x.Chasing Sunshine


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Ohgod. No. We just help out during class. I don't think I could deal with so many rehearsals.

I just wanna be on competition crew like soo bad. But so does everyone else.

Once they were safely on the ground and they were able to get up, she did and reached up to the overhead compartment to pull out their carryons. She handed his over to him, took his hand, and led him out of the plane happily.

EDIT; Woop! 1000 posts!!

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Yeah, see, we often have rehearsals at lunch, as well as after school.

Hell, yeah! -highfive- xD

He looped the strap of his bag over his head to rest it on the opposite shoulder as he followed her out. It was extremely warm, he noticed as they stepped off the plane. He searched for his aviators in his bag and then put them on.

Does the whole school have one lunch at the same time? O:


She smiled up at him happily, walking towards the airport itself. Once they were inside, she went straight to the baggage claim, where they were already being unloaded off the plane.

That's insane. We have four separate lunches. But I havethe first, so that's fine.

She found hers soon after he did. "I didn't plan much ahead of our flight." she laughed slightly "So do you have any particular place in mind where you want to stay, because I don't really mind."

I think it would suck if it was only our year group out at lunch.

"We can check out some hotels in the city if you like. It's the best option I can think of," he offered, heading out of baggage collection towards the foyer of the airport, and then outside, pushing his sunglasses back down.

We have it broken up by which class we have fourth period. So yeaah.

"Whatever looks nice works for me really." she smiled, following him outside. There were a couple of cabs waitingthat would take them into the city, which was where she assumed their hotel would be. She got into one, along with Brandon, and waited inside, because the driver was taking care of their bags.

I think there are just too many people and year groups for that to work at our school. 7 different lunch times..

Brb, dinner :)

Thankfully, with it being a famous city, local people seemed to speak English at least fairly well. The taxi driver suggested a few good hotels, and dropped them off in the area where the most of those were.

Woww! I like how you've gone to the trouble of looking for one xD

"Okay.. If we can afford it," Brandon laughed. "It's gorgeous, though." They walked in, and he looked astonished by the whole place, it was as beautiful on the inside as out.

Lol. Is that bad? I like searching for hotels. Bex and I did that once. We PMed each other with cool hotels.


She went over to the front desk and conversed with the man there. A few minutes later, she had handed over some money, and got a card key in return. "Fifth floor, love." she went back over to him, kissing his cheek.

Nah, Phoebe does it, too xD

"And I'm assuming I'm not allowed to know how much this is going to cost, and therefore am also not allowed to offer to pay at least for a fraction of tge sum?" he asked, returning ths kiss. He wanted her to tell him he was wrong, but he didn't see it happening. They headed to the lift, then to the fifth floor,

Maybe it's like a boredom alleviation things. But I know where to stay if I ever have the money.

"You're absolutely correct." she nodded in agreement. Their room was easy enough to find, and when when Avery flipped the lights on, it was very well decorated. She left her bags near the enterance and made her way to the nearest window. The view was breathtaking.

"We're finally here."

That's a good point, actually.

"I'll find some way of at least sort of evening it out," he said, and he was determined to do just that. He put his bag on the bed, and his suitcase next to it. He smiled and joined her at the window, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "We are. I can't believe it.."

Ohmygosh. I never told you about my AHMAZING haircut. Like, it's thinned out & I have tons of layers. :)

"I know. Neither can I." she said, turning to face him "And I do like the idea of being here with you and only you. Just us."

Tonight. Because we took like 30 pictures last night when my friends were over. All of the cute ones are on Colleen's camera though. Mine are the ones when we did sterotypical emo/scene kid hair and makeup. And pretended to be wanna be vampires. It's what we do for fun. xD

"Exactly that. And now we don't have to worry about everyone else." Her arms made their way around his neck, pulling him closer and she kissed him briefly.

Awh. D: how far away do most live? (I'm assuming that's what it is..?)

"I love you too." She smiled. Hearing him say that always had the same effect on her. The same joyful estatic kind of feeling came back everytime and she never got tired of it. She kissed him once more, intending to keep it longer than the last.

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At least thirty five minutes or so ): The only friend I have in the same town is my neighbour, and she doesn't go my school.

He never tired of telling her, either, or hearing her say it to him. He kissed her back again, with every intention of holding this one for as long as he could.

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