x.Chasing Sunshine


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This show is f-ed.

She watched him, slightly surprised. She hadn't expected that. "I'm sorry I was on your side earlier." she said finally "Besides, I've thought about it. And I've made up my mind."

Really? I'm getting a similar feeling about ours right now Dx


His expression broke, and he chuckled. "It's fine, I was kidding, baby," he said, leaning over to return the kiss that she'd given him earlier. He tilted his head to the side slightly. "Made up your mind? Do tell."

Well. For one, tech has one and a half weeks to finish making props and such. And half of the crew can't even focus. Cast. One word: Cooper. He doesn't know half his lines and can't focus. D:

what's with your show?

"Well, I think I can forgive you." she said, pulling him closer towards herself. She laid her head against his chest and continued speaking "But my feelings are still hurt." That wasn't true of course. She giggled softly, giving it away.

MORE people dropping out, half the cast not turning up, a quarter of the other half don't even bother to sing at rehearsals. It's such a great musical, but they're all so selfish and lazy, it's annoying me sosososo much Dx

"Thank you." He smiled, kissing her lips, then across her cheek and around until he reached her ear, in which he whispered, "I'm sorry," to her. "If it's any consolation, I still love you."

That sucks. D: I just wanna skip ahead to Saturday rehearsal.

I just hope things get better.

"I know you do." she smiled "And I wasn't really hurt. I know you didn't mean it."

Agreed. Harris is just pi**ed. Insanely much.

"I love you, too. So, so much." She tilted her head up, kissing along his jaw, slowly working her way up to his lips.

Noone here's that bad. Yet xD

Before her lips reached his he said, "We should have figured that lying down makes kissing so much easier a while ago." He smiled somewhat crookedly before kissing her back, pulling her as close as was possible without being physically on him.

Yet being the key word. :)

But Harris always gets this bad during every show. I mean I feel so bad for her. It's been a tough year for her.

---we did stage combat in theatre today! I can now probably coreograph a decent fight scene if I wanted. And tomorrow we're doing weaponry. :D

it's almost as fun as improv!

She would have agreed with him had she not been too into the kiss. All she could focus on was him right now, and nothing else. She ran her finger down his back, the other hand entwined with his hair.

Oh D:

Sounds fun :D As you can imagine, fight scenes aren't a particularly huge part of HSM or Seussical. Wow.. A fight scene in Seussical would be hilarious xD

He shivered and groaned quietly at her touch-- again, he wasn't embarrassed about reacting like that the way he usually was. He parted his lips, much less hesitantly than the last time.

Lol. I can see it now. xD

Yeah. We're doing Achilles In Sparta. Everyone is playing like five parts because it's written as this ensemble piece but we can only have fifteen cast members.

She followed his lead, parting her lips as well, starting to French kiss him. His reaction had surprised her, mainly because she hadn't been looking for one. She had liked his reaction though and now almost started looking for one. She stroked along the back of his neck now, to see what would happen.

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Two more people have dropped out Dx

Fifteen? Wow. I wouldn't get in if our school only did a musical with a cast of fifteen xD

He groaned again, more loudly, and then murmured her name for no reason whatsoever. He wondered how many times he'd said her name unconsciously in the past.. How long had it been? He French kissed her back, shivering again, more violently at her touch.

Oh. It's a one act. We can only have fifteen on cast for competition.

Musicals would suck with only fifteen. D:

She smiled, hearing him. She pulled him closer, so that he was almost completely on top of her. She traced her fingers along his spine again, starting at the top of his neck.

Ohhhh. I get it xD

His reactions were much the same again, only twice as loud or, as for the shivering, twice as violent, if not more. "Avery.." he said, again, except that he actually followed it up with a sentence this time. "You make it very hard for me to not lose control."

Yep. We don't do musical till next semester.

"I like being able to do that to you." she replied, her lips against his. Her hand slid forward, towards his chest.

We don't do other plays or shows anymore for some reason. A Christmas Carol was the last one we did, and I wasn't even in that because I was doing HSM.

"I thought you might see it as a bad thing," he murmured in reply. "Until you kept doing it." He smiled as much as he could against her lips, wryly. "I enjoy it, personally."

Wow. We do three. Four, counting theatre 1A's class show. Five. Actually. Theatre 2 does one for elementary schools nearby. And there's talent show, which theatre department takes care of. We also do tech work & MC drill team's spring show.

O: I never realized we did so much.

"I'm glad you like it." she smirked against his lips "Because then I would have to stop and I really don't want to do that."

I wish we did a bit more sometimes ):

"It is as much of a relief to me as it is to you that you don't." He kissed her, saying nothing more, for a bit after that. He then said, "I still haven't worked out a good weakness for you yet. I see that as an unfair advantage on your side," he smirked.

Yep. More shows=more fun.

"Well, you don't expect me to just tell you, do you? You're going to have to figure it out all by yourself." she pulled him closer, giggling into his neck.

Not that I have enough time to do four or five shows a year xD

"I planned to do just that. It's no fun if you just tell me," he agreed. He ruled out her neck-- he'd tried that. He started there anyway, and kissed downwards to her collarbone, and then kissed across that, along one of her shoulders, searching for even the slightest hint of a reaction.

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