x.Chasing Sunshine


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you should totally get a snow day. :D those sound like they would be fun.

We only got off school once: when the roads were iced. xD

"I guess that's probably why I'm excited about going to London." she replied "But still, I can't wait for you to see New York either. I know you'll love it there."

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Snow day!

It didn't snow at all where I lived, but in the next town on, they had at least, because they're at the top of the hill. That's the main route to my school. All of the buses were also cancelled and the roads were iced. Police were turning people back. So, school cancelled. And I just looked out of the window. You should see how much snow there is!

"I'm not sure whether London can really compare. It's a beautiful city-- more than people realise--, but New York.. My aunt and uncle have been there, and they said how amazing it was. Still, we also have Venice to explore. It's been a great summer so far."

OOH.:) That's awesome. I wish it snowed a lot here.

Is it still there?

"It would be a great summer even if we hadn't come her." She amiled "I would have met you, and that alone made my summer perfect."

Yeah. A little. More in the town where my school is than here. But I'm off again =D

"Of course it would. Just everything about being with you has made it the best summer I've ever had. Like I said yesterday, it's wonderful here, but totally unecessary in the sense that I never needed to be anywhere else as long as I had you," he agreed.

Oh my goodness. I haven't been on in a while. Things have been hectic here. And I've only found time for Facebook in the early mornings. ):


But I'm home sick today.

She nodded in agreement "That's exactly what I was thinking. I would be happy, just as long as I had you."

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That's quite alright, I've been busy myself, braving the snow, rehearsals. It's three weeks 'till show time.

Get well soon!

"Well, I promise that you will always have me," he smiled at her. "In case you didn't know that already, at which I'd be very surprised."

Oh wow. O:

Is your last week going to be late nights, etc. ?

"Good." She smiled "I will always want you. For as long as I live. And I did know that, by the way"

Yup. Well, I'm in from 10 until 5 tomorrow, and then the whole day off school for rehearsals next Friday, then Saturday and Sunday 10-5, then another whole day of rehearsald on the Monday after.

Then it's a dress rehearsal on Wednesday 3rd until 10:30 pm, and then shows until 11:30 until the sixth, with a matinee and an afterparty on Saturday. :L

"I thought you would, in the same way I knew what you'd just told me," he replied. The waiter came and took their plates away and then Brandon asked, "Anything else for you?"

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Oh wow. O: you guys have more weekend rehearsals than we do.

"No, thank you. I'm full." She replied, smiling, before continuing their conversation "I know by now that you'd love me forever."

I had one before Christmas, too xD

Brandon smiled. "I could only hope so, baby." The waiter came back with the bill and he put down enough money for the food plus a tip. He then stood up and offered his hand to her. "So, we actually decided on something, and that was to explore a little, correct?"

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Wow. We only have one, usually two weeks before the show.

I'M SO EXCITED! I get to do lights for talent show! :D

She stood up and took his hand. "Of course. I'm looking forward to that." Avery nodded and lead him outside.

We need the rehearsals. People have been so lazy this time around. The Whos.. Oh, God, we're screwed. I reckon I'll be the only one people will be able to hear at this rate D:

Woo! Another thing we don't have! ):

Congrats, though =D

On remembering he had promised to be more spontaneous, he didn't think too much about which way to turn after leaving the pub. He said, "Just shout if you see anything, okay? And I'm okay with shops, too, if you see one you like," he chuckled.

..hear? Why?

Yeah, Harris will get very pi**ed at you if you don't bother to do anything here.

I'm so excited, because I've always wanted to do lights like soooo badly. :D I only get to do them because Emily, who always does lights, is doing sound this time and she "taught" me how to put in cues.

She nodded, scanning the streets. There were many different shops, but nothing that seemed to interest her. "Do you see anything you like?" She asked Brandon.

Because noone else either knows the words, can sing high enough or loud enough to be heard. And we don't get mics.

Ahh well, that's still awesome :)

He shook his head. "I like clothes, but I only shop for them when I feel like I need something to wear. Right now, I think I'm okay. Besides, I also would assume buying anything new that covers my torso is virtually pointless as it wouldn't stay on me for a whole day, anyway," he snickered.

Ohhh. D: that's not good. But yeah, only the leads get mics for musical. For our first show though, we had like 12 mics revolving around everyone with a speaking role.

"You're absolutely correct." she laughed and smiled to herself "Well, I really haven't found anything that I might like to look into yet, either."

We made progress with it yesterday, though.

And the leads are just amazing <3

"Well, I'm just happy to stroll along until we find somewhere. It's nice just to be with you, and in such a beautiful setting," he said, continuing down the wide plaza street.



Seriously though. I'm glad your rehearsal went well. Things should probably pull themselves together in time for the shows. xD

"I'm more than happy with that option." She nodded in agreement to what he had said "Like I said before, I don't care where I am with you or what I'm doing with you -- just as long as I'm with you."

I heard so xD

Yeah, I reckon so. I'm really excited right now :)

"Likewise, as you know," Brandon said, pulling her closer to his side. As they took a slow walk, he asked, whilst still on the lookout for somewhere to go, "So, what's good to see in New York?"

:) shows ate always exciting. Especially during the show and the hours before it.

She smiled and gave his hand a slight squeeze. "I do want to show you my apartment. My mom couldn't sell it. Besides, they were planning to move back once we were done with high school. I want to take you to Centeral Park as well. And we can go sightseeing if you want. There's the Statue of Liberty. And if you want to buy anything, there's more shops than I can remember."

When everyone's lined up and ready to go on for the opening number, that's the most exciting part :)

"Well, I mean, unless you insist on spending more than you should and also making me feel even more guilty, it's a place to stay," Brandon said. He smiled as her list continued, it sounded like a wonderful trip. "I'm really excited, you know. It's going to be great."

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