x.Chasing Sunshine


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:/ don't laugh at me. I got two hours of sleep & my phone auto corrects every little thing. Besides. It's hard to type.

But yeah I meant:

Oh dear. Everyone loves Taylor don't they?

If I had still lived in California, I would have been in high school with him last year.

She smiled and held him tightly against her. Her eyes were shut for a few seconds, thinking about only him as well. Finally, she tilted her head up and kissed his cheek.

Sorry :)

He is pretty darn hot xD Most people are crazy over Rob, though, I thought. I can't stand him, he creeps me out xD

That's really awesome o:

He sighed contently and returned the kiss. He let go of her with only one arm to reach over and turn on the bedside lamp-- it appeared they'd been here longer than he'd thought, evening was descending. The room seemed to look even better now than it had earlier. He shifted back to his original position. "Hungy? Thirsty? Can I get you anything at all?"

I would say he's hot, but everytime I think of him, I go waay back to Shark Boy and all hotness is like destroyed.

He was cuter as Cedric. He's just creepy as Edward. Especially in the posters my chem teacher has on the back of her room.

Ah. I may end up seeing the second one. Not that I care for it but because my friend is moving like two days after it comes out.

She shook her head. "I'm not hungry but I may get some water. We can get some food if you want anything." She turned on her side so she could see him properly.

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When he SANG. That was hilarious xDD

He's too pale and too stiff, in my opinion.

"Your room service idea might work. I'll put some trousers on when the guy comes and you could be.. Pretending to be asleep, or in the bathroom," he chuckled.

Ohmygod. I remember that. xDD what was the point of that movie, come to think of it?

Eh. I don't know. I haven't seen him move so I don't know much about his stiffness. xD

--deargod. I love Spring Awakening.

She laughed slightly "Or I could put my clothes on. But, you wouldn't want that, I guess." She smiled at him as she ran her fingers through his hair.

I haven't got a clue xD

I only know one song from Spring Awakening-- Mama Who Bore Me. It's not well known here.

"You could, I suppose," he chuckled. "I won't object but that doesn't mean I'll be totally happy." He laughed now. "I sound like a total pervert, I'm sorry."

Listen to The Song Of Purple Summer and Totally F****d. They're my favorites. :)

"You do." she smirked "But that's okay. I think I can forgive you for sounding like one." She paused before continuing "Are you getting room service, then?"

Okiedokie :)

He chuckled and pecked her on the lips. "Yes, I suppose I am," he said, reaching out again for the phone, which was also on the ornate nightstand. He told the man on the end of the line they'd have whatever, as long as it wasn't too crazy-- yeah, he knew places like this enjoyed serving odd food. Then he quickly kissed her before slipping out of bed to find his clothes.

Sorry. I'm doing volunteer hours at school but they have nothing for us to do. :/

She got out of the bed as well and slipped into her underwear. She made her way to her suitcase, not really wanting to wear her shorts and shirt. She found an oversized shirt and wore that. "Is this okay?" she smirked, going over to him and kissing his cheek.

That's alright. I was doing revision and art homework and such anyway.

He slipped his boxers and then trousers on, then hunted around for his shirt. He didn't put it on just yet, however, returning the kiss. "You didn't have to take me too seriously, you know. But yes, that's okay with me," he said, smiling. He, of course, didn't know she had chosen to wear that herself. Then he asked her, "Your opinion is what counts, so, shirt or no shirt?"

D: sounds fun. [/sarcasm]

but then again. My homework doesn't qualify as fun either.

"No shirt." she said with a giggle. On her toes, she pecked him on the lips. She sat down on the bed, waiting for the food to arrive.

Aha, nice idea to get around the difficulty of internet sarcasm xD

"I'm hardly surprised," he rolled his eyes, and then draped it over the back of a chair behind a vanity in the room. He looked for a couple of glasses and then filled them up with water and a couple of ice cubes, and then handed on to her once returning to sit next to her.

Yep. Definitely an option. :D

She smiled as she took the glass. "Thanks, love." she told him before taking a sip. It was refreshing--she hadn't realized how thirsty she had been.

I just heard Glambert's new song. He can do SO MUCH BETTER than that!


"You're very welcome," he kissed her cheek before taking a sip. After taking another, there was a knock on the door, and from behind it someone called out, "Room service!"

Brandon got the door. The waiter seemed surprised to see him without a shirt on-- not that Brandon was bothered by this in the least--, but didn't say anything about it. "It's pizza and pasta, by the way," he said, his accent weighing heavily on his speech. "We weren't sure what you'd consider too crazy." He chuckled and handed an ornate tray over, a covered dish on it, and was slightly overshadowed by the carboard box which must have been containing pizza. He left, and Brandon thanked him before sitting back down on the bed.

Lol. Glambert? I haven't heard it...

She took the tray from his hands, to help, and set it down on the table. Then she took the pizza box and lay that on the table as well. To her, this looked like too much food. Either ways, she asked "What can I get you?"

Yeah, that's what I call Adam sometimes xD


"I'll get some pizza, thanks," he replied, taking one of the plates off the tray and setting it on the table, taking a slice of pizza. "Looks like we might have some leftovers.. I'm pretty sure I said there were only two of us," he chuckled.

Nice. xD

"Youtube could not load movie."

It's a sign...

She nodded, helping herself to some pasta. "Yeah. I don't know who they thought would eat all this." But she was hungrier than she had thought she was. She hadn't eaten since before they had left, seeing as she had slept through nearly the whole flight.

Ahh well, you're not missing much xDD

It's some kind of synthesized crap. For a man with a vocal ability like him, it's simply way below him.

He nodded in agreement, sipping his water again before trying the pizza. He smiled, "You can't really even have too much food that's this good, though."

Mm. Sounds..er..lovely..?

I have too much reading. But then. That's what I get for procastinating.

She took a bit of the pasta and nodded. "This is good. Better than all those other Italian places I've been too."

I don't procastinate anymore, and yet I still have too much homework xD

"It's realy Italian from Italy, though. In an expensive hotel. So I suppose it should be," he said. "The only reason that the Italian back hom could be better was because we had our first lunch date there."

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