x.Chasing Sunshine


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:D YAY! :) Our first chorus number is already rehearsed, so I hear. It's "The Telephone Hour" and my favorite song in the whole show.

Talent show went reaally well. <3 Even with our one day of rehearsal. xDD

She laughed "Of course not. I wouldn't make you stay at another hotel if you preferred our apartment. I mean, their isn't much furniture left there -- just some of our big couches and stuff, but I'm pretty sure we have a guest room or two available. I'm excited too. I can't wait for you to see the city."

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Awesome =D

Ack. I had a maths exam today. But I'm sure I did just fine. The first paper was really easy.

Brandon smiled. "I'd offer to pay for a hotel if you'd rather, but, I can't, since I have to save for a trip to London for us. And we won't be able to stay in my old house. I wouldn't let you near it," he said to her. "I've always wanted to go to New York, you know. I thought about actually moving there once I was done with university. But I'm not sure. Just a visit will be great for now."

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That's good!:) personally, I'm no good at math. Hahaa.

"I'd rather you stay at our home, if we had the choice." She didn't say much about London, though. "You don't have to make your decision to move anytime soon, though. We have a couple more years before that."

I like it, actually, despite my crappy teacher xD

"I know, I don't think about it anymore, I don't want to. I just thought a lot about getting away from all of it when I lived in London. And, now, it's funny, because sometimes I think to myself that I wish I could still be there--except for the fact that you wouldn't be, so I wouldn't ever want to be a place where you're not. I never realised how much I loved London until I left it."

Ahah. I had a bad teacher last year, but my teacher this year is great.

"If you ever wanted to go back there permanently, I would be more than happy to go with you. I don't mind New York, but I've told you before, it doesn't hold much interest for me." Avery smiled "It sounds like I'd like it there, actually."

Unfortunatley I get the same teachers until the end of next school year when my GCSEs are done. Wonderful.

OH MY. The dance we just did for Green Eggs and Ham was INSANE. If we can pull it off, though, it'll be amazing. The worst part is singing along while dancing, and we haven't even gotten that far yet.

Set looks great, too though. Our bridge is finally up =D

"Well, like you said, we have a few years to think about it. When we're out of Uni.. College, I mean, we'll have some time to decide. We don't even have to live in either New York or London. Just somewhere that's not as remote as where we live now," he chuckled.

Awh. I would hate having some of my teachers again. Well, I have my French teacher again. I don't like her. :/

What did you have to do? xD

"We call it university here too." She laughed slightly when he corrected himself "Anyway, I don't mind where we live. As long as it's in a city or very close to a city. That's the only thing I want, at the moment."

I don't like my current French teacher, either, so that's not great, either.

Don't get me started on the full routine, I'll write about it when I have time xD

It was funny watching everyone trying to do the running man, though. Apparently, men aren't capable of moving the opposite hand to their leg.

Oh, and I fell over while doing the grapevines xDDD

"I'll agree with you on that one," Brandon nodded. He chuckled, "Oh, I see. So why can't you guys just call it that all the time? I mean, college is something completely different in England."

My French teacher lectures us about how we never get anything done. But really, it's because she goes on about how we're so behind and reteaches EVERYTHING. We learn the same thing for weeks. And also she goes on about her hair and her shoes. :/

You must videotape this dance at a dress rehearsal!

She giggled, realizing how different their countries were. "A university here is made up of many colleges. Like at one university there can be a college for music and one of medicine and another for law."

Our teacher is just.. Bad, in general. I think she thinks I'm worse than I actually am, or that I don't get any work done sometimes xD

"A college in England is for sixteen, seventeen and eighteen year-olds. So, instead of going to a high school to complete the last two years of school, you go to a strictly sixth-form college. Or once you get to sixteen, you can work, but that's going to stop soon. A University is like that there, too. Lots of areas of study in one, and I suppose we do call strictly Music or Art schools colleges, so I sort of see where it comes from."

Yeah. I think I'm actually doing my homework in that class. For now, at least.

She nodded, trying to wrap her head around it. Of course, it didn't make much sense to her but it wasn't hard to understand. "That's a lot different from what I'm used to." she replied.

No. Not really.

"I guess. But it won't be too confusing. Just one more year of high school, then college." Avery nodded her head. She glanced around at the stores around them. She hadn't noticed them, being too busy talking to him.

So, you just don't that often?

Brandon nodded and said, "Okay, so that would make us seniors, right?" He'd never understood the whole 'freshman, sophomore, junior, senior' thing. "Oh, and, have you seen anything?"

Basically. I procastinate too much.

"Yes, we're seniors." She answered his first question, but to his second, she shook her head "Nothing yet. What about you?

I can't afford to. Half of my homework contributes towards my grades ):

"Oh, I see. And is that 12th or 13th grade?" he asked. In reply to her question, he said, "I think I've been too focussed on the conversation." He chuckled quietly.

Ohwow. O: yeah, homework doesn't count in math. And in English and chem it's like 25% combined with tests and stuff. In whap, reading is our only homework.

"Twelveth. We don't have a thirteenth here. You graduate and you're done." she smiled "Yes, so have I. It's interesting. I didn't know the UK and America were this different."

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Ours generally counts for much more than that in English. Art is, like, all homework D:

"Oh, well, year thirteen is therefore the same as twelfth grade, then. That's really what confuses me. I mean, we all start at the same year so why is it that we go to thirteen?" he chuckled. "Schools are different, but I'm not sure how different everything else is."

I fail at art. D:

"I don't think it'll be too hard for you to adjust, though. You'll be fine." Avery said "I can't wait to go there and see it for myself. Then I'd know just how different they are."

I love it :) Between music and art, my life is completed <3

"It's not so confusing that I won't be able to cope, I mean, I don't have to think about what it is I'm doing, what grade I'm in or whatever, it's just going to school, I suppose," Brandon agreed. He smiled, "I'm glad you're looking forward to it so much. I'm just thinking about when to go, really. What holidays do you get between summer and Christmas?"

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