x.Chasing Sunshine


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Woo! :) it's like a scrapbook-blog-social networking site.

She raised her eyebrows "Pretty reckless. But when..?" She glanced towards the canal, smiling at the idea.

It snowed! Six inches! I've never seen this much real snow in my life! It's beautiful.

And we get Friday off. And Monday was a teacher development day so I et a four day weekend! :D

"Sometime tonight, please. When there aren't many people out." she asked him. She glanced towards the canal again, obviously excited by the idea.

Woo! =DD

I'm so happy for you!

And I'm off on break, so it's all good.

"Sounds like a brilliant idea," he grinned at her. "We can get some dinner from the hotel buffet, and then head down to a mooring spot. Oh, and, don't worry, I do know what I'm doing with boats and such," he chuckled. "And then we'll go for a ride."


I'm so excited!

"That sounds great. And I wasn't worried about that, actually. I thought we could have figured it out." she grinned "What time is it? We should get to the hotel soon."

I'll bet. Six inches for someone who's barely seen even one inch... That must be amazing :L

Oh, and, I just got Tumblr :)

"It's just after five," Brandon, replied, checking his watch. "We can go back now, have some time to get ready, change and such, and by the time we've gotten dinner it'll be about the right time for us to head out."

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Oh really? Do you like it? I find it addictive. xD

"I guess we should find a cab. I don't know how to get there otherwise." She looked to the street, trying to see if she could find one.

It's cool. And so much better than Twitter.

"That's a good point; I have no idea where we are," he smiled. Searching for a road that looked more of a main street, they went through a small side street and came out to exactly that. So finding a taxi thereafter was easy business. He let her into the back of one first before getting in behind her.

I got so bored of Twitter! Now it usually gets updated when I make posts from my Tumblr app. :)

She got in and told the driver the name of the hotel they were staying at. Then she sat back, leaning slightly against Brandon.

Yeah. Twitter is just "write about what you're doing".. I got really bored of it.

Back later, I'm about to watch The Hangover.

Brandon wrapped an arm around her shoulders and sat quietly until they arrived at the hotel. They got up to their room, and he allowed himself to look excited once more. He was looking forward to doing something crazy.

Haha. Okay.

She smiled and sat down on the bed. She thought about changing into another pair of jeans, as the ones she was wearing was white and she didn't want to get them dirty. But she didn't change, or at least not for the time being.

Hmm.. Not as funny as people say it was supposed to be.

Brandon slipped his shoes off, simply to be more comfortable, and then came and sat next to her on the bed, kissing her on the cheek. "I'm really looking forward to this. Good idea, baby," he smiled.

Really? I was going to watch it but the summary sounded stupid to me, so I didn't.

"It wasn't my idea, really. Just a thought." she muttered, kissing along his collarbone. She wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him closer towards her.

Good. You didn't miss anything xD

"Well, it was a good thought, then," he said, smiling. He wrapped his arms around her, too, letting her just kiss him for the meantime, before he kissed her on the lips.

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You know what's worth watching? A Very Potter Musical. It's hilarious!:) but only if you like the series, because I don't think anyone can appreciate the satirical attitude otherwise.

Avery would have replied, had he not kissed her. She kissed him back, a little bit more eagerly than usual. What she liked about being alone with him was that she didn't have to hold back.

I don't think I'm enough of a fan anymore. I mean, I used to love Harry Potter, but now not so much.

My favourite movies mainly consist of Studio Ghibli anime films. I got two for Christmas, and I was so happy =D

Brandon gently pulled her into his lap. Taking note of how she was kissing him, he matched it, having been a bit gentler before then. He would have agreed that he enjoyed being alone with her for the same reasons.

Ahah. I recently lapsed back into obsession phase after watching the musical. It's funny, because of...Draco. And also how the characters are so flawed because everyone's personality is basically just an exaggerated version of their book flaws. O:

I can't pick one movie...maybe Moulin Rouge. Or Breakfast At Tiffany's. Or 10 Things I Hate About You. Or My Fair Lady. aaaahhhh.

She was running out of breath, but kept kissing him for as long as she could manage. Finally, though, she pulled away from him and rested her head against his chest. After she had caught her breath, she smiled and said "I love you, Brandon."

I also really loved Avatar, actually. I was expecting it to be way overrated, but it was brilliant. There's also Grease, Dirty Dancing, Ghost, The Notebook and Notting Hill <3

Ah, Breakfast at Tiffany's. I think I told you about the book In Cold Blood? It's by the same guy who wrote the book Breakfast at Tiffany's.

"I love you, too, Avery. So much," Brandon said, running his fingers through her hair affectionately. "I've had a wonderful time, by the way. Just so you know that."

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Avatar's plot was so-so. Typical romance. But the visuals were stunning:) I heard Tge Time Traveler's Wife was reallllyy good.

uhm. It sounds familiar but at the moment I can't remember exactly... D:

"So have I. Every second has been great." She kissed his cheek once more before getting up "So I should probably change if we're going out tonight."

I actually watched The Time Traveller's Wife this afternoon. It was sad, but really, really good. OH. And The Soloist was really amazing, too. But also sad.

"I think I should, too," he chuckled, also getting off of the bed and looking through his clothes. He picked out something and then asked her, "Are you dressing up and therefore I'm not allowed to see you until you're done..? or not?"

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