x.Chasing Sunshine


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Yeah. The twins said it was one of the best romance films ever. After Titanic.

I want to read the book though!:)

The Soloist..? I've never seen it.

"Well. It depends. I was just going to wear something more comfortable. And nothing too fancy. In case I fall into the canal or something." She laughed as she searched through her clothes.

The Notebook is better, but it was very good. It's funny, because Rachel McAdams was in both of them.

It's about a reporter who meets a homeless man in a park, and he's playing a violin with only two strings on it. It turned out that he actually went to Juillard, but dropped out, and there's the story of his past running alongside it ;how he learned to play the 'cello, and his home life, and then when he started hearing voices in his head while he was in Julliard, and it caused him so much trauma he dropped out. It then turned out that he had a skitsophrenic mind, and this caused him to not want to live in a house or be around lots of people. It's very sad, and there's a lot more to it than that. Very good.

Brandon chuckled and swapped the shirt he'd gotten for something a bit older. He smirked slightly, "In that case, I'd better wear something that I can get wet in case I have to come in after you."

Awwh. Now I want to see it.

She laughed and pulled out out a pair of older jeans. "That wouldn't be necessary, but if you wanted to, I wouldn't object."

You should :)

It's on DVD.

"Just in case," he chuckled, holding the t-shirt up as a sort of emphasis gesture. He changed quickly, and despite being in older clothes he still looked as good as ever, as he was sure she would, too.

I'll try. :)

I'm reading The Time Traveler's Wife.

She smiled at him and took off her shoes. She then moved on to her jeans and folded them neatly before putting on her other pair. "We can go for dinner whenever you're ready."

Nice :) good so far?

I just got to the most awful part of Wuthering Heights so far. I can't believe what just happened D:

Brandon finished changing into his other clothes and then put his shoes back on. He said, "We've got two options for dinner, we can eat here in the restaurant, or we can go and get some stuff and take it with us. Whichever you'd prefer."

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Yeah:) it's confusing at first, but after the first two parts, it makes sense.

Oohh. I haven't read that yet!

"I'd rather eat on land, actually." she replied "So I guess we can go down for dinner in a while."

The first part of the movie was confusing, too, but it all fits into place eventually.

It's actually amazing, I just can't believe what just happened. I was so happy just a page before and now.. I'm shocked.

"Okay, well, whenever you're ready we can get something," Brandon smiled.

Is it really sad? I hear it is. So I'm scared to finish.

Ahh. I want to know what happened but I don't want you to tell me because I want to read it. Ahh.

"Should we go in a bit? I'm not really hungry right now. Are you?" she asked him, as she pulled her legs up on to the bed.

It is sad, but it's quite and interesting end.

I wasn't planning on it. I can't wait to carry on, since I'm only halfway through so there must be more on the story that's been told so far.

"I can wait for as long as you like," he said. "I'm fine." He sat back down on the bed next to her. "And until then?"

Henry seems really creepy in the book. But at the same time sweet. Was the part about Clare's date in the movie?

So I'm assuming it's a good book.

She shrugged. "Whatever you want to do, since I'm picking when we're eating and where."

Well, I guess it would be creepy for a guy to go out with a girl who he's known since she was six.

What happens in it? There was a date, but it was brief.

Very good, actually.

"Oh, so you see the problem.. We can just.." He let himself fall back onto the bed completely. "Relax, I suppose."

It wasn't that. I didn't mind that at all. It was just his inclination to beat people up. :/ Henry totally beats up this guy Clare went out with on a date. It was because the guy hit her with his belt. But I don't believe in fighting fire with fire.

I should read it soon.

Sorry for being gone forever. ):

She leaned back, so that she too, was lying down next to him. "Relaxing sounds good."

Oh, he's nothing like that in the film :S

This book just continues to shock and make me sad. In a good way, of course.

That's alright, everyone's just left me anyway xD

He propped himself up slightly on one elbow, so he could look down at her a little. "I think this is a good opportunity to ask you.. What sorts of things I have to teach you to cook when we get home," he chuckled.

I really want to watch the movie. The book wasn't as sad as I expected. I barely shed a tear, except when Henry died, and I felt bad for Clare.

xD I'm sorry!

She thought about it for a few seconds, wondering what to say first. "I don't know." she said finally "Whatever's the easiest to learn." She laughed at her vague answer, but she really hadn't been thinking about what she would want to cook. She figured she should probably start with something simple.

Oh yeah, that was horrible ):

It's okay, I'm currently not myself anyway. I've had a certain man on my mind an awful lot at the moment; I have much to contemplate on about him..

He had to laugh a little, too. "Okay, I'll think up something. Maybe toast to start off with," he snickered. He then said, "Oh, but you do have to make up your mind for something, for when I cook for you first. You have to tell me your favourite meal. Or if you're so indecisive, an ingredient or something."

I didn't like Henry much. I loved Clare. I felt so bad for her.

Man in loose terms, or technical terms?

She was quiet again, thinking. She had never really had a favorite meal. "I like pasta." She said, somewhat hesitantly. She was silent for another few moments. "Okay. Yes. Something with pasta in it, then."

Yeah. I thought he was just selfish, to be honest.

Um, I'm not really sure what this man should be to apply to either of those terms. I have no idea what you mean. xD

"Pasta. Okay, I'll have to think up something amazing to do with pasta, then," he chuckled slightly. Personally, he thought pasta was both a boring and exciting food. One that required either traditional thinking or imagination. He thought about that, and then said, "I'll have to surprise you. Since I've got nothing right now."

I don't know why my friends loved him, honestly.

Well. Nevermind then. I guess my ways of thinking don't apply to everyone. xD

"I like surprises." She laughed again "So I'm fine with that idea." She looked up at him, smiling "This is just another thing to look forward to, you know? Cooking lessons with you."

If you tell me what the terms mean, I might be able to answer..? Maybe xD

"I hardly think that I'm worth getting excited about, particularly when cooking. But thank you," he laughed. "I personally just like the idea of spending yet more time with you for as much time and in as many ways as possible," he smiled.

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