x.Chasing Sunshine


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I don't know.

Oh wow. What's going on?


"That sounds good." she nodded, shifting over to him again. "I'm so excited, Brandon."

It's 5th of November, so for us it's Bonfire Night.. Rememberance of the day Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the English Parliament building. It's tradtional burn a scarecrow made to look like him on the huge fire xDD

Oh, gosh. Good luck!!

He wrapped one arm around her waist tightly. "I know. I can't believe we even actually planned to come, let alone getting permission, and then actually being here, going with you.." He kissed her forehead.

Oh. That sounds exciting. O:

Yeaah. I think I did fine.

She ndded slghtly, or as much as she could nod, because her head was resting on his shoulder, an she didn't want to move it. "Of course, that is best part." She lifted her head to kiss him, because as far as she could tell, everyone was sleeping, and she could do whatever she pleased.

Yeah. We were going to go out to a big firework display, but it rained too much D:

Oh, good =D

"Agreed," was all he said in reply before kissing her back, smiling against her lips. He probably wouldn't have cared much if everyone had been awake, in any case.

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Awwh. I love rain though. :D

She smiled, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was sleeping, slipping over him. Her knees were on either side of his waist. Now, she was slightly taller than him, an inch at most, but it still changed things up a bit.

So do I, but the fireworks would be cancelled if it was too wet xD Which they were Dx

Both arms now wrapped around her-- one hand had found her hair while the other held her to him by the small of her back. It was an odd, but interesting thing to have to lean up to reach her for a change. He continued to kiss her, trying to keep quiet about it for the moment.

True. Fireworks are good. :)

She did let out a moan, though she made it as quiet as she possibly could. Leaning down was interesting for her, but she definitely didn't mind it.

I love them <3

I want to take photos of any I see this year.

He smirked slightly against her lips now in an attempt to keep himself from laughing. He was kissing her a bit more passionately now, and that probably wasn't helping.

I never get good firework pictures. D:

"You're too good at this." she giggled against his lips, still slighly reluctant to pull away. Her fingertips were interlocked with a few strands of his hair now.

I've never tried. But I usually take good pictures of other fast moving objects.

"I would have said you were better, love. Apparently not, I assume?" he chuckled in reply. He was still kissing her, and not in any mood to be pulling away.

Ahh. If you ever get good firework pictures, you must share.

"Of course I'm not going to agree with you."she replied through a few kisses "And besides, you obviously won't agree with me. She lowered herself down so that age was now sitting in his lap.

Will do :)

He kissed her briefly once more before pulling away at last. Everyone around them was still asleep, which was a good sign. "My answer is simply 'no comment', since nothing will ever become of this type of argument between us," he said softly.

Do you not have rehearsals on Friday or something?

She nodded. "That's fine. We can just drop the topic." She smiled happily, pressing her lips against his neck.

It varies weekly. I've got on Monday and Tuesday next week. I had Tuesday and Thursday this week.

I just watched The Notebook. Awwww, it was so good! <33

"Works for me," he said, somewhat breathlessly as she kissed his neck.

Ohwow. You're so lucky that you don't have them each day!

Ooh. I wanna see that so bad. We're watching Moulin Rouge.

She remained still for a few seconds, only her lips moving against his neck. "I can barely wait till we get there.." she whispered, her lips still against his neck.

I'm only a chorus part, so of course I wouldn't. Besides, we have more time to prepare than you do since we only do one each year.

You have to soon! <3

He shivered slightly this time, closing his eyes as she found one of his weaker spots. He nodded and said, "Neither can I, love."

Mhmm. But here we're all required to come everyday. With exceptions. Which is why I was confused.

She smiled slightly, pleased with his reaction. She stayed on that spot a while longer before moving away.

We just get a weekly schedule posted on the music noticeboard.

He, again, was trying to refrain from making too much noise. He managed to tone it down to a sigh.

The speaker came on again, it was the pilot this time, explaining that they would be landing shortly-- in about ten to fifteen minutes.

D: I'm jealous! Especially since I'm like in charge of cardboard boat making. D: but that's almost done with thankfully.

She took this as a good time to get off him, because they were about to land, and because a few people around them were starting to stir awake. She gave him a short kiss and then moved back to her own seat. Soon enough, it was obvious that they were heading towards the ground.


Do you have rehearsals at lunch, too?

The seatbelt light came on again, and so he clipped himself in, just taking Avery's hand for the minute.

Another few minutes, and they hand landed, and were parked outside the airport. The fact that they were here at last finally sunk in.

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