x.Chasing Sunshine


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Oh god. That's the same with French. We've had three subs who know the language and one from Africa so we couldn't understand the accent. If they know French & you understand them, you learn more than usual. Otherwise, you're in silence, doing busy work for fifty minutes.

EDIT. I'm an idiot.

"Such as what?" she asked, smiling slightly "When do you turn eighteen anyway?"

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I do that all the time. When I'm posting and thinking of something else, I forget what i'm doing halfway. Acck.

"December." she said "And I can guess. It's just that I don't know if you're thinking the same thing. Though I hope you are."

I did that once before. I was having an off night, Janna would tell you the same thing xD

If she came on anymore..

"I could possibly be.. I'm still not sure whether to say it or not.." he replied. "Fine, starts with 'M'.."

Awwh. D: I miss her.

And double awwh. The football coach just told Finn to pick between Glee and football. D:

And thriple awh. YouTube the trident layers commercial. I verbally awwhed at the end. xD

"I think we can safely say it's the same thing." Avery replied, sitting up so that she could face him properly.

Ohmygod. "Rachel was a hot Jewish girl and the Good Lord wanted me to get into her pants."

Me too D:

Wow.. Tough choice Dx

And, I haven't seen that.

Want another awh? I have to get going.. Bye <3 ILY.

"Would you say yes, if I asked you? Not now, but then.." Brandon said. It was an interesting conversation to be having, considering the fact that they hadn't known each other for long at all.

I mentally awwhed. D:

g'night. :)

"Yes." she nodded "I think I would." She was thinking the same thing he was, but she meant what she said. She leaned in, giving him a quick kiss.

Brandon kissed her back while it lasted. He smiled, "Well, I'm glad. I would understand, though, if you'd said otherwise.. I mean, we barely just met. And yet, though I say that, I know I love you more than I've ever known anything else in my life."

"I completely agree." Avery replied "I just know you're the only person I'll ever love as much as I do, so if I did say no, I would be making the biggest mistake of my life."

Aw. D:

mmkay. :)

"Well, but I think that if you did ask when we were both eighteen, I know what I would say."

Is it bad there? We had a ton of kids gone during the last show, but most everyone has been cured.

"Fine. Just keep me in suspense then. " she told him, though she was laughing as she did.

Everyone was catching a cold-- like, literally everyone (except for me, until now)-- but it wasn't swine flu.

"Where's the fun in knowing if you're going to be proposed to-- especially at a particular time? If I told you, we may as well be engaged right now," he pointed out.

Awwh. You'll get better. D:

"True." she nodded "I'll just have to wait then."

Yeah, I always do. I shake it off before it gets too bad. It's very rare that I get sick enough that I don't feel up to school.

"I'm afraid so," he chuckled. "As much as I wish you didn't, because it means that I have to wait, too."

Lucky. I'm the opposite. If I get sick, it's more or less a given that I'll get worse.

Sorry for disappearing. I had a shower.

"Until then, I'm just happy that I have you." she smiled at him.

Haha. xD I slept for 12 hours. Which was a pleasant change compared to the 5 hours I've been getting during the week. :)

"I know. And I couldn't be happier." she reached for his hand and interlaced her fingers with his.

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