x.Chasing Sunshine


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How sad. We had a Harry Potter four day weekend over spring break. The Monday back, one of the main conversations was how we either recorded or watched them all.


She smiled again "You're doing a great job, actually." she told him "Much better than I am, I'm sure. I love being here with you. The only reason I'm looking forward to our time here ending is because I get to show you New York afterwards."

I don't know many people who are that interested in it anymore. Maybe it's just a non Harry Potter fan area.. I used to love it, but I got bored of it eventually.

I'm jealous. You have to pay for satellite TV, plus extra a month on top of that to get the Disney Channel here ):

"You are being just the perfect amount of romantic, as always," he insisted. He nodded, "And I can't wait for that, either. And for when I can show you London."

I can never get bored of Harry Potter. lol. It's just not possible for me.

Awwh. We get like 4 Disney channels as part of our cable.

"So how long do you want to stay here, then? Before we go to New York, I mean." she asked before sipping her drink. "I hadn't really thought about that."

Today will be a long day...

I have enough homework to fill my pool with. D;

"That sounds good. What do we have left to see here anyways? I can only think of the canal, which we'll see tonight." Avery grinned. Before he could reply, the waitress returned with their food.

Well, if it's any consolation, I have a whole art final piece to do over the holidays.

But that sucks ):

"I guess it's similar stuff to what we did today. Closer to four days, in which case, I think," he smiled. "We'll have to check out some flyers at the front desk or something tomorrow morning." He hadm't realised how hungry he'd become until the waitress set the food down in front of him. His stomach growled quietly, causing him to laugh.

She laughed as well, hearing his stomach growl. "Let's leave tomorrow night!" she said "I think one more day here is enough." She was silent as she started eating her food. It was even better than she expected it to be. "Would you like a bite?"

"Okay, sounds like a good plan," Brandon smiled. Clearly, Avery was even more eager than he'd first thought to show him New York. He took a bite of his. Sure his was equally good, he offered some to her on his fork and said, "We'll do a swap."

Oh I didn't reply in my last post. Sorry.

What are you doing this time in art?

"Okay." she smiled and got him a bite of the risotto. She opened her mouth, so he could feed her.

That's alright :)

I'm doing a large scale pencil drawing based on the work of H R Giger. So I've got to be imaginative almost to the point of being disgusting in order to come up with a good piece.

He fed her some of his ravioli before taking her offered risotto. He was very impressed with the food overall. Her dish was just as good as his, and both were as good as last night's food. Better than anywhere he'd eaten before, by a mile. "Fantastic," he said, sipping his drink.

I just looked him up. Uhm. Wow.

Do you have any idea what you're doing yet?

"It is really good isn't it?" she smiled. Honestly, she couldn't decide which she liked better - the ravioli or the risotto. They were both delicious. In fact, everything she had eaten in Italy had been amazing. She took another bite of her food.

He's an incredible artist. Just some of his stuff is a little to weird.

I'm thinking maybe a face in there somewhere, some of it human, some skull and some cyborg/machinery. I'm not sure what else yet, though.

"Very good. I don't think you'll want to eat my food after eating this," he chuckled, eating some more of his ravioli. "It'd definitely better than any food I've eaten at a restaurant before."

Well good luck. Ahah. I'm starting my whap reading. ughhh. I can't believe I'm actually taking amstud next year.

She shook her head "I'm sure your cooking is delicious. Probably even better than this food." She laughed and took a sip of her drink "Because if you inherited any of your aunt's talent, I'm sure your cooking skills are amazing."

And good luck with that. I'm glad our history is nothing like yours.

"Not as good as this, I'm pretty sure. This is out of my league, I think. I like cooking, but I like music better. I spend more time doing that than in the kitchen," he shrugged.

lol. It's just that the AP classes actually challenge me so I take them.

"Which is now another reason I'm happy you'll teach me how to cook. Because you'll be able to focus on your music when we do live together." she grinned.

Fair enough, I suppose. Our history is challenging, it just doesn't involve anywhere near as much reading. I feel that you don't take in all that much if you're just made to sit and read.

"Touché," Brandon smiled his signature crooked smile, taking a sip of his drink. "But there's something I'd rather focus on even more than music when we're living together."

Yeah. I get the feeling that college will be all reading. :/

"Oh really?" she smiled at him "And what would that be?" She knew exactly what he was talking about but she wanted to hear him say it.

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That's true, a lot of it is independent study.

"You," he said, smiling, knowing full well that she knew that he was going to say that. "But tying into that, I'll be able to sing to you every day when you're around," he chuckled.

I'm looking at going back to California. Maybe New York. I want to get out of Texas but I'll probably have to apply to UT Austin to make my mom happy.

"Oh good!" she grinned "I'm definitely looking forward to you singing to me." She took another bite then spoke "I can't wait, to be honest, till we can live together."

My school have put me up in the field to apply for Oxford and Cambridge University. It just depends on what I want to study, really. I think it would be amazing to be offered a place at either.

But, honestly, the local city University has got a fantastic art department, so maybe I'll go there. Who knows?

"Well, when can you start?" Brandon chuckled, then continuing to eat his ravioli. Of course, he was joking, but it would, when it was serious-- not that he wouldn't be ready if she told him she wanted to move in as soon as they got back--, it would be down to what Avery's parents would have to say about it all, by tge sounds of things.

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