x.Chasing Sunshine


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We get one:)

"It is amazing here." she agreed "But I wouldn't have imagined it to be this gorgeous."

Mhm. I'm just excited for a break.

"Oh really?" Avery asked "And who could this certain someone be?" She smirked slightly.

I'd like this week off, actually. I've got art coursework in on Thursday. A ton of it.

Be back in a bit; dinner.

"Hmm.. Well, I don't know if I can tell you," he said, though unable to hide his smirk. "I mean, I think you'd be jealous of them because of how much I love them and how beautiful they are.."

Mmkay. :)

you always have so much art homework!

lol. So there's a Pokemon marathon on tv.

"I think you should tell me anyways." Avery laughed "Because I deserve to know."

Oh, you have no idea D: I'm bored stiff of doing it.

Wow xD Funnily enough, I've heard nothing of Pokemon for ages, but then I get to my cousin's house today and she says, "I've got the Pokemon theme tune on my iPod! I own!" And then we went and sang it xDDD

"Okay, well, I don't think you'll like it, and she won't if she finds out that I told you but.." he paused, chuckling, "She's called Avery French. And she's got the most amazing red hair and green eyes.. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, the most wonderful personality.. And I'm so in love with her."

D: I'm sorry!

wow. xD sounds like fun actually. In eighth grade, our whole PE class, the girls actually, sang the Team Rocket song.

"She's very lucky then, to be with someone like you." Avery replied with a giggle "I'm sure she loves you very much too."

I can't remember that one O:

"I know she does," he grinned. "She tells me all the time, even though she knows she doesn't need to. And I know I'm very lucky to have her. And I think I'll have to marry her as quickly as I--legally-- can so she can't get away from me, before she finds a guy more worthy of her love," he snickered.

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Uhm. Surrender now or prepare to fight. Blast off at the speed of light. Meowth that's right. I think that's part of it.

"I know that she would love to get married to you as soon as she possibly could." she smiled "Because it's the only way that you won't feel guilty when she pays for things, right?" She smirked slightly.

Ah, I remembered that bit after I posted, but no more. Shall YouTube it later :)

"Well, I don't know about that. Of course, that would make a huge difference, and definitely that is a problem that wouldn't be much of an issue it we did. But I would hope that she'd have more reason to marry me than that," he chuckled.

Haha. Okay. :) I know that one more than I know the theme.

"Of course she does. I told you that she loves you, didn't I? That alone should be enough." Avery smiled "Everything else is unnecessary. She just wants you."

I know all the words to the theme, even after not hearing it for about four years xD Well, the first series theme, anyway.

How's spring break going? :)

"I'm glad she feels that way," he said softly. "Because nothing else matters to me but her, and I'll always want her, need her and love her. And I hope she'll never forget that."

I know it starts with something about being the best. xD

oh, it's good. I just got my blood drawn so I'm in a not so happy mood. But whatever.

She moved, to kiss him quickly, then lay back down next to him. "I love you, baby." she smiled and ran her fingers through his hair.

You are correct =D

Ouch. That reminds me that I should be getting booster vaccines soon Dx

Brandon smiled gently, kissing her back while it has lasted. He held her closer than before afterwards and said, "I love you, too." He liked it when she called him baby, and also when she ran her fingers through his hair, which caused him to emit a soft.. almost purring sound.

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D: I hate shots and such. Today was really bad because she drew three test tubes. And you know how they cut off circulation to wherever they're drawing from? Well, my arm went all numb and I was freaking out because that didn't happen last times.

She smiled and lay there, staring up at the ceiling for a while. "Brandon, can I ask you a question?" She knew he wouldn't mind, and wondered why she had asked. She asked "I know you said that your other girlfriends were...you know. But, was there never really one? Who you ever loved before me? Or thought you loved?"

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Ohmy.. I can't even think about that.. I'd have probably ran out by then.. Three test tubes of my own blood would make me feel ill, and that's not even considering my arm going dead.

Brandon contemplated how to answer her question, and then said, seeming thoughtful, almost earnest in the way that he spoke, "I think that when you're a teenager, you feel a lot of pressure to tell the people you're going out with that you love them, because you don't really know what it really means, or what it should feel like. So I've told a few girls I loved them without really meaning it.." He paused for a moment. "There was one girl that I went out with. And things were a little different with her. She was actually the last girlfriend I had before.. What happened with my family. And before you, ultimately. And there was something about her, that I thought I felt something more. And I thought I had meant it whenI told her I loved her..

"But I realised that, when things went downhill, she didn't want to get involved with me, she was embarrassed, afraid. And that gave me time to reflect on all the time I'd spent with her, how I felt when I was with her. And none of it really meant anything. I thought I loved her, but I realised it was just me being a teenager.

"I know you're different, though, in case that worried you. I could have easily spent a day by myself without her, without thinking too much about her. I know I'm in love when there's a girl who I just can't stop thinking about. When the thought of her keeps me awake at night for all the right reasons. And there is something about how I feel whenever I see you, that I can't fully describe, while I could with her."

*breathe out* Wow, that's long.. xD

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That was long. xDD

yeah. Dead arm = Unhappy Diva

Avery knew exactly what he meant, because she had once felt the same way. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I wasn't worried. I know you love me as much as I love you. But, I am wondering why any girl would be embarrassed of you. Because, you're the best part of my life. And I can't understand why people wouldn't love you as much as I do."

But New Amp= Very Happy Tarryn =D

"As much as it hurt me at the time, I'm glad things turned out the way they had. We would have had to have ended it, anyway, long distance relationships don't last. And I met you instead. I don't know why she should have been embarrassed by what had happened, but I do know I don't need a girl like that," he said. "But I know need you,"

New amp? YAY!:) not that I know anything about amps, because they confuse me more than anything. xD but that's good.

It snowed again. D: this sucks, because on Friday it was really hot.

She turned over on her side to speak to him "I know. And I'll be here for long as you need me. I need you in the same way."

It sounds SO amazing <3

Wow, that's weird. I can't imagine it snowing here now, because it's been warm here, too. ):

"And likewise, I'm here for you. Always, because that's how long I'll need you for. Even when we're grey and old and can hardly get out of the armchairs, I'll be there," he smiled.

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