x.Chasing Sunshine


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I've never read that actually. What is it about?

"I hadn't really planned anything. We could hang around here, or at my house, or anywhere really." she said, shrugging.

Capote did a ton of reasearch into the mysterious murder of the popular Clutter family who lived in Kansas in the '60s.

It's all about the murderer's plans and how they killed them in the end,

It's a really interesting case.

Oh. My. Lord. I just downloaded a studio version of Adam singing Whole Lotta Love. I'm so in love with him it's ridiculous xDD

"Whether we stay here depends on if you can handle my aunt fussing over you all day-- I promise she's capable," he laughed.

Oh god. I love murder mysteries. I should read this.

Ahaa. :) nice.

She nodded "I'm sure I can handle it." She figured he was just exaggerating it. Besides, she was in no hurry to go back to her own home.

It's a great book; I'm so glad my English teacher gave it to me.

"Well, okay, then. She's not really that awful, but that doesn't mean she won't at all. She just loves having people over since my cousin never brouggt friends over because he doesn't have any." He chuckled, but pulled a face-- his cousin was a bit of a brat, in his opinion.

I'll put it on my list. :)

She stifled a laugh. "That was mean." she giggled slightly, pulling him into a gentle embrace.

I haven't. But I know we have Memoirs of a Geisha lying around somewhere. So I'll start with that.

"I don't doubt you, love. You know him better than I do." she nodded slightly, before nuzzling her face into his neck.

My friend gave it to me randomly. I went round her house and she said, "Do you want any books?" and just picked out that one for me xD

He ran his fingers through her slightly damp hair, holding her close to him. "You don't want to know him. But I'm sure he'll come through soon and complain about how if he'd stayed out all night he would have been grounded and I'm just being treated with favouritism. That is his way."

Wow. XD I wish my friends did that.

She couldn't help but to giggle when he said that. The way it sounded was just funny. "He sounds lovely." she smirked sarcastically.

Wow, the board's been offline for the past 4 hours here xD

Yeah, Jade's one of a kind when it comes to what she does for friends :L

"Oh, I'm sure you'll both get on like a house on fire," he snickered. "I suppose we shouldn't be too harsh on him, it's probably a case of only child syndrome. He's not used to having another around the house."

xDD All I can say about that is, I only hope I don't act bratty because I'm an only child.

I know. So much for the fifteen minutes message.

Ahh. Well. You don't seem that ways.

"Poor you. Having to deal with that." she laughed, kissing along his neckline.

It's always longer than fifteen minutes, but not usually anywhere near that long..

Ah, good, then xD

"I know," he sighed dramatically. "Maybe I should just come and live with you, to save my sanity," he laughed.

True. I was getting annoyed.


"You're more than welcome to, if you want." she replied "I doubt my parents will mind."

You have great timing. I just got on the bus!:)

"Well, it's always an option, just in case you can't put up with him." Avery laughed.

I'm just amazing like that xDD

"Well, I'll keep it in mind. It's a shame he's such a pain, really, since I like living with my aunt and uncle otherwise.." He mused. "You could always move here and just manage to keep my from going insane from him," he snickered.

Ahh. I'm so pi**ed off right now. While I was at Mary Poppins, I missed a science lab & my theatre teacher said I could make it up today during her class and that she would leave in the notes for the sub. She forgot and when we told the sub, she started telling at us (twins && I) and she accused us of stalling the class and for bringing our personal problems to us. And Joe had gotten out of his sixth period class to do the lab with us and our chem teacher sent him to get us and everything. And she still yelled at us. D:<

even though we had permission.

"That's also an option." she nodded "Whichever you prefer. But I do prefer your house to mine."

I can't stand it when teachers are so riduculously stubborn and conviced that they're right like that..

"You know, you don't have to consider either of them right now. It was just an idea," he said. He would like it either way, he just didn't want her to feel like one of them would have to do any of that right now.

Ack. And she was just a sub. Which was pretty clueless.

"When I turn eighteen then. I'll look into it." she laughed, laying back onto his bed--it was comfortable. She liked it.

Subs are fun in Maths and such, becauseI don't mind not doing anything. Plus, if we do decide to do work, at least it's straightforward. Subs for Music are nightmares in the making. If they don't know anything about the subject then you're completely screwed Dx

He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at her. "Depending on a few circumstances I may consider looking into other things when we're both at least eighteen.." he said.

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