sore when he was at soccer practice.

"Okay, see you in a little while," he said. By the time she'd returned, there wasn't too much to be packed away. About another ten minutes or so and they were done and ready.

Okay. Where should we move it along to, exactly?

WHAT THE HELL!? That's so wrong. :/

I'm cleaning my room and I found $17. That's awesome because I needed some money for the mall on Wednesday.

Once they were done, she looked over at him. "And when exactly should we leave for the airport?" Avery asked him "Maybe if we leave in the afternoon, we can be in New York before dark." It made sense, mentally, but she would have to check to be sure.

Uhhhmmm. Maybe sometime when they're in New York? We can figure the rest out when we get there. xD

I love randomly finding money. Never usually get that much, though.

Brandon waved a flight timetable that he had fetched from the hotel lobby while out that morning. "I checked, and you can book flights from here. I got us the 12:57 flight. Hopefully that's good timing," he said, smiling.

Yup, sure. Sounds good :)

12:57? xD That's the randomest time ever!

Yeah, I remember losing a bundle of it somewhere, so I'm pretty sure this is it. Haha.

"That sounds good." She smiled, checking the time. It was about 10:30. She figured they would have to leave soon, to get there on time "So, we should leave in about half an hour to forty five minutes, right?"

Flight boarding times are always random, though, from my experience xD

I have a card now, so I don't usually have much cash on me to lose.

Fine, I'll skip, then xP

"Yeah, probably about that. So if you want to make a quick visit to somewhere in particular before we go, now is the time to say the word," Brandon replied, folding up the flight timetable and putting it his pocket.

~~ Maybe they went somewhere, I have no idea.

In any case, it was now a few days into their trip in New York. Just as Avery had said he would, Brandon loved it there. Venice had been pretty, and romantic, but New York was vibrant, exciting, a little more like London, only better, and he loved it.

I don't know. I've mostly seen even 0s or 5s at the end. xD never a 57. It reminds me of my school in California, which let us out at 2:59. And at 12:01 on minimum days. It was totally random.

Luckkkyy. I'm probably not going to get a credit card till college, where I'll have to be extremely careful to not overspend.

It was morning, and Avery had just got out of the bathroom. "Brandon, I don't feel well." she said, after closing the door and sitting on the bed. She tried to remember what they had had for dinner the night before; it might have just been some undercooked food, she assumed.

My flight to Nünberg in July was 7:57pm.

That is weird, though. I mean, I've never seen that before at a school.

It's a debit card, so I can only spend how much money is on it. I wouldn't be allowed a credit card. It's pretty snazzy, though, buying stuff on a card. And I can buy online without havin to ask now =D

Brandon had been sat on the bed, having been relaxed until he thought she'd been in the bathroom a rather long while. He took her hand and squeezed it, trying to be comforting, though he looked concerned. He felt fine, he thought so anyway, so he wondered if it was food or if she'd picked something up. He said, "Maybe you just ate too much or the food was bad. And sometimes it just happens for no reason anyway. Hopefully it's nothing too serious.."

I've never seen that before.

It was the way they worked out the days and stuff. It was kinda funny though.

Ohhh, I see. My dad said I may get one of those next year. Haha. It'd be really nice.

"It was just really sudden." She shrugged "I'm sure I'll be fine soon enough." And that was true. In a few more minutes, she was feeling much better. She stood up, telling him "I feel better already. It was nothing to worry about, really. I shouldn't have bothered you."

They're really good, actually. Like today, I bought a new pair of Chucks (absolutely amazing, by the way). I'd never carry that around in cash.

"No, it's okay, really. You should tell me," Brandon replied with a reassuring smile. "Because if it was bad food or something, we'd want to sort it out quickly." He slipped off the bed and pulled her into his arms, smiling down at her a bit more lightheartedly, "I'm glad you're feeling better, though. You know I love to explore the city."

O: 11:11 xD

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I was going to buy some neon ones online - the custom ones - but my friend has some and they're not that bright. So I just got black ones for this year. I'm actually carrying around like over 50 dollars in my wallet at the moment. (;

She nodded, giving him a hug "Actually, there are some people I want you to meet today. If you're fine with it, that is. We could go get lunch somewhere if you want. I know a really good Chinese place nearby. We can walk and we'd be there in about five minutes."

They're black hi tops with rock music graffiti on them. I swear, it's like they were made for me.

My handbag attracts a lot of attention. It looks like an electric guitar. So it's pretty dangerous for me to carry around that much.

So you're a Spyder fan? Gallardos are better ;]

"Sure. All of it sounds great, so long as you're up to it," Brandon smiled, hugging her back. He was glad he was wearing something nice today already, now that he was going to be meeting people.

Like an electric guitar? That's pretty awesome:) I got a new one recently - it's covered in black sequins so it kind of looks like someone took a black disco ball and turned it into a bag.

Why yes. I like Spyders. :) they look prettttyy.

She smiled "Of course. I feel fine." She picked up the hotel phone and dialed a number from memory. After a few calls, she looked over at Brandon. "Come on, we're leaving." She laughed as she took his hand, leading him out the door and towards the elevators.

I'll try and find a link for you tomorrow.

I could have sold it so many times. I got stopped at least three times out today xD

That sounds cool. Sparkles and sequins are always good :)

Yeah, they are. I'm kidding, I like them better. Though, I'm not a fan of the colour choices, generally. That's the case with most expensive cars for me.

Brandon let her lead the way. He was curious to see where thay were going. He thought about asking, but he figured she wasn't saying much about it for a reason. He realised her frustration now at the fact that he wouldn't tell her what he'd bought in Venice-- only, it must have been worse because he was hiding it for a while yet. But it was better that she didn't know for now.

People actually stop you and ask to buy it? That's insane!

I love it - it has so many pockets, which is a necessity for me.

I like black. I'm really simple with car colors. Black, silver, red.

They were only out on the street for five or six minutes. Avery led him into the Chinese restaurant she had told him about only a while before. "It's going to be us, plus three others." She told the waitress, who nodded and took them to one of the larger booths in one end of the restaurant. The waitress waited for both Avery and Brandon to be seated before handing them a menu each and setting an extra three down on the table.

Occasionally. People love it. :)

That's the only trouble with mine, it's not entirely practical because it doesn't really have pockets and because of its shape. Like, things could fit into it but it gets really narrow towards the top. And finding things in it is terrible.

Same. But most expensive cars like Lamborghinis are yellow, white, orange or green. Ew.

Brandon smiled as he took his seat and chuckled as he said, "I really wish I had even the slightest idea of who you've invited." He pushed up the sleeves of his shirt a little more and took a quick flick through the menu. He then looked up and observed the interior of the restaurant. "It's really nice here. I guess I'm still not used to eating in places like this. Everything about being with you is totally different. In the best possible sense, of course."

Yeah, I couldn't deal with that. Like, I'm not that organized with papers and stuff, but when it comes to bags, everything needs a place.

But every car company sells black cars!

Avery hadn't bothered looking through the menu just yet, and had pushed it to the side for the time being. "It wouldn't matter if I told you, because you don't know them." Avery laughed "I'm glad you like it in here. But, I'm sure you'll like the food much better than the interior design." She tapped her fingers on the table, getting impatient because her friends hadn't shown up yet. But then again, they had been staying a lot closer to the restaurant than from where her friends lived.

Here it is :)

I know they do xD But most people don't tend to buy them in black, is what I meant.

Brandon said, "Well, yeah, obviously. Never mind," he chuckled, pushing his menu to the middle of the table. "I'm sure I will, too. I trust you with these kinds of things. Perhaps not your own cooking, but restaurants, yes," he joked, winking at her.

Is it completely weird that I wandered on here like I do once a week and saw this and decided to post? Yeah, I think so. GOD I'M SO TIRED.

"Well, this place is great. I used to eat her at least once a week since sixth grade. They have the best food." Avery kissed him on the cheek just as the waitress led three other people to their table. There were two girls with her, and a boy, all about Avery and Brandon's age. When she saw them, Avery directed her attention to them, getting up and giving them each a hug. "Brandon, this is Sierra-" she motioned towards the blonde girl, "and her sister, Elysa." The slightly shorter brunette. "And Rhett." The tall boy.

"Guys, this is my boyfriend, Brandon."

"Brandon, hi!" Sierra said, first "It's great to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. You're all Avery talks about whenever she calls us."

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