x.Chasing Sunshine


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Wow. Poor kid. And 14. That's so young.

She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

"I love you so, so much. There just isn't a word to describe how much." She kissed his cheek.

The sad thing is, I wasn't surprised when I found out, either. She just seemed.. Well.. That type, as mean as that sounds.

"I know by everything you say and do to me. I need nothing more," Brandon returned the kiss, and tightened his hold around her waist. "I love you, too."

Being her ever cheerful, intimate-moment ruining self, Isabella shouted up the stairs, "Cake's done, Brandon, love."

He rolled his eyes. "Fancy a cookie? Cake? Neither?" he chuckled.

I know what you mean. I know a handful of lids like that.

Goodness. What are you doing up so late?

I'm so excited, though. Tomorrow's Decades Day at school and I'm doing the 80s so I'm wearing the neon pink leggings I got for Halloween. :)

She giggled slightly, though she remained seated in his lap. "I'll go if you will. I don't mind if I do eat now or if I don't."

Don't mock me xDD

I stay up until this time quite often when I'm on break. Yesterday, day before, day before that.. Since Thursday, basically xD I am heading off now, though.

Niiice =D Wish we had days like that at school.

"She'll probably be offended if I don't go down and have some at some point soon, I suppose," he continued to chuckle. "You don't look like the type who eats cake much, though, especially not at ten in the morning," he laughed, poking her stomach very gently.

A handful of lids... D: So much for spell check.

Lol. Nightnight.

And how does your school not do theme days!?

She squirmed slightly, giggling. She shook her head.

"No. I don't usually eat cake this early. But I don't want your aunt to get offended, so we'll go down in a bit."

Spellcheck is a fail, in my opinion xP

Well, we only get three days a year (not including on trips) where we don't wear uniform.

"And, until then?" he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. "I regret that my house isn't the centre for all excitement in this world. My room even less. Except for all the music, anyway." He chuckled.

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D: that's not cool. I look awesome, though. With my side pony and leggings and legwarmers. xD

"Either ways, I prefer your house to mine and it's exciting enough for me." She replied "And until we go down, we can do whatever you want."

Yup. I look hot. :)

She smiled at him. "Well, I guess we could eat now and plan our day later."

My, how modest of you to say so xD

"Or plan while we eat and save time. One of the two works fine. they both involve planning and eating," he chuckled, taking her hand now and getting up off the bed.

Go look at the pictures in the picture topic. Then you'll agree with me. :) hot is an understatement.

"We'll go with your idea. Much less time consuming." She nodded, letting him lead the way.

I give up on this computer. I typed the whole post out and then it logs off and shuts down randomly. What a pain in the a'ss.

I didn't doubt for a second you did, with or without proof :)

Very nice =D

He smiled and lead her downstairs, where the smell of baking was even stronger than when they'd come in. "I was getting worried!" Isabella's voice sounded from the kitchen. "I almost thought you didn't want cake, and then I'd know there was something wrong, Brandon!" she said. Across the counter there were two different cakes and a whole box full of cookies.

"Who are we feeding, the whole neighbourhood?" Brandon asked, glancing at all the products of his aunts morning baking session.

"You could eat for all of them, love, I know it, so don't play that game," Isabella stuck her tongue out at him-- an odd sight, no doubt. "Help yourselves. And be a gentleman and get Avery some first, why don't you?"

Awwh. D: sad day.

Ahaha. You're too nice.

Avery couldn't help but to giggle when Isabella stuck out her tounge. She wasn't used to seeing adults making childish gestures. She looked to Brandon and sort of gestured, as if to tell him that she didn't mind if he served himself first.

Really? Why?

I don't get that. A lot of people say that to me. I'm just.. Well, being me, normal. Truthful.. xD

"I had planned on giving her something first, anyway, thank you," Brandon said. "Alright, take your pick, babe.. This looks like chocolate.. This one's.. Oh, banana bread, and, I'm sure you can tell, those are cookies."

Do you not use that term!? We say it when something suckish happens to someone else or like after we rant about crap that happens to us.

Ahah. :)

"Chocolate is good." Avery replied "Um... where are your plates? I'll get some for all of us."

Nope, lol. It's like, us using lemon xD

"I've got it all under control," Brandon insisted, reaching up to a cabinet and getting three plates down from the top shelf. "I'm assuming you're having, Isabella," he said, getting cake forks out of the drawer.

"I shouldn't, but I will. Be a love and get me some banana loaf, will you?" she replied.

"Sure." He cut a piece of chocolate cake for Avery and handed the plate to her, along with a fork. Another for himself, and then a slice of banana bread for Isabella.

Ahh yes. You and your lemons. :)

"Thank you, Brandon." she smiled, taking a bite. Her family, didn't bake much. It was usually her along with her brothers, though they didn't help much. And when the rare occasion they did bake, it didn't turn out as good as this.

"This tastes amazing. I think it's the best cake I've ever had."

Lemons are, simply, awesome.

Apparently, I'm going to break the world record for eating the most lemons in a minute. It's quite possible. I eat them all the time xD

"Surely your girlfriend's sucking up, eh?" Isabella nudged Brandon in the ribs, chuckling.

"No, I'm pretty sure she's serious, actually. It is an amazing cake. Honestly."

"Thank you, guys. That makes me wonder about how much cake you've ever had in your life, but thank you all the same."

I love lemons. I just can't eat as many as I wish I could.

Avery shook her head. "It really is good. We don't have cake often. Just birthdays and such. Either it's store bought or I make it. Either ways, it isn't this good."

My parents cringe every time they see me with one. It's hilarious xD

"Well, now we know where to go if we need a cake for whatever occasion may call for one," Brandon said, winking at Avery. Isabella, of course, didn't tap onto it, she assumed he meant birthdays or something, but that was exactly how he'd wanted her to percieve it.

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