x.Chasing Sunshine


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I like their cover of Sunday Bloody Sunday. But it by no means beats the original. Ahaha.

After seating herself, she finally commented on their new setting. "It's beautiful out here." she grinned and opened her menu, skimming through it. She had barely read through a section of selections when a short waitress with dark hair made her way towards them. "Hi, what can I get you to drink?" she asked, her voice slightly accented.

I haven't heard any of theur covers except for when they did Use Somebody in the Live Lounge. I have that one <3

He smiled, nodding in agreement. "It really is quite something out here." He looked through the back of the menu at the drinks, shortly before the waitress had arrived at their table. "Um.. Can I get a margarita, please?" he said to the waitress, who nodded, noting it down, before turning to Avery.

"I'll get.." she paused before deciding "a Bacardi. A lime, please." The waitress nodded and jotted it down. When the waitress left, Avery turned back to Brandon. "So what's the plan after this. Do you want to get a boat wrote away?" She noted that the sun was setting, so it would be dark out soon.

Listen to Sunday Bloody Sunday. I love it<33

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"I had assumed so," he replied, "unless we have reason to delay it. I mean, as long as it's dark, that's fine for me. Which is what it should be once we've finished here."

I shall listen to it tomorrow :)

Yay!:) I checked out the website. And just checking -- I have to make an account, yes?

Avery smiled and looked through her menu before answering "Yeah, I wanted to wait till it was dark as well." she was silent for a while before asking "Have you decided what you're getting?"

Nope, no account needed. :)

It's really good, actually. Just not as good as U2. The only cover of a U2 song that's ever been really much better than the original is Mary J Blige's version of One.

"Well, like I said, I'm pretty sure we'll be just fine as soon as we've had dinner. If not, we'll drag it out with another drink," he chuckled. "Maybe the Ravioli.." he said thoughtfully. "What about you?"

I haven't heard that. Ahaha.

Really. I got a sign up thing.

"I was thinking the Risotto." she replied "I've neve tried it Efren but it sounds good." Just then, the waitress arrived with their drinks. After she had asked if they had decided with their orders, Avery nodded. "One Risotto and one Raviolli." She turned to Brandon to make sure he hadn't changed his mind.

I actually think she's highly underrated as an artist.

That's interesting.. You're definitely on .org right?

"That'd be perfect, thank you," Brandon nodded to the waitress who then smiled at the couple before leaving to go to the kitchen. "Risotto. I like risottos, actually. But I can make them at home occasionally, when I have time-- not as good as it would be here, though. I can't make ravioli. And I refuse to eat it out of a can," he chuckled.

I'm here: https://www.mediaconverter.org/

I haven't actually listened to her much.

"We basically lived off microwave meals and canned food in New York. That and take out." Avery laughed "Because my parents were always out during the day and of course, none of us could cook." She smiled and took a sip of her drink.

Oh, so it's the right site. I don't remember anything about immediately having to register.

Does it say if it's free or not?

I suppose it depends on whether you listen much to RnB and Soul music. Like Alicia Keys, too <3 In my opinion, one of the most talented artists of our time.

"Well, you'll find soup and baked beans at my house.. But otherwise.. Nothing. So the sooner you come and live with me, the less of microwave meals you'll have to eat. Unless you prefer them to my cooking," he laughed, "in which case, eat them as much as you want."

Ahh. I'll check again. It was like 12 AM anyways so I was kinda dead.

Yeah. That's not really me.

"I've been thinking about that. I'm sure that a homecooked meal beats the microwave anyday. Your aunt's food is great." Avery smiled "But I needed to talk to you about my parents and us. You know how they are. They know how serious we are but I'm not sure they completely approve of us. Because they're so obsessed with their social status that they can't understand that I love you. But it doesn't matter to me, because I won't listen to them." Her voice faltered towards the end of her little speech, wondering if she should have told him any of this.

Well, let me know when you try it again, anyway :)

I love good RnB and soul music. Though, they've got to stand out from the crowd. So many sound alike.

In fact, I like pretty much all kinds of music. Except for rap, screamo stuff and people like Lady Gaga. I even like classical music =D

"Well, you know I didn't mean that you should literally have to move in soon, anyway," Brandon chuckled, sipping his drink, deciding to get that point out of the way first. He said, "I understand. I mean, with everything that's happened, and with your life being almost totally different to mine in exactly the sense that you're talking about, I would have been surprised if they'd been totally okay with it." He took her hand across the table, "I'm used to people thinking about me that way, so don't feel guilty. I know you don't care, and that you love me, and that's all that matters to me. And I figure that, even if your parents never approve of me, they can't hold onto you forever. So even if married at eighteen doesn't happen like we've talked about, as long as I have you at the end of the day, that's fine."

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I will in a bit. haha.

D: I LOVE LADY GAGA! i love her in general. ahaha.

"But I want to get married to you as soon as I can. I mean, we don't have to have their approval, do we? If I love you, it should be enough?" She looked up at him as if to confirm that thought "And what did you mean by you're used to people thinking that way about you?"

I'm not really into the electro pop scene. The outfits are made to be attention seeking, and the music.. Well, I think she's actually a very good singer and pianist, and she's wasted on her music. But, hey, I'm probably just boring, to be honest :L

Brandon smiled lovingly, squeezing her hand tightly in his. She had no idea how much what she had just said meant to him. He said, "If that's the way you feel, then that's all that matters. You loving me is enough reason to do absolutely anything, Avery, no matter what anyone else says." At her last question, he paused before he said, "When you're from a large family in what's not one of the best areas of London, and your parents make just enough money to get by, people do judge you by that. All my life, there are people who've assumed that I'm trouble. That I'm lower than them, perhaps... That I'm not good enough to know their name, or to have the right to speak to them. So it's no surprise that even now, when I'm living in the best environment and the nicest house I've ever lived in, that people should still not totally approve of me. But that's okay, the people that are important in my life don't judge me by a label."

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Ohh. I love he clothes. I like the wow factor. And that pyrotechnic bra in Bad Romance? WANT.

just to feel like like a bamf. ahaha.

"My brothers really like you. I think my mom and dad liked you too until they realized how serious we are. I don't think that they approve of our relationship. I mean, our love is so different from theirs, I think. I don't really mind but I don't know how the hell we're supposed to get married without my parents' approval. I still want to marry you regardless, but.." her voice faded. She was completely unsure of what else to say.

Not my scene, really :L

I have seen clothes at so many designer events that have the wow factor, and they don't need to be over the top.

I can still see that pair of Dolce and Gabbana shoes.. *sigh*

"We'll find a way, baby, I promise. One way or another, I'll make sure it happens. I'll prove to them that I can be a good husband, or, if they never will approve, we'll figure something else out," he said to her, smiling reassuringly. He was putting a brave face on it, but he was surprised at how unapproving of him Avery's parents seemed to be. For his aunt and uncle, if he loved her, that was all that mattered.

Haha, POA was on the TV today, funnily enough.

Haven't seen a HP film in.. Forever..

"No, it's right to tell me. And you always need to tell me about anything that's worrying you-- it helps to get it out," he replied. "Sure, I wasn't expecting it to be so complicated, and I had no idea things were that.. Serious, for lack of a better word. But we will figure it out. I'd do anything for you, you know I would. But that's in the future. Right here, right now, I'm here with you, I'm having the time of my life, and nothing could possibly make me love you less."

1 to 5 were all on a few weeks ago. I haven't seen them all yet but I did record all along with some Disney movies on Disney Channel. They played Snow White which I haven't seen in years!:)

"So we can live in the moment?" she smiled at how cheesy that sounded "You are right. It is the future and we don't have to worry about it now. The past two days have been amazing and I don't want anything to ruin that trend." She sipped her drink.

That's what they're doing here. One every Saturday night, I think.

Is the Disney Channel free for you?

"It's very cliché, but that's exactly right," Brandon chuckled. "I think that there are few things bad enough that they could possibly ruin this trip. And we'll think about these other things when we get back." He smiled at her again, and took a sip of his drink. "I'm glad you're having a good time. I wasn't sure if I'd be any good at the romantic trip away sort of thing."

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