x.Chasing Sunshine


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She laughed as the soap bubbles flew around. Once she had stopped and he was done washing his hair out, she asked "Better?"

"Much better. Thank you." He smiled. "You've just got a little bit of foam right.." he reached forward and wiped it away with his thumb," there. Lord knows where that came from." He said sarcastically, chuckling. "Are you alright with washing yours?"



"I think I can wash it out myself." she smirked, pouring out even more shampoo into her palm.

Really? It snowed here once a year since I moved here. This is my third winter here. One day a year the past two winters, but that was in like February. It's early this year & I hope it snows again sometime when I can acually play in it. :)

She laughed "I'm sure I can manage. Besides, I wouldn't want to trouble you. I doubt you're used to washing this much hair."

That's more than I've ever had. It's snowed three times decently in the eleven years I've been here.

"How do you know? You've never seen pictures of me when I went through my Axl Rose slash Jimmy Page phase in high school," Brandon grinned, looking like an overgrown schoolboy.

Lol. Wow. I would think it would snow up there more often. Not in Texas.

"Really?" she asked, looking up at him "Do I get to see pictures?" She flipped her hair over, rubbing the shampoo into her hair.

Nope. It rarely snows at all here. ):

And when it does, it either never settles, or it isn't thick enough to stop school.

"Yeah, you can do. I was fourteen going on fifteen and I had hair that looked quite like yours, actually, only the same colour as it is now. I look back on it now and think 'oh my.. what was I thinking?'. If I was a girl, people would have killed for hair like it, though," he laughed. "I bet you didn't think I was serious."

It was thicker than usual this time, but not more than an inch or so. It's always just been a thin layer. It melted on the roads and was completely gone by the end of first period. D:

the only time school was ever cancelled was after a snowy day in January. The roads iced over.

She washed the shampoo out of her hair before answering him. "I didn't think you were serious, actually. But still, I find the whole thing amusing."

Last year our school still opened despite the huge snowfall overnight. We got sent home about two hours after arriving. I had sports for the first two periods, and we got all the groups together and had a snowman making competition on the Astro. It was amazing xD

"I find it equally as amusing. I still have no idea why I did it. It being really long lasted for about a month, then I got it cut all off and it's been about this length ever since," he chuckled. "I'm even embarrassed that I had it."

Fun!! :) I've never made one.

"Aww." she laughed and pecked him on the lips "How long did it rake you to grow it out? But anyway, I do think you have great hair."

O: That is an unimaginable thought. ):

"My hair grows pretty fast, it took me about four months to get it to the longest I'd had it," he said. "I have no idea why I decided to do it in the first place, I can't remember exactly." He returned her kiss. "Thank you, though. And I love your hair, too. You know every girl I ever knew either wanted to be blonde or your colour hair."

Not if you've lived where I've lived.

ACQCVVFBMKFSC. The show is tonight. And competition is tomorrow morning. I just can't wait for musical. All the songs are stuck in my head. And I know it's bad because tech knows the lyrics more than the actors do. lol.

She laughed "Thank you, love. It's nice to know that you think my hair is nice." Currently, her hair was wet and flat looking, seeing as she had washed it. It seemed to still maintain a wavy texture, despite it being wet.


You have to look up Bye Bye Birdie if you haven't heard it. Our musical will be amazing. But it always is.

She smiled happily. "I really could say the same about you. Just how lucky I am to be with you."

It's a cute show. :)

the songs are insanely catchy.

"But I'm telling you the truth." she laughed softly "I wouldn't say it otherwise."

She told me it's almost too cute, but she loves it xD

O: Glee perfomed Keep Holding On! My, I'm a tough crowd for that song. xD

"I never doubted for a minute that you were telling the truth," he replied. "I'd know if you never had-- or ever stopped-- loving me."

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Oh good. You're watching Glee! That cover was decent. Wheels is my favorite, along with the one when Quinn sings Papa Don't Preach.

"That day will never come, I promise you." Avery replied, pecking his lips.


Well done!

I admit, it wasn't bad. But it's one of my all tiem favourite songs, so for anyone to cover it.. Well, I'm not sure.

What I am sure about is that if I hear another person cover a Journey song, I will hit someone.

"I had dared to hope not," he chuckled, returning the kiss. He finished rinsing soap off of the rest of his body and then stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist.

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