x.Chasing Sunshine


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Okay sorry about that. My fingers pressed like enter and tab and shift all at the same time. xD

"No, not at all." She turned to face him "People don't like him because they haven't bothered to try and figure out what he's saying. I, for one, like him."

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Oh. Nice. xD I don't know what I did but like after typing one word, I had like a figer spasm and pressed like 5 diffrent keys causing it to go through.

I'm gonna go out in the now now. :D

She laughed slightly "I've never actually thought about it like that, but I think I can handle it."

If you press tab it goes to the Add Reply button, is why (;

Okay! Have fun.

In case I don't get to talk to you tonight..

Merry Christmas, Diva. Ily.

"So, it's not normal or attractive, but it's not so weird that you can't take it..? Okay, I'll go with that," he grinned.

That'd be it. xD

I came back in, because I didn't wanna wear a jacket.

But Merry Christmas all the same. :) I love you too. <3

"It's definitely not a bad thing. I like that you read Shakespeare." She elaborated and kissed his cheek once.

Aha, one quick post.

G'night! <3

And, Merry Christmas, again xD

"Oh, good," he smiled, returning the kiss. "And, well, I like girls who read Shakespeare, too." He held out his hand, "Shall we continue?"

Good night to you. :) It's still 5 here.

Yep. Merry Christmas. See you tomorrow, possibly. :)

"Yes, of course." She smiled and took his hand, leading him back inside the building.

This iPod had better be worth all of this trouble..

I'll have no hair left by the time it's sorted. xD

They took a walk through the rest of the rooms-- this place really was enormous. In one room, he asked, "Any ideas for what else we can do today?"

iPods are fantabulous. :)

I've been sick since yesterday. ):

She shook her head "Not at the moment. We should probably get lunch in a bit, though."

Oh yes. It was well worth it =D

AND, I got Adam Lambert's album. AND I listened to it last night. AND I love it xD

Awh, you're ill again? That sucks ): Get well soon!

He nodded, "Yeah, that's true. I'll probably be really hungry by the time we're done. I need my energy so I can carry you." He smirked at her.

What kind did you get?

I love my sister, because she got me a 50 pack of Crayola markers. And I have like a pen / marker / Sharpie obsession. I actually told her to get it, but whatever. She was gunna get me a Snuggie too, but she couldn't find a leopard or zebra print one.

And I got new clothes today with all the the after Christmas sales. Super exciting. (;

My parent's won't buy me CDs because they think it's pointless when you can buy them from iTunes. ):

"Apart from now, am I ever going to be able to walk again?" Avery asked, smirking back at him.

A 5th Generation Classic. 160GB of beauty xD

What is it with you guys and Snuggies? Nobody wants them here, it's weird.

My Mum and I both agree if there's an album you really want, it's always nicer to have it physically there on CD.

"It's up to you, honestly," he said, "You can tell me when you do and don't want to be carried. I wouldn't want you to forget how to walk."

Are you kidding? Snuggies are like perfection and warmth in one little blanket with arms. And they come in zebra stripes.

Aha. I wish my parents felt that ways. xD

"Sounds good." she smiled "But you're free to carry me whenever you want." They seemed to have finished seeing the palace now. "Where to now?"

I just lie in my sleeping bag or fur blanket.

Mum and I were just discussing it. Besides, it's £10 on iTunes for Adam's album, and the CD is much cheaper on Amazon, and it comes with free delivery.

"Like I said earlier, I'll be taking full advantage. I'll carry you as often as I can." When they were outside again, he proved that, picking her up again. "Where?" he repeated. "No idea. You know me, I know you. We'll be stuck here deciding until next week," he chuckled, heading in a random direction.

Yes. But then you aren't able to move your arms without them getting cold. :)

Here, it kinda depends on where you buy the CD. iTunes had them at 10 bucks with individual songs for 1. But the prices are going up. I haven't bought any albums recently, but stores like Best Buy are expensive.

I got The Cab and Hey Monday -- their first albums -- at Target for 15 total. It was a special on new artists. I mostly buy them from Hot Topic when they come out, because they're only 10 dollars there. And sometimes they have specials, if you buy a band shirt of the band as well as the CD, you get a discount.

"I guess we can just have lunch at any place that comes up. Something that we both agree on." she replied "Do you want Italian food, or something else?"

That's fine for me. My arms don't get cold. Ever. xD

I usually buy CDs from Amazon or the supermarket. Tescos are always cheap on new CDs.

O: You like Hey Monday? Finally, someone else xD

"Well, I'd be surprised to find much else here, to be honest," he laughed. "I'm not bothered, but I know you don't really like pizza. You'll be sick of pasta, won't you?"

Luckyy. O:

Yes. Since like August of last year when Fall Out Boy made their mixtape. :) I've seen them live too. They're good.

"I've only had it last night. I think I can take another day, but if we find something else, I would prefer that." she smiled and ruffled his hair slightly.

Oh, did you go to that one where like FOB, Hey Monday, Cobra Starship etc.. played? A girl I met on the cruise went to one. And I was jealous.

I need to download the rest of Hold On Tight, actually.

"Okay. Well, I suppose they'll have pubs or something. Italians know British people are ignorant enough to want to eat their own food wherever they are in the world," he said.

Yes. :) And All Time Low. 50 Cent was there instead of Metro Station. It was kind of funny. But I felt bad because the majority of the time nobody was singing along except for like a couple of people.

It's a good album for the most part.

"That's a sterotype. I don't think you're ignorant at all. " Avery replied "Besides, will we be allowed into a pub?"

Well, to be fair, they could have picked an artist that was more suited to what people wanted xD

Oh, how are you feeling?

"Well, it's a pretty good stereotype. It is true of a large chunk of the British population. Football fans in particular," he chuckled. "But, then, some of us like foreign food more than our own." He continued down a street that sported a few restaurants-- all of which were traditional Italian-- but just as he turned a corner, he spotted a pub. "Of course we are. Anyone over the age of sixteen is allowed an alcoholic drink with their food in a pub, thus also allowing them to eat in there by themselves."

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