x.Chasing Sunshine


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A chav!? D:

"You know you don't have to." she giggled, tilting her head to meet his lips for a few moments. "I love you, so so much."

It's sort of like a British gangster, causes trouble, antisocial. C. ouncil H. ouse A. and V. iolent.


"And you don't have to ask me, either," he smiled, returning the kiss while it lasted. "I love you, too, Avery. More than words could ever describe. As much as you love me, is the only comparison I can make." He kissed her again.

Oh wow. xDD

British gangsters. Looovely.

She smiled happily, cupping his face in her hands, gently pulling him closer. Her leg, that was wrapped around him seemed to pull him closer as well.

It's hilarious, they think they're 'hardcore'. I hate the way they talk though, that really ticks me off xD

"I've decided, I need you again," he whispered against her lips. He kissed her back tenderly in return, quite slowly at first, but allowing it to gradually gain intensity.

Oh wow. Well. Almost everyone here wouldn't mind. We just like accents. :)

"I need you too, baby." she murmured through the kiss.

-time skippity now I suppose-

They just put it on to be cool. It'd be different for you if they were American rather than British (though, British people seem to make fun of accents an awful lot rather than like them..). We are an odd nation xD


Brandon rolled onto his side, pulling her with him, holding her against his chest. He buried his face in her hair while he caught his breath, completely unable to speak at that moment.

I lovelovelove accents. Though I suck at imitating them. I do a terrible British. And my New York is kinda passable.

Once her breathing had mostly returned to normal, she kissed his chest lightly. "That was.." she stopped, unable to find the correct word to describe how good it had been.

Same here <3 Apparently I'm pretty good at accents, but I don't really know.

He smiled, and answered as if she had finished her sentence. "I know it was.." he chuckled. He knew she knew how she felt, the same way he knew the way he did, and that was what was important. Putting a word to it when nothing could possibly describe it was simply an injustice.

You probably are, if people say you are. That's my experience at least.

She smiled and held him to her tighter than she had been before. She kissed his chest again, working her way up to his neck.

I do know I'm good at actually speaking French with a French accent, Only I don't do it in class because I feel like a total idiot xD

He tilted his head back slightly, exposing more of is neck for her. He shivered less, obviously because he was so close to her, but he made up for it in volumes of moans. It no longer bothered him about how much noise he made, in fact, he barely even thought about the fact that he was doing it.

My French accent is bordering on terrible. Lol. But I'm only in my second year of French...so hopefully it'll improve.

Not that our teacher lets us do much talking.

She smiled against his skin, still searching for the one spot that gave off the biggest reaction. "I love being able to make you do that." she said softly as her lips moved across his neck.

We have to give an authentic accent to get a good mark in speaking. My first of which is in March, actually. Fun..

I know what you mean. I've had good French teachers for the past three years, and now, when it really matters, I have an awful one..

He smiled as well. "I really don't think I should find it as enjoyable as I do, really. But I love that you can get it out of me. And it feels amazing when you kiss my neck, an--" he was cut off as she found his most sensitive spot. It was probably the loudest reaction she'd ever gotten out of him.

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Awwh. French accents don't matter much for speaking. Just basic pronunciation and usage of words. Sentence structure. All that stuff.

She smiled happily, tightening her hold on him even more. She kissed that spot a little longer, before sucking on it slightly.

That all counts, too, but the accent gets you marks, apparently xD

He pulled her as tightly as possible against him as part of his reaction. He closed his eyes, and said her name a good few times between moans.

Wow. Accent doesn't count at all I think.

She smirked slightly, sucking on it a bit longer before pulling away from his neck, just a bit too soon. She looked up at him, to see what he would say.

I don't believe it should, honestly.

Though, it's worse in German. They all sound different. Though, Elena said I sound German when I speak it :L

"I was enjoying that, in case you hadn't realised," he said to her, trying to look serious, though his expression was broken by short fits of chuckles.

Yeah. Accent shouldn't. Well--you can't be too bad then!

Asdfgjkl. Tonight was my friend's party. It was fun. :)

Avery cut off his laughing fit by kissing him briefly. "I just thought you might enjoy that more. Or was I wrong?"

I fail at German though. We hadn't learnt enough to get by last time, and I couldn't take it this year, so I'll remember even less xD

Ahh, nice =D

I'm excited about next Friday!! It's the New Moon fest, so we're all gonna eat out, sit in the cinema and scream at shirtless Taylor Lautner (and, for me, at Jackson <3) and not get any sleep the whole night. [and eat brownies xD] (Y)

He smirked. "You were absolutely right, so get back here and kiss me again," he said. He pulled her back and kissed her again, a bit longer than the last time, but still fairly brief.

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Oh dear. Everyone loves Thomas don't they?

If I had still loved in California, I would have been in high school with him last year.

She nuzzled her face against his neck after the kiss. "I love you." she muttered, her lips centimeters from his skin "I love you so much."

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