x.Chasing Sunshine


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Yes.:) that would be her.

"I love you too." she smiled, kissing his cheek "And I could say that you too are an amazing kisser. The only thing bad about this is that I can't hug you properly." She laughed.

I love her voice. <3

I just adopted a baby squid on Happy Aquarium. It's soo adorable. :D

"That's a hard decision." she giggled softly "But I think you can put me down now so that I can hug you."

It's very addicting. xD I could never get the hang of Farmville.

She held him tightly to her, her head resting on his chest. She was smiling, though he probably couldn't see it. "I love you." she told him again.

Everyone at my school loves FarmVille. It's scary xD

He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, too." He didn't mind hearing her tell him again, nor did he mind telling her. He loved to hear it and to say it, and excuse. "Always."

I don't get why it's so awesome! xD It makes absolutely NO sense.

Her smile widened and she held him even more tightly. "I'll always love you too. Forever." she sighed contentedly.

I KNOW! Farmville gives me no pleasure. xD

He held her for an endless moment-- well, it seemed that way. Then he said, "You make me lose all chain of thought. I can barely remember where we're supposed tobe headed."

I play Happy Aquarium because the fish are just adorable. And my friend adopted a baby penguin..and it's like my goal to get one. O:

And I jsut started playing Happy Pets and my puppies are soo sweet. lol.

In Farmville...you just like...plant stuff.

She thought back to when the cab had dropped them off. "A palace...I think?" She shrugged slightly "I think it was a palace."

Haha, I suppose I may just have to try it at some point.

These guys on my bus were talking about Farmville and one said, "Ohmygod, I worked out how to get calves from cows! You put a bull in with your cows in your dairy." I couldn't help but laugh, he said it like it was a profound discovery. I don't play and I could have worked that one out.

"Oh yes, I remember now.. Doge's Palace?" He looked towards where he reckoned they'd been headed. "Walk or be carried, love?"

HAHAHA. That's something I would sit there and laugh at for a good five minues...

"I can walk if you're getting tired of carrying me. I doubt I'm light enough for anyone to carry for too long." she laughed softly as she said that.

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I pointed it out and he tried to prove me otherwise, but he failed and it showed in his face xD

"You've seen my upper body physique many times now, Avery. Don't you think I'm capable of carrying you? Must I go to the gym more often?" he laughed, swiftly picking her up again.

Awwh. Poor kid. xD

She poked her tongue out at him. "I'm so sorry for underestimating you." she smirked.

REALLY? :) That's awesome! It doesn't snow here often.

"Fine. I don't care." she lied, giggling slightly "Why would it matter to me is I was allowed to see it or not?"

And it's sticking =D

"Well, you can answer that better than me. You're always taking my shirt off whenever you see a good chance," he chuckled. "And it also means that nothing even mildly related to what happened last night can't happen again."

Awwh. Lucky. Our snow doesn't last till noon. D: It's pretty warm for winter break...

"I can probably take it better than you can." she replied with a laugh "I might not like it, but I bet I can handle it better than you can."

It's been the coldest winter I've ever experienced.

It wasn't a hell of a lot, though. Had it been daytime, it probably would have melted in a few hours.

"I can control myself enough that I take your shirt off at any given moment, first off," Brandon said. "But you're probably right, men are heavily disadvantaged in that sort if bet. It isn't my fault. Still, I'll survive. I am a modern gentleman and I will live with it."

Awh. D:

Texas weather is disagreeable. And moody. I hate it.

Avery smiled "If you say so." she laughed "We'll have to see about that once we get back to the hotel."

It rained for ninety days straight here since November up until around now. Can you believe that? Ninety freaking days!

"I can just see you trying to make it hell for me. But I shall resist, just to annoy you. I know women can't stand being wrong," he smirked at her.

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