Awwh. I'm sure you did great. What was the other subject apart from physics?
D: I really think they should let students to tech stuff. I mean, first of all, it's just as fun as acting, if not more. And besides it's a great experience--learning how all the others aspects of a show are handled. While I was acting, I never realized just how much work goes into these shows. It wasn't until Cinderella when I ADed that I was like "woaah."
"How did you guess?" she asked, looking up at him "Well, I haven't played it since we decided to leave New York. We were always too busy packing and everything. And since my mom wouldn't sell our apartment--she had grown up there, too--we left some of our things there and our piano was one of those things."
D: I really think they should let students to tech stuff. I mean, first of all, it's just as fun as acting, if not more. And besides it's a great experience--learning how all the others aspects of a show are handled. While I was acting, I never realized just how much work goes into these shows. It wasn't until Cinderella when I ADed that I was like "woaah."
"How did you guess?" she asked, looking up at him "Well, I haven't played it since we decided to leave New York. We were always too busy packing and everything. And since my mom wouldn't sell our apartment--she had grown up there, too--we left some of our things there and our piano was one of those things."