x.Chasing Sunshine


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Ooh. I have Maison des Lunes in my head. O:

She looked around. "I know. We can just pick anywhere. We have a lot of tine here. All day if you want."

Lolwhut? xD

"Well, you know, I'm sure we're both dying to see all of the museums and such. We could get through all of them before we have to go home later this week!" he said totally sarcastically. "Personally.. I think save the canal 'till one night, maybe. And.. [i should really check out famous Venician places.. hmm. I'll do that.].."

From the Beauty and the Beast musical. :)

actually I now have a Whole New World stuck in my head now. :)

Oh my gosh. Doge's Palace. We used that for our whap project.


it's pretty on the inside.

She looked around once more before answering him. "That sounds like a good idea." She had seen a good number of amazing looking buildings in the distance.

Ah, that song has been cheesed up so many times. xD

Practically all of the places to visit are museums or churches of some kind, it looks like. Can't think of many things other than that.. Hmm..

"Okay, well, there're apparently a lot of famous galleries and churches for the most part, also some houses that were inhabited by royals. I hope you like History," he laughed.

I love that song! I realized I had no Disney on my phone and I went through and added like 25 Disney songs. Haha.

"Luckily, I do." she smiled "I'm honestly pretty excited. I love thesectypes of things."

Disney <33

Fans like me over here are few and far apart. I so desperately want to work for them!

"Okay, well. We'll go to one we've heard of-- Doge's Place?" He'd already started strolling in that general direction.

My friends and I want to be the Disney Princesses for Halloween. :) and I get to be Jasmine. <3

You could. :D if you do, you should make more princesses.

She kept up with him, watching the people around her. Of course, it was crowded. What she noticed the most was that people seemed to be much mire relaxed here than they were in New York.

I suppose I'd suit Alice or Sleeping Beauty best xD

Okiedokie, I'll remember that one (;

"It's awfully hot and crowded, don't you think?" Brandon said. Of course, he was pointing out the obvious for a reason. He suddenly picked her up and started carrying her bridal style. "It's my excuse. I've always wanted to do that," he laughed.

My favorites are Jasmine and Belle. Obviously, I'd work as Jasmine the most. :)

I'm so excited. Because we want to get all the nine princesses.

Sorry I wasn't on at all (your) yesterday. I was sick. D:

She smiled, her arms sliding into place around his neck. "Whatever your excuse is, I like this."

Giselle is hilarious, I loved Enchanted. But, yeah, I like Jasmine, at least she's not a total damsel in distress.

That's alright. Hope you feel better :)

I'm at Seussical rehearsals until 4pm today, I'm afraid D:

"Perhaps I should have thought of this before then," he chuckled, turning his head to kiss her briefly. "It's just most girls I know usually scream and complain. But then, most girls aren't like you."

Ehh. I didn't like Giselle. Or Enchanted. I wanna see The Princess And The Frog really badly. Haha.

Oohh. I think it's past four. How was it?

She smiled, kissing him again. "Well, I'm glad you thought of this now, at least. This might just beat walking." she laughing.

Did you not? I loved Enchanted!

A-maz-ing! It was so much fun! =D And it's all looking so great!

He chuckled with her. "Well, for me it beats holding hands and walking alongside you," he smiled. "Anything to be close to you."

I dunno. I just don't like the characters. They bothered me for sone reason. Haa.

That's good:) when are your shows?

First exam done!

She smiled happilly and ran her fingers through the bottom of his hair. "This is much nicer." she agreed.

February. I've also volunteered myself for set design and painting.. Wise? I'm not sure.. xD

Woo! Good luck with the others =D

"I'm glad you see it that way," he smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair. "It means I can do it more often!"

Wise? xD


"Well, of course." She replied "Whenever you want to." She leaned up slightly, to meet his lips again.

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Yeah, wise xD


IKNOW! I'm so glad, I need a break badly.

"I'll be taking full advantage." He stopped walking in order to keep on kissing her, after all, he didn't like the idea of walking into something, or perhaps falling into water, even worsel

REALLY? Awesome!:)

have you been watching it?

She leaned up even more, to make the kissing more comfortable for herself, and for him, so he didn't have to lean down as much to reach her. She had barely noticed he wasn't walking, being too immersed in the kiss.

Yeah, there's only been one episode so far, but I shall be watching =D

Their kissing caught the attention of quite a few passers by-- not that either of them would have known, of course--, some gave the kind of looks that said "get a room", while others said "awww", and others between the two extremes. Brandon just kept on kissing her, his arms holding her tightly to his chest.

YAY!:) My favorites are Wheels, Vitamin D, Mash Up, Matress, and Sectionals. <3

And Lea Michele's cover of Don't Rain On My Parade is fabulous---that's in Sectionals, though.

And the mash-ups in Vitamin D are nice. But Wheels is lovely, song wise!

Even if she had noticed, she wouldn't have cared about what the people around them were saying. She kissed him back, until she needed to breathe again. When she pulled away, she was smiling at him.

Okie Dokie =D

Lea Michele.. She was in Spring Awakening on Broadway once, wasn't she?

He sighed contently and ran his fingers through her hair. "You are an amazing kisser," he told her, chuckling. "I love you, Avery."

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