x.Chasing Sunshine


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When I get on the computer, I'll give it a try :)


-The next morning..

Brandon woke up before Avery. He looked at her in his arms, and she appeared to still be sleeping peacefully, so he tried his best not to move at all, so as not to wake her.

I'm going to watch it once I get home. :)

Black Friday shopping has been interesting so far.

Avery was still a deep sleep. Her head was resting against him than on the pillow. She was very still; his waking had not stirred her.

Black Friday? xD

He checked his watch quickly. Half past eight. It was so light outside he'd thought it was later than that. Oh well, that was good, it meant they had more of the day to look around than he'd first thought. He smiled and simply watched her sleep.

Oh goodness. You British people are so deprived!

It's a big sale day. <3 one black hoodie, a bomber jacket, a black skirt, a black shirt, and a white shirt.

I always thought I was a much more colorful person. D;

She shifted slightly, towards him. Even in her sleep she wanted to be closer to him. Finally, she opened her eyes. "Hey..." she saaid softly, once she saw him

Black is a lovely color. :)

I'll probably just end up wearing my neon pink tights with the skirt or something. xD

"I'm great. And you?" she smiled and reached her hand up to ruffle his hair slightly "Did you sleep well?"

I love black <3

That'd be awesome. Even I said so, and you know I don't like pink much :L

"I'm really good, thank you," he replied. "And how could I not sleep well with you right here with me?" he smiled. "I always sleep better with you around."

I'm a little anti black because it blends in with my hair sometimes. And that gets messy. D:

otherwise I love it.


"I'm glad I have such a good effect on you, love." she giggled slightly. After a few seconds, she spoke again "We don't have to get out of bed right now, do we?"

Hmm. The only time I don't mind wearing a lot of black is when I'm in a show. Or when my hairs back.

"I just don't want to get up right now." she smiled and reched for hand "I love you, baby."

Lol. I just woke up. D:

I'm going to get food so I'll be back in a bit.

"So I'll have to call you baby more often." she smiled and leaned up to kiss him again.

Uhm? I slept at 2:30?


She smiled as she kissed him and ran her fingers through his hair. What she loved about kissing him was that she didn't have to think about it, and that she just seemed to know what to do.

Well, it's the weekend.

Sh--. This week will be hell.

Her hand lingered against his neck as the kiss continued. She was kissing him back with just as much, if not more passion. Eventually, she pulled away from him, smiling widely

It's hell week. xD (best days of our lives)

The show's on Friday and I most likely won't be out of school till nine. At least.

"I could wow you any time I wanted." She smirked slightly "It's just one of my talents." She leaned towards him, kissing him again, but on the cheek this time.

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