x.Chasing Sunshine


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I concur. :) I love that word.

"Would it bother you if I got dressed?" she asked despite the fact that she had no intention of doing so. She ran her fingers carelessly through his hair.

Lol, it's not a word I use or think of much.

"Well, I would say it doesn't if it meant that you then wouldn't get dressed, but that would be a lie," he replied, smiling. "Would it bother you if I got dressed?"

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I use it constantly. I like words. Lol.

"Yes, a little bit." she laughed "But as long as you didn't leave the room or anything. Otherwise I wouldn't possibly be able to deal with it."

People don't like it when you use words that they don't use very often. So I usually don't say a lot of cool words I know.

It's kind of like in To Kill A Mockingbird when Calpurnia takes them all to church and tries not to speak as if she's educated because people don't like it.. To use a comparison I can think of.

"Well, I have no intention of getting dressed or leaving the room right now, so you're alright," he chuckled, kissing her briefly again. He was quiet for a moment. "I wonder what Isabella and James would say right now if they saw this. Though, by the way they talked about me going with you sometimes, it was like they were expecting it."

Yeah. That makes sense. But our school sucks. I should copy/paste you some of the things on our school's fb group. It's like "You know you go to Jasper if..."

"Well, it wasn't hard to tell that we were pretty serious about each other and that we loved each other." she shrugged slightly "I think my parents, my mother mostly, noticed it a bit too."

Haha, okay. I look forward to that xD

"Well, I've heard my aunt and uncle say that teenagers don't really know if they're in love or not-- it was after I asked them if I could go and they weren't sure. It's totally untrue, of course, but that's what they think." He sighed. "I don't know how they hadn't seen it-- well, maybe they did later, and that's why they let me come--, but it was so obvious. Still, they can say what they like about it, I don't care."

There's like a list of 150 things that really only apply to the WHAP, HGAP, AP Euro, and Humanities kids. There's like 10 that apply to the student body as a whole. xD

"Whatever their reason, I'm just happy you and I are here. I don't see how things can get any better than they are now." She smiled happily.

I don't even know if our school has an fb page. And we definitely wouldn't have stuff like that.

What the hell? You have so many crazy abbreviated named subjects, it's strange xD

Dinner time :) Talk to you later.

"This was a good idea," he said, kissing her cheek. "No, better than good, fantastic. It was a little crazy to think that we would be allowed to come, or that we could organise it, but it worked, so it was worth it." He snickered, "This was totally unecessary to make it so, but it made it even better."

It's like my favorite group ever because people keep adding. xD

WHAP--World History AP--pronounced wap.

HGAP--Human Geo AP--pronounced H Gap.

AP Euro--European History AP--is sometimes E Hap

Humanities--two year course of WHAP and English. :)

She laughed as he said that. "Unecessary maybe, but I loved every moment. I would do it again if I could."

Lol, we study european and world history in just History, and Geography includes Human Geo. We have to do English-- Language and Literature GCSEs. And humanities is just a grouping reference of History, Geog. and RE.

"Who says you can't do it again?" he raised an eyebrow. "I'm not suggesting we should, but I just thought I'd pick up on it."

RE? Now I'm confused. xD

And sorry about that. My mom & I went to a gs thing. :)

"Of course, love. You're correct. I could do it again, but only if you wanted to." she smirked slightly.

Religious Education. Although, in our school, it's called PSRE, which is pointless. I don't even know what the P and S stand for.

That's alright :) My dad held me up by getting me to play Stairway to Heaven for him. It's eight minutes long, so that's why I took ages xD

He smirked back. "Oh no, I don't think I could," he replied, heavily sarcastic. "I mean, the first time was awful enough."

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Mm. We can't do religious education in public school here. I mean, we can study aspects of it and the spread of it but I don't think we're allowed to have a class over it.

Yeah. And we just went out for late lunch.

She picked up on his sarcasm, but she still pouted slightly. "Well now you've hurt my feelings."

I don't know exactly. But there's a lot of things teachers can't say due to policies over religion and what is and what isn't acceptable so it's probably to do with that.

"I don't know. I'm going to have to think about it." she replied, shifting just barely out of his reach.

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Oh, I see. I suppose the UK as a whole is actually pretty relaxed about religion.

"Think more quickly," he said, holding back the amused smile that was attempting to play across his lips. He shifted to follow her.

Well, I'm off. G'night! Love you! x

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Mhm. I see.

Nightnight. :)

"I'm going to take as long as I want." When she saw that he had followed her, she poked her tounge out at him. "Cheater." she giggled.

"Cheater?" he repeated, pretending to sound shocked by her accusation, though it was slightly flawed by his occasional chuckles. "I'm simply following you because I just can't stand to be so far away from you," he said, "Don't tell me you expected me to stay all the way over there." He made it sound like it would be a crime to do that.

"But I did. You're supposed to stay on your half." she laughed "But if you don't like that, I guess I just have to let you be with me." She leaned towards him and kissed his cheek.

"No, that's fine. I'll stay on my half of the bed, I understand. I don't know whose half you were on before you moved away, then," he said, managing to keep a straight, rather miffed looking face, shifting back.

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