x.Chasing Sunshine


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Apparently on old privacy settings, not letting somebody see your status translates to they can't see half your wall page on new privacy settings. xD

The many headed monster in Hercules always scares me.

"We could just look around the city, instead of going somewhere." She suggested, taking another sip of her drink "Or go back to the hotel and relax. Whatever you prefer. I don't mind anything."

Oh, cool. Well, I generally don't mention TT on FB at all unless someone brings it up first, so you should be safe xD

That was sort of random.. :L

"I suppose taking a look around could be quite nice," he said. "We just have to make sure we've got things left to do for the rest of the trip."

Woah. Your brightness is gone. O:

It wasn't random to me as I was watching it at the time. Haa.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out." she replied "There's probably more to do here than we can think of right now."

I know. It's all a bit too black, isn't it?

Oh. Fair enough xD

"It's just because we're indecisive," he agreed with a chuckle. "If we take a look around, we can see what's here, so then we'll know what to do for the rest of the week. How does that sound?"

I think you should add some color. It's a big change from your rainbow words. xD

"That sounds like a good idea." she nodded, taking another sip "We can figure out what else we want to do."

I'll get around to it. I just can't right now 'cause I'm on the wii.

Brandon smiled as if amused by something, "Great! So we've decided on something, at least," he chuckled, sipping at his drink. "Spontanaeity can be a good thing, too, though, instead of planning ahead."

Ohh. xD We still haven't set up interent connection on ours.

I learnt how to scrapbook yesterday. T'was fun. We only had five pages though, which was sad. D:

"It would be good sometimes. If only we could make quick decisions." She laughed "I guess that's just another thing for us to work on."

I use mine all the time. It's a godsend xD

Is there a special art to scrapbooking?

"We've been spontaneous," he protested. "The fact that we even went out for a walk shortly after meeting was a spur of the moment thing. There was also deciding to go to the beach along the way to the restaurant. This trip was thought up pretty much out of nowhere," he continued. "But, you're right in that we haven't been particularly good at it lately."

Not really. xD

You just organize pictures in a pretty way and put stickers on the page. Colleen made like three amazing pages during Beauty and the Beast. In that time, Katelyn and I had just finished one.

And then we made our third, while Colleen glitter glued the rest. xD

She smiled "You're right." she agreed "Maybe we're just having an off day. Or maybe that day was just a very spontaneous day, because everything you mentioned was thought up on that day."

I was pretty sure that was all there is to it. Sounds like fun, though :)

"Yeah. That's true. Okay, well.. Eating cake for breakfast one morning at my house was one.. I've got another one, but if I mention it, we'll go onto another point we discussed earlier."

It was. It was basically stickers--3D stickers, too--and pictures and glue and the three of us and Gaston. His song and Belle's song and Be Our Guest are the only parts I remember watching.

She looked at him, laughing softly "When will you mention it, if not now?"

I used to watch it all the time when I was younger.

She shook her head. "Maybe I'll realize it when I believe that you can handle it." she replied.

Oliver and Company was what I watched constantly xD

"Hence why I didn't want to get into it too much. Because then you know I'm not thinking about it and therefore handling it just fine. But by talking about it, you can fairly assume I'm thinking about it, and voicing those thoughts, because I'm not handling it very well. Which isn't the case. I'm out to prove you wrong. And I'll sleep on the floor or whatever it takes for you to believe it." He laughed after finishing. It had sounded like one of those crazy moments where someone is thinking too much about something and talks about it very quickly. Which was his intention.

I saw that once. It was adorable, but the ending was scary.

She found it slightly funny to hear him go on about this, but she said nothing about that. "You don't have to sleep on the floor." she replied, smiling.

I love it <3

He chuckled, "Okay then." He paused, before saying, "What amuses me is that you haven't asked why it even matters, because I only just worked that out myself about five seconds ago," he laughed. "I'm not really taking it as seriously as my rambling would make it seem, by the way. In fact, I thought we weren't even going to get onto this."

When I was really little, I would apparently watch Toy Story every day. xD

Happy New Year <3

She laughed again "I didn't think you were actually being serious until, like you said, five seconds ago." she admitted, taking another sp of her drink "I had thought you were just joking."

O: Me, too!

Happy New Year to you, too <3

"Well, yeah. It was five seconds ago that I realised that it doesn't actually matter at all," he laughed. "It's just fun to fight with you sometimes because we've never had a real one."

This year will be bittersweet. I'm just glad ohnine is over.

"That's true." She nodded in a agreement "I can't tell if it's bad or a good thing to have never fought so far. I think it's a bit or both, though."

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