x.Chasing Sunshine


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I often procastinate at procastinating. It's kind of funny. Funnier still is the fact that I manage to get good grades and keep up the procastination. xD

She nodded, remembering. "Thats true." she said "That day was perfect. But today--has been just as good."

See you in a bit--I have to eat.

*sigh* And some of us work dam.n hard every day of the week xD

"I think the beach was actually the best part of that day, though," he smiled. "It's hard to choose between two first times for things, I suppose. I can't say I know which day was better."

Okay :)

Sorry, dearie. xD Hard work will benefit you in later life, though! All I work at is theatre.

"Two very perfect days, then." She had finished her first helping of the pasta and was now helping herself to another helping.

I know it will, that's why I'm working hard.

Wow.. Helping used three times in a sentence. I'm impressed.

"Every day spent with you is perfect, love. Those two were just extra perfect," he smiled at her, getting another slice of pizza.

mmhm. I mean, I know I should work harder, but I don't. It's quite messed up.

Oh wow. I didn't notice that.

As my chem teacher would say "Department of Redundancy Department."

She smiled happily, starting on the second serving of pasta. "I'm glad you think that."

I've never noticed. xD

"And I love you too. And you've told me that more times than necessary. But I like hearing it from you." she smiled and returned the kiss.

Ohh. Yeah I don't read over my posts as you may have guessed.

She smiled, finishing her food. "Well, I'm done. I don't think I can eat anything more." she said, after taking a sip of her water.

Sometimes I do before I post them. I just make so many typos on the Wii I kind of need to xD

Brandon finished his next slice of pizza and then pushed the box aside. "Me neither. We can keep it under the bed for midnight snacks," he joked. He shifted in his chair and said, "So, what are we doing now, love?"

I seriously barely notice typos. Like they get fixed before my brain registers them.

"I don't know. Staying here. Unless you want to go out. Do you want dessert?" she replied, shrugging slightly. She was more than content sitting here with him.

I notice my own, but not-- generally-- by others.

"I think if I could eat another thing I'd have more pizza rather than ordering a dessert," he said. "But you can go ahead if you want one." He paused. "The plan was to stay here, and I'm content with sticking to it."

Ow. I just tripped up the stairs... My nose hurts now.

"Yes, that's fine with me. I don't really want to leave either." she nodded "I like being here with you."

Awh Dx

Oh my god, my friend tripped up the busiest stairs in school between lessons and she fell so hard she couldn't get up and Mr. Bettiss (our assistant year head) and to pick her up in front of everyone xDDD

"And so, we narrow down the choices further; What to do in here.." he mused.

Awwh. That's kinda funny yet I feel bad at the same time. xD

"Brandon?" she asked suddenly "What if I get pregnant?" The thought had just occured to her, and though she sounded calm, she was slightly worried.

This reminds me of last year when a girl I know was going to class after yearbook and since she was late the stairs weren't crowded so when she fell she broke her leg. D:

"No. It's not your fault." she reached out for his hand and squeezed it gently "I'm sure there are some pills I can get. It'll be fine." She was saying it more to reassure herself and it was working--she was feeling better.

Ouch Dx That's bad. If that had happened here stairs would probably no longer be allowed in schools xD

He squeezed her hand in return. "And, I want you to know, for any time you're worried that.. Well, I know teenage guys have a lot of reputation for running once a bay come into things. But I'm sure you know as well as I do that's never going to happen.. If things ever did get to that stage, god forbid for the meantime."

What about the upstairs classes? Lol. I'm pretty sure at least one person falls down each year. Lol.

She smiled at him. "I thought you might say that but it means so much more to hear you say that. I can't even begin to describe how much that means."

True. Noone's been seriously hurt, though. Yet xD

He pulled her from her chair into his lap. "I thought you just might like to know. I didn't think you'd worry, but I wanted to tell you anyway," he said. "I couldn't possibly leave you like that."

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