x.Chasing Sunshine


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Oh my gosh. How do you stand that? D: Three days of rain kills us here.

"We'll see." she repeated. She could see the palace coming into view now. It was probably the most elaborate building she could see.

I honestly don't know how I stayed sane. It was a close call. xD

"We will," he said. He continued carrying her until they reached the door of the palace, where he set her down, holding the door open for her.

Ninety days. D:

The fact that we're on page 69 makes me laugh. xD

"Thank you." she smiled as she entered the building. It was even prettier on the inside than it was on the outside. The architecture was so intricate. "Wow." she said softly, as she looked around the room they were in.

Maybe I'm missing something..?

Wait, no, I think I get you, but please elaborate. xD

"It's very beautiful," he agreed, glancing around, then paying particular attention to things like the ornate ceilings and floor.

I don't know how to elaborate on a sex joke!


She looked up at the ceiling, amazed at all of the minute details. It must have taken ages. "It's amazing." she replied "Everything looks gorgeous. I can't imagine how much time it would take to do this."

OH! Was Glee on for you yesterday? :)

Was it the second---Showmance?

I can't wait for you to see the fourth one, Preggers. That's when some of the main plot lines form..

Well, apart from the Cheerios vs. Glee club stuff. xD

OH. And Preggers is when you will start to ADORE Kurt. <3 And then it will only grow in Wheels. :)

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Haha, that's all you had to say.

CRAP I missed it. Oh, wait, it's cause I was watching Shrek the Halls. DAM.N

"I know.. I mean, who would have the patience to spend years of their life doing that?" He shook his head in astonishment. "I guess it's when people marvel at it is what makes it all worthwhile.."

Awwh. I wouldn't say the second was one of the best, but it had funny quotes. ;)

I swear I've spent the last hour looking at pictures of shitbrix. O:

She nodded in agreement "I wonder if people who created these things knew that people would one day stare at their creations in awe."

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OH! Last week's episode was only a teaser thing. The series only starts in the new year =D

Shitbrix xDD I love those.

"Maybe they thought only rich people we get to see it, and they wouldn't be too bothered by it. But, then, maybe they did. Who knows?" He said thoughtfully.

Awh. D: Let me know when they start showing it. And if I talk to you about, I'm not gunna say a lot because everything's kind of jumbled up in my head and I don't want to give anything away. D:

I found them yesterday on TC. And then from like 3 to 4:30, Michaela and I were on MSN looking and them. And then she went through and thried to find some shitbrix moments in her old pictures. We found two. xDD

She looked around the room once more then asked "Should we move on, love? Or are you still looking?"


....today is proof of how much I despise Tecas weather... yesterday was hot. 75, but in Farenheit. So according to this converter... 23.888 Celcius. So a nic day in early fall / late spring.

And now, it's supposed to snow at 2 PM till 7 PM. And it's 32 F / 0 C.


I'm groggy. My mom woke me up after 4 hours of sleep.

She entered the next room and she could tell from one glance around that it was just as beautiful as the last.

The designs were different, though. She spent her time looking at them, and comparing them to the ones in the last room.

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Wow. That's weird. 23ºC is like summer weather for us.

Ew. Four hours D: I feel for you.

Brandon glanced around the next room. It was clear the building itself had been designed by just one architect, and the decoration by the same artist, yet it looked so different to the last.

Our weather is bipolar. D:

i'm actually fine now. xD I can get by just fine.

She was surprised by how different this room was. The style was the same, but otherwise the room was completely different. She reached for his hand and puled him closer to her when she was finished with the room.

I don't know how you manage staying awake on just four hours of sleep.. It's crazy.

He squeezed her hand and lead her through some of the other rooms, stopping at each to marvel at them, of course. "It's amazing in here," he said. "Like, all of it is beautiful."

xDD Practice? I'm trying to fall back asleep. I'm being forced to stay up tonight. It isn't working.

"I know." she agreed "It's amazing. I don't think I've seen anything like this before."

Yeah, my sister's making me. She wants to see Santa Claus, even though she knows very well who it is. D:

It started snowing about maybe forty five minutes ago? There's not a lot yet, but it's mesmerizing to watch.

"That's true." Avery nodded "It means more to see it in person, too. I wouldn't have realized how beautiful it is if I had just seen pictures."

10. I'm tempted to say no and like rope my door shut since it has no lock.

It's pretty. :D

After a few more rooms, she led him outside, to the coutyard. It was wide and open. From here, they could see the outside architecture as well. "This is beautiful, too."

I don't blame you.

He nodded in agreement, smiling. He looked up at the building and said, "I could just see Juliet leaning from the balcony shouting for Romeo.." he said thoughtfully. "Wait.. Is it weird to like Shakespeare?"

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