x.Chasing Sunshine


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Ahaha. Mine are the kind who would be like "how many lemons can you eat in five minutes?"

She nodded enthusiastically. She, of course, understood what he meant. She looked over at Isabella. "So where did you live before this?"

I wish mine were like that. They almost never by lemons at all so I wait until Tuesdays when I go to grandmas and get some xD

Isabella put her empty plate in the sink. "Well, James and I lived up in Liverpool most of our lives"--oh, and that showed. She had a Liverpudlian accent that was almost as strong as they came--"and, when we heard about--" she looked at Brandon and mouthed 'does she know?', and he nodded. "Well, when we heard about what happened to my sister and her husband and the kids we moved down temporarily to London to look after Brandon. But we knew being there was a bit difficult for, well, all of us, really, but particularly Brandon, we thought about something new. And so, here we are."

Well. We buy limes because they're cheaper, so really the concept is the same.

Eeep! I'm so excited for tomorrow & Saturday. Tomorrow's our theatre Halloween party & the juniors might crash it. And then I'm trick or treating with the twins, Colleen, Zoe, her boyfriend, and Shelby on Saturday.

But Katelyn ditched us for a date. Boooo. D:

Actually. Screw it. My parents disallowed me from going. Because I have a 3.77 GPA instead of a 4.0.

Avery nodded in response. Of course, it was hard for her to relate. Nothing remotely close to what had happened to him had happened to her. She was sure it must have been devastating, though. Just terrible for him.

"How do you like it here so far?" she asked, more to get her mind off Brandon's family.

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Not a sour, though, so that's cheating xD

Wow, that sucks. It sounded like fun. I'm assuming that's to do with grades..?

Brandon looked a little bit uncomfortable the whole time-- not necessarily the memories, as such, thought they did hurt, but because he knew it would be hard for Avery to say anything to that. It was as if he were feeling uncomfortable for her.

"It's a nice town. The kids weren't crazy about it-- a little quiet, perhaps-- but James and I like it here, and we're sure they'll grow to feel the same way about it," she said.

Brandon smiled, "I like it better here already. We weren't the only ones, you know. Avery just moved here yesterday, too."

"Really? What a coincidence! And what are your first impressions, then?"

Yeah. Grades. Grade point average. I seriously despise my school and at the moment, also my parents because they threaten me with taking away theatre if my grades aren't in the ninties.

"Well, at first I wasn't to excited because I've never really lived in such a small town before. Honestly, there aren't many places to go but I really do like it here. It's not as bad as I was expecting it to be." Avery replied. Of course, her only reason for saying that was Brandon and the fact that he was here as well.

Wow, I'd hate that D:

My parents would never take away my music or art if my grades dropped below 90s..

"Now that you mention it, you don't sound like the locals," Isabella said.

"Did it ever occur to you that we don't, either?" Brandon laughed, finishing his last mouthful of cake. "She sticks out less than we do. Especially you with that accent."

"Oh, alright, you win," she rolled her eyes. "So, what's so good about this place that means you guys like it all of the sudden?"

Well. I envy you for that. D:

Avery wasn't expecting that question at all. "Well, um, there's a fabulous beach close by." she covered quickly enough.

It would be the very last thing they'd resort to..

"Oh, yes, Brandon mentioned that's where you were all night," Isabella nodded. "Well, I'm glad you found that beach 'cause, whether you liked it here or not, we were staying for at least a few months. Looks like longer now, though, since you had a change of heart."

"That can only be a good thing, in my opinion," Brandon smiled.

Ahhff. It's their first. So my plan for tonight is to eat the brownies I got for the party as well as eat my spicy Indian chips and read my WHAP book all night.

And god knows of I'll be allowed to trick or treat tomorrow. D:

Avery smiled slightly, finishing her cake. She dropped her plate off in the sink. "Thank you so much for the cake. Do you need help cleaning the dishes or something?" she asked Isabella.

Sounds half fun, half incredibly dull xD

I've been doing art homework quite literally all day, and I'm not even close to finishing it Dx

This is the third day I've spent lots of time on it, it's just the most ridiculous workload ever..

"Oh, no, thankyou, love, it's alright. Matt was supposed to do last night's dinner dishes and he didn't, so a few extra plates won't do him any harm. Speaking of which, I'll kick him out of bed if he doesn't get up in ten minutes, the lazy bugger," she chuckled.

I don't plan on sleeping all weekend. I never do.

Good luck with the work. :)

She nodded slightly, making her way back to him. "Did you think of anything exciting for us to do today?"

I have a feelimg that I won't get it done by the deadline :S

My excuse, you can't rush art. And that's totally true x3

I actually haven't got a clue as to what they could do xD

Brandon sighed, shaking his head. "I got nothing the whole time," he said.

Awwh. D:

What exactly are you working on?

"Honestly, I hadn't thought of much either." she shrugged. There really wasn't much to do here.

Well, there are three double page spreads (page size A3, haven't got a clue what that is to you xD) on 3 mixed media portrait atrists, decorated appropriately, analysing their artwork, and drawing work in their style and/or a copy of some of their work.

Then, there are 5 observational works showing that we're capable of using different mediums, replicating the styles of our chosen artists. Each drawing has to take at least an hour, but, really, if you want to do them well, they take at least three D:

"You haven't talked to your parents about.." he glaced around, Isabella had left the kitchen but he still referred to it as "well, you know, anyway, have you?" The time would come for him to talk to Isabella and James about their planned trip. Not right now, a bit later on in the day.

Goodness. Why do you have to do so much? That would take me a week to do. D:

"No. Not yet. But I will. Either tonight or tomorrow morning. But soon, I promise. " she replied, shaking her head slightly.

It's taken me so long and I'm still not even close to finishing. On top of that, I had all my other homeworks to do, and right now I've got a screaming headache Dx

"That's fine, really, I just wondered," he said. He drummed his fingers on the countertop, searching for even the tiniest flicker of an idea.

Goodgod. D: I don't think even I have that much.

"You know, we could just stay here, if your aunt doesn't mind. We don't have to do much today." she suggested, watching him.

What made it worse today was that my cousin, who's in the same school year as me has had absolutely no homework to do this week.

"Well, that's fine, as long as you won't get bored with that," he nodded.

That sucks. D: I hate homework inconsistency.

"How could I get bored? I'm with you." she smiled and pecked him on the lips.

She never has any, while I've just been piled up with it from the start..

He chuckled, returning the kiss, "When you put it that way, that's a good point. I couldn't get bored around you, either."

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