x.Chasing Sunshine


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Ohhkayy. :) so I'm back to 6 hours. Ahaha. They need to have some universal system.

I dunno. xD maybe when they leave for Venice?


I always assumed we all did it on the same week xD

Sure thing :)

Brandon was just heading over to pick Avery up at her house. He'd finished packing a few last minute things and had just said goodbye to Isabella and James-- Matt was still in bed, not that he cared. He pulled up in front of the house some five minutes after leaving his. He knocked on the door.

I know not all countries do it. It's so inconsistent. It really bothers me.

Avery had been waiting--her mom had been going on about safety. Her father looked perfectly calm, because he was. She opened the door, almost instantly after he knocked. She greeted him with a hug, and then turned to say goodbye to her parents, and her brothers. Once that was over, and they were in the car, she gave him a quick kiss. "Excited?" she asked. It was plenty obvious that she was.

I know. It really confused me last week D:

"Oh, unbelievably so," he returned the kiss, grinning. "The wait is finally over, and we're actually going," he said. He drove a bit quicker than he normally did to the airport, clearly impatient.

Yeah. I hate that awkward change. D:

"And I'm going with you. Which is, of course, the most important part." she smiled. She had bought the tickets online earlier, to save them time so there wouldn't be much to do once they got to the airport.

I went on Facebook and Janna was on, and it should have only been about 3:15 there so I asked her why she was home so early and she was like, "Um, Tarryn, it's 4:15, and my bus has changed route, so I always get home around this time now, remember?" xDD

He smiled and took one hand off the steering wheel to entwine his fingers with hers. "We could be going anywhere in the world right now and I couldn't care less where as long as you're coming with," he agreed.

Haha. xD wow. This morning, I almost screamed when I saw that it was 1:09 AM again. And then I was like "oh yeah..."

She held on to his hand. "Well, then I suppose Venice is just an added bonus." she chirped happily.

Ohyeah, I meant to ask you how your no sleep regime worked out? x3

"Venice is exactly that; a bonus," he laughed. "I can't wait." He sang along quietly to the radio the way he always did in the car. It wasn't too far of a drive to the airport, either, so they were there fairly soon, particularly thanks to Brandon's quick driving.

Not bad. Though I crashed these last 3 days. xD

I slept. I love how you call it a regime. :)

Once he had parked the car, she stepped out, to pull their luggage out of the car. She only had one piece, which she was able to pull out and carry easily.

It sort of came into my head and I thought it was a funny way to put it xD

Well, I'm being forced to go to bed. See you! ILY <3

"Nice to see I have a girlfriend who doesn't overpack. I hear that annoys guys," he smiled. "Can I take it for you, or am I not allowed to carry your things?" They'd already started to head to the main entrance-- towards the check in desk.

Well. I found it amusing.

Nightnight. :)

"I can handle it, but thank you for asking, love." she smiled back. Once they reached the check in desk, she handed the printed tickets to the lady there. In turn, she recieved the two boarding passes and the lady proceeded to take their luggage from them.

Because she'd already sorted out most things online, they didn't have to wait all that long until they actually had to board-- just enough to get through customs and then less than a half hour before that one. He took her hand now that they were free of luggage and they headed where the lady had directed them. He made sure his phone and camera and things like that were in his hand luggage.

The line at customs wasn't too long, so they passed through there quick enough. At the security checkpoint, she slipped out of her shoes, placing them gently in the tray, along with her phone and camera.

Airport Security.. I'm officially called 'Tarryn The Crim' because I never fail to get searched when I get there xDDD

He put his hand luggage on the conveyor belt, and was also told to take his belt and shoes off, which he placed into a tray behind his bag. He got through without it going off, so he slipped his shoes back on, and put his belt into the bag for the time being, and would put it on later.

Seriously? I've never been pulled aside. O: I hate freaking LHR though, sorry. xD

She threw her carry on into her tray as well, before following him through the metal detector. She got through just fine and picked up her things. "And now to our plane, correct?"

I honestly don't know what it is, but it was really embarrassing on the way to Holland 'cause the woman gave me a really thorough search, in front of the whole family xDD

LHR? I probably know what it is, just forget :L

He took her hand, "Thanks to your excellent organisation skills-- creditable, even for a woman--, we don't have to wait around hours before it's due to leave, so, yeah, we can get on now and it'll take off in about a half an hour or so," he said, smiling and leading her to the correct gate. "Prepare for a long flight, though."

That would be awkward.

London Heathrow airport? Lol. It's so chaotic. D:

She smiled happily, getting on to the plane, searching for the seats. "Im not worried about that, dear. I have you here." she laughed slightly.

I don't remember the few times I went to Heathrow, I was too small, only just coming from SA and back.

The biggest I've been to since is Stansted, for German Exhange. Although... Wait, Amsterdam might be bigger.

It takes longer to get from the runway to the airport itself than the rest of the flight from the UK to there, it's hilarious xD

"That's true. I'll survive quite easily with you around," he agreed, smiling. He offered to put her bag in the overhead compartment before he sat down. "Do you want your phone or should I leave it in there?"

I don't like airports in general. D: I don't feel secure in them. Like I go paranoid.

"No, you can leave it inside. I don't need it." she replied, sitting down besides him. She leaned across, to kiss his cheek. "I love you, Brandon."

Really? I love airports =D

He smiled and returned the kiss. "I love you, too, Avery. So very much." He took her hand once she was sat down, and stretched his legs out a bit-- he liked big planes like this; he was usually too tall to be comfortable.

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