x.Chasing Sunshine


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Awwh. That would be insanely tough. I know it'd be hard for me. D:

She smiled into the kiss. Her lips parted slightly as she started with his shirt, pulling it off.

It is hard. I did get really upset with them all at one point because they never invited me over when they all went to one person's house for sleepovers and things. Part of it was to do with the fact that they thought I wouldn't be able to make it. Not that it's an excuse not to invite me, but that was fair enough, I suppose.

He smiled against her lips, as if to say-- easier for you, today, then. He'd remembered to wear shirts with buttons on them when he was around her after the time at his house, where she'd struggled. It slipped from his shoulders and he continued kissing her-- French kissing this time, however.

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Well, I wouldn't use the word fair. Maybe it's just the fact that I've dealed with similar situations last year, but when people do that, that just kinda puts something off in my mind.

She was French kissing him back now, more than happy at this point. Considering the fact that they were in Venice as well, overjoyed may have been an understatement.

Well, I sort of began to wonder about whether they really saw me as a friend or if they were pretending to at school, for whatever reason, and that really upset me. But I've got one group of friends who I know I can really count on, though. I'm going there on the 20th for the opening night of New Moon and then a sleepover =D

I should probably go ): -fail-


One hand found her hair again, while the other pressed her against him as they continued kissing. His lungs seemed to be holding out for the time being, at least. He could only think about where he was right now, and how ecstatic he was to be there, and also just about her. How he loved her with an indescribable passion.

New Moon. Lol. xD

My chem teacher has a Twilight obsession. I might be sleeping over at a friend's that night too because the 21st is Saturday rehearsal.

Nightnight. Love you!:)

"Brandon.." she started talking, but then stopped, unsure of how to phrase what was on her mind. It was possibly the first time she had been hesitant around him. She figured it was best however to just tell him. "Brandon, I want--I need--you."

Dear gosh. I can't think straight anymore.


hair? Shenanigins at midnight?

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O: YouTube isn't working!! I'll have to watch it later.

It's going to be so funny. One of them is literally a superfan xDD

We're going to get high on brownies, I can see it happening. The innocent, chocolate, kind of brownies, of course xDDD

Brandon was quite surprised to hear it from her, not expecting it so soon, he supposed. He paused before he said, "I'm glad it.. Wasn't just me.. Who felt like I.. needed you.." he was still a bit breathless. "Are you sure?" he asked her, just to be certain.

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Ohhgood. I was worried for a while. Not that you seem the kind but when high and brownies are used in the same sentence, I panic. :D

She nodded "I am. But are you? I don't want you to do this unless you don't want to." She had been a little relieved when he had said that she wasn't the only one who felt like that, but still--she had to check.

Yeah, that's why I thought I should clarify xD

"I'm as sure I do as you are," he told her. He kissed her again, and the hand that had been on her back found the bottom of her shirt. Of course he was a bit hesitant, as most would be, before he lifted it over her head.

Well I'm glad you did.

I just realized I slept without a nightlight for the first time since we moved into this house. And my room is oober dark...

Once her shirt was off, she started with his jeans, a little nervously. She kissed again once more. "The bed, I suppose?" she asked, her lips against his.

It reminds me of a time when we were learning about drugs in Science last year. Josie wrote on a sheet that gets given to all the classes that I took drugs-- I'm the only Tarryn in the school, too, so they'd know it was about me. The school policy means I could get expelled for that, so I told her to changed it, so she changed the words cannabis and heroin to muffins and brownies. None of us had any idea until another group did a presentation on ecstasy that brownies was a street name for it xDD So Josie had to ask the teacher for the sheet back to scribble it out xDD

Um.. Congrats? :L

"That would make sense.." he murmured in reply, a hint of a chuckle following it. He picked her up, her legs around his waist so he could keep kissing her, and carried her over, then moving onto her shorts.

Ohhwow. xD

There's like a million street names for everything. It's hard to remember what's what anymore. And I hate that such innocent things like brownies get pulled into all this.

I'm kinda surprised that they can expell you for drugs. Over here you just get sent to Special Programs for like a semesterish. That's like the school for druggies.

Time skip?

Even if you're not taking drugs but you've promoted drug activity you can be expelled straight away.

Indeed, -skip-

Brandon pulled away from kissing her for the last time, and shifted beneath tangled sheets. Yes, this had actually happened. He couldn't quite believe it, but it had been amazing. He smiled, his breathing a bit ragged. "Wow.." he whispered.

I'm off to watch a movie. See you later :)

That's kind of harsh. :/

Okiedokie! Have fun. :)

She smiled, staying quiet until her breathing evened out. "I know." she replied "Brandon, that was amazing, perfect." She laid her head against his shoulder. Everything had been a thousand times better than she had thought it could be.

Yeah, it is pretty harsh.. That's why I was worried when she wrote it.

He traced a finger down her spine and kissed her briefly. "It was as perfect as moments can get.." He'd never really known what this should have felt like, but he did know he never could have imagined anything so wonderful. He took one of her hands and placed it towards the left side of his chest-- his heart was hammering against it at a ridiculous speed. He placed his hand over hers and said, "You did that," chuckling almost inaudibly.

Yep. That's understandable.

What did you watch?

She left her hand stay there, on hid chest before she moved it. It was a reminder that he was real, he was with her, that everything wasn't a dream. "Mine feels about the same. And you may have guessed, it's all because of you." After a moment or two, she spoke again "I think I could stay here like this for the rest of the day." She kissed his neck lightly in a few random places.

Ghosts of Girlfriends past. Mum says it was the only thing that wasn't gory down at the shop xD

He smiled. "If you're serious, we can," he said. He tightened his arms around her as she kissed his neck. He didn't care what noises he made anymore-- no doubt he'd already made a lot of noise already. He shivered slightly at her contact.

Awh. That was a pretty cute movie. I love the girl who played Sandra. :)

"I would love to, but only as long as you don't mind not getting out today." she smiled, moving her lips up to his jaw, to his cheek, just avoiding contact with his lips.

Yeah, she was so funny xD

Mum and I were trying to work out what other movie we'd seen that she was in and I realised it was Mean Girls.

"We've got time to take a look around at a later date," he shrugged, smiling. "Only, at least one of us will have to go and get some food at some stage today. Unless you're not going to be hungry at all today." He didn't mind the teasing much, he just allowed her to tease him without complaining for the first time.

Oh, you're good. I had to google it. xD

"We could get room service." she suggested. It seemed like a good idea. They wouldn't have to leave if they did get hungry. She stopped teasing him eventually, as she was getting no reaction, and just gave him a quick kiss.

I'm just amazing like that xD

"Mm.. But it still means getting dressed," he said, smirking slightly. "But it's a better idea, anyway. He returned the kiss while it lasted. "Ah, there's a good tactic. If teasing doesn't bother me, you don't do it," he chuckled.

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