x.Chasing Sunshine


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Okay, the ending of the Single Ladies one had to be one of my favorite endings, apart from the ending of the last one and of Wheels. :D

"Maybe you can teach me and one day I'll be able to cook a proper meal." she smiled back at him "We usually had enough snacks lying around the house when we were younger, and as we got older, we just went out to eat."

Okay, I'll remember to look out for it :)

"Sure. I'd like that," he smiled. "You could tell me your favourite food or dish-- or more than one-- and I'll teach you how to make them. So at least you'll know if you have to cook something for yourself out of the blue, it'll be something you really like."

You can't miss it. xD

I'm watching Little Miss Sunshine -- it's interesting, to say the least.

"I would love that." she grinned "I don't think I've ever been so excited about cooking something. Thank you." She took another bite of her food. She was almost done now.

I think I've seen that.. Maybe.. I can't remember xD

"You're welcome, I suppose," he chuckled. "Just call me after we've gotten back and we can arrange it. I'll have to cook you something first, though, I think, so you can still judge on whether you want me to teach you."

It's hilarious. And just cute. xD

"I'm sure you're a great cook. I have no doubt in that." She replied "If you've cooked so many times, you have to be a good cook. Besides, you're absolutely perfect and there is nothing that you can't do."

What's it about? Or should I just Google it? xD

"Oh, well. Just to enjoy yourself for one night before I teach you, then." He laughed, "It's nice to hear you think so highly of me, Avery. But I assure you, there are things I can't do."


This super insane family. The grandpa snorts heroin and is obsessed with sex. The dad is like this inspirational speaker. The son won't speak. The uncle attempts to commit suicide. And the 7 year old girl wants to enter this Little Miss Sunshine beauty contest. So they drive from New Mexico to California with a crapload of mishaps on the way.

"Like what?" she asked, after finishing her food "I think if you tried hard enough, you could do anything."

Nope, I haven't seen that. Definitely not. xD

"I suppose trying to prove you wrong would be a lost cause, because I don't honestly know what I'm capable of. I just don't think I'd be able to do absolutely anything.." he said thoughtfully.

It's HILARIOUS. xDD one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I don't think it should be rated R though. It's not that bad.

I also saw Avatar today..yesterday? In 3D. It was pretty good.

"Well, I think you can." She laughed. Her voice had a tone to it -- as if she was telling him not to disagree with her. She took a sip of her drink, waiting to see what he would say.

Ah, that's probably why I haven't seen it then.

I've heard it's good from a lot of people. I'd like to go see it with friends, because my mum doesn't want to see it.

He raised his eyebrows slightly. He felt he knew women well enough now that when they spoke like that, arguing was not a good plan. "Well, then, that's all that really matters. I would do anything for you, certainly."

There's just...cussing, really.

It's not bad. The plot is pretty cliche, but the effects are amazing. :D 3D isn't worth it though, because it's not one of tose movies that was meant to be a 3D movie, if that makes any sense.

She smiled "Just like I would do absolutely anything for you. I can't think of anything, at all, that I wouldn't do for you."

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I don't like watching 3D movies anyway. My eyes hurt and I get a headache D:

"I know." He leaned across the table and gave her a peck on the lips. "I love you," he said softly, and then sat back again.

Awh. That happens to me sometimes, and I have to watch without the glasses for a while. But not this time, so I was happy about that.

I have to say that I'm most excited for Alice In Wonderland (also 3D wooo) and Toy Story 3 this year. :D

"I love you too." she smiled back at him. She was silent for a few seconds before asking "So am I allowed to take you to New York when we're done in Venice?"

I haven't heard about the Alice and Wonderland film yet. I'm still waiting to see Nine D:

He smiled back and said, "I promise to take you to London very soon, too. But I would love for you to take me to New York when we're done here."


everything comes out kinda late for you guys...doesn't it? D:

eeek. School starts tomorrow.

Her smile widened "I can't wait to take you there and show you everything. I can't wait to go to London with you either."

Everything does! ):

Just be thankful you didn't go back today D:

"I'll definitely take you. I just need time away from it right now. When I'm ready to go, I'll get tickets," he said. "I really think you'll like it. And I'm very excited about New York. I can't wait to see it."

Oh ew. I would have HATED to go back to school today. Not that I want to go tomorrow. D:

"I think you'll like it." She nodded "And you should meet all of my friends as well. They would like you."

I'm glad you did. :D

I don't want to go though. :/

"Okay." She said cheerfully "I'd like that. I'm excited now -- to meet all of your friends, and to see London."

Yeah D:

Snow is coming, I just know it!

And I looked at the news; Around 20cm tonight. It's about to kick off, soon =DD

"I'm excited about taking you there. But I'm more excited about New York, since we're going soon, and because I've never been," he agreed, smiling happily.

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