x.Chasing Sunshine


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In general, things were kind of downhill. Relationships, my confidence, most things.

<3333 I love that movie. LOVE IT. ADORE IT. <3 We're either gonna be Diamond Dogs or Disney Princess for Halloween. xDD

She smiled, nodding. "I kind of like that we've never had an actual fight before, though."

Awh D:

Um. Ewan McGregor put me off so much. And I didn't really like the whole using other people's songs. We all loved 'Like a Virgin', though. So, so funny xD

"I'd hate to fight with you," he agreed. "I hate fighting anyway. But with you.. I don't even know if I could. I'm afraid of hurting you."

Reallly? I loved Ewan. <3 Like A Virgin was freaking hilarious. The only one I didn't like too much was The Sound of Music. It could have been done better. And there's an awkward version of Nature Boy. I loved Elephant Love Medley though. <3

Ahah. I don't know how much you'd like Glee now. xD

She smiled slightly "You could never hurt me. At least, I don't think you could. I love you too much--I'd just overlook it."

No, I like Glee. And, it's different to how Moulin Rouge did their songs. I'll rephrase it; some of the songs were awkward because they were sung in a bad way compared to the original.

I really liked the storyline, though.

"You don't know until it happens. Which I'm hoping it won't. If I ever hurt you, it would hurt me just as much afterwards."

Ahh. I thought you didn't like the fact that they covered other songs. xD The ending makes me cry everytime I see it.

I want you to finish watching Glee like now, because the ending of the first 13 is so good. O:

"Still, I don't think it can happen." Avery insisted, taking another sip of her drink "I can't even imagine you ever hurting me."

It hasn't started yet Dx

"I hope not," he nodded. "I'd certainly never do it intentionally." He sipped his drink once more before pushing it away from him slightly, saving the rest for when the food came, which was a few minutes later.


Darn. Do you know if the back nine will start in April for you guys as well?

When the food came, she figured it would be a good time to end the conversation. "This is really good." she smiled, after taking a bite of her food.

No idea. Knowing Britain, probably not. D:

"It's British. Of course it's good," he joked, tucking into his own. It was better than a lot of the London pubs he'd ever been to, and cheaper, he'd noted. Continuing, he said, "The only thing I must admit I like better are American girls." He smiled.

Awh, fail. I still wished they hadn't separated the season, though I can see why they did.

"Well, thaf's good." she said after finishing her bite "I'd be very confused if you didn't." Even after a few bites, it was obvious that the food here was better than at many of the places she had eaten at before.

We probably won't get it until something stupid like August or September time.

"That is, of course, based on the judgement that you are a stereotypical, perfect example of an American girl. Considering I haven't really confided in any others," Brandon chuckled, eating some more food before continuing. "Only, I'm sure that it's a bad judgement. I can't believe there are other girls like you out there."

Awwh. That pretty much sucks. D:

She smiled "I could say the exact same thing about you, baby. I love you." Her smile widened, and she took another bite.

Yup. But I saw the adverts for the series. I got excited. Very excited. I yelled "GLEE!" through the house whilst eating dinner, and my parents were only in the same room xD

"Thank you. I love you, too, baby. But you know that anyway." He took a few more bites of his food. "Can I offer you anything from my plate?" he chuckled.


My parents didn't know I watched Glee until my mom was looking through my wall on FB and my friend had posted about Kurt's gayness and his need of a boyfriend. And she was like "What is this?"

And I was like "Glee." And she asked me what it was about since her friend mentioned it or something.

"Sure, why not." She laughed, and took another bite, before opening her mouth, so he could feed her.

Haha. Kurt is so funny xD

My Mum's looking forward to it, actually. We like these kinds of shows.

He smiled and put a small piece of everything on his plate onto his fork, and then held it out to her until she was close enough to eat it.

DON'T SAY THAT. xD he's my favorite. <3 like his gay moments are seriously the most heartfelt, touching moments of the show. You'll see when you watch. But he's sweet. <33

She took the bite. "This is good too." she nodded, after finishing it "I'm kind of jealous. You grew up on better food than I did." She laughed.

I didn't mean it in a bad way. I like him :) Would I, of all people, not like gay men most of all? xD I have a gay best friend, actually. But I miss him. He's gone to Uni Dx

"I think the people who just learned to cook the classic, homely kind of dishes are the best chefs. I don't have time for guys who put.. For instance, sugar coated flowers or whatever on their salads to make it look pretty.. So that's why I like pubs," he smiled. "Well, why everyone in Britain likes pubs." He took another bite of his.

xD Chris Colfer is gay in real life too, which makes me sad, seeing as he's only five years older than me. <3

I honestly love him like soooo much. I have a couple of gay friends actually. :)

"My mom didn't actually cook meals often." Avery smiled "I like these too. I wish I had been to a couple of them before now."

I don't think he's hot, though. So I can't agree with you.

He kind of had to be, though. It'd be a brave straight guy who dances in a leotard to Single Ladies like he did xD

"My parents loved cooking. My parents loved everything, actually. Whatever one of us kids were into, they'd be in there with us," he said, pushing his remaining food around his plate thoughtfully before eating it. "I'll cook you something sometime. You can stay over or something. Isabella and James won't mind."

Not hot. More like so adorable, you just want to squeeze him. xDD

Oh are you really that far in? xD

"Really?" she asked "I would love that. I've cookied before actually, but I wouldn't say that in any of those experiences, the food actually tasted good. I can't really make anything more complicated than some pasta."

Haha, I get that xD

No, I just saw it on the advert xDD

He chuckled. "Oh, well, I won't expect you to return the favour, in that case," he smiled at her. "I cooked a lot at home, if my parents were working. So I guess it's just down to having to practise."

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