x.Chasing Sunshine


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It's pretty. And PARAMORE. Have you listened to brand new eyes? It's sooo good. :)

Ahh. Thank goodness for that, too.

She finished soon enough, though not exactly very fast. When she walked out, she was dressed much more casually than the previous day, in shorts and a tee shirt. Her hair was still damp as well. "Ready." she announced, making her way over to him to kiss his cheek.

I have indeed :)

It came out the week after my birthday, so I went out and bought it the first day it was out.

It's amazingggggg <3

"Ready and looking lovely, I might add." Brandon returned the kiss and got off the bed, taking her hand. He let her lead him out. He would have said goodbye or at least something to her mum on the way out, but he didn't want to disturb her.

I love both versions of Turn It Off. And Brick By Boribg Brick and Misguided Ghosts. Also Ignorance.

She stopped by her mother's makeshift home office, to let her know where she was going. In turn, her mother nodded, her eyes glued to the computer screen.

Yeahh, I also love Misguided Ghosts. And The Only Exception. I like the acoustic-y ones, they always do a good job on them.

And yes, Ignorance <33

"Nice to meet you," Brandon said as they turned to leave. He fished in his pockets for his car keys-- he enjoyed the fact that he could drive by himself here, while he'd need to wait until he was eighteen to do that back in England. He opened her door for her as always before getting into the driver's seat. It was only a short trip to his house-- not surprising considering the size of the town. "Doesn't it bother you that they're always working?" he asked about halfway there.

I love acoustic Ignorance. :)

ohmygosh. Glee. Tomorrow!!

"Yeah, it does." Avery admitted "It did give us a lot more freedom to do whatever we wanted. Which I guess is half the reason we moved here. Because we got a little out of hand in New York."


My baby cousin just got born! =D

"I always had my freedom-- plenty of it," he replied. "But one of my parents was always around to be with us.." He stared somewhat dreamily out of the front windscreen and almost missed the turning down his road. He stopped the car next to the pavement in front of the house. "Well, here we are," he said, unclipping his seatbelt.

Awwwh. A boy or girl?

Avery nodded. She liked the house at once. It was so simple and neat looking as compared to hers. "Its such a nice house." she told him before getting out of the car and waiting for him.

A girl. She's soooooooo cute! <3

"Yeah, I like it, anyway," Brandon nodded, entwining his fingers with hers to lead her in. "I'm not sure what sort of state it's in right now-- how much is unpacked or whatever--, so I apologise for any boxes lying around in case there are any."

He was shocked to find the hallway completely clutter free as he opened the front door. It looked like they'd been living here for a while-- and there was the smell of something being baked. "I'm home, with company," he called out from the hallway, and his aunt came rushing out from the kitchen, oven gloves on her hands.

"Welcome back, Brandon!" she exclaimed, smiling at the two of them warmly.

"Isabella, my girlfriend, Avery," he gestured to her beside him. "Avery, my aunt, Isabella."

Awwh. That's so sweet. All my relatives are double digits. D:

Avery smiled. She would have shook Isabella's hand, but didn't because of the oven mitts. "Its really nice to meet you. And it's a lovely house." Every time she took a breath she could smell whatever Isabella was cooking. It smelt good.

She's adorable <333

She's the only single digit member, now. The youngest before her was her half sister, Kiki.

"Thank you," Isabella replied cheerfully. "It's not all unpacked yet, but the downstairs is pretty much done, and I started on the upstairs last night. I'd be up there right now, but my husband is still asleep." She chuckled.

"So you're baking instead?" Brandon asked, though it wasn't really a question since he knew the answer.

"I've got cookies and a banana loaf in there at the moment," she nodded. "If you guys want to stick around for a bit you can have some."

Awwh. Babies are adorable, though.

"Well, if Brandon doesn't mind. He still has to get ready though." she grinned slightly, squeezing his hand gently.

I know, but she's just extra adorable xD

"Well, I'll call you guys down when it's done, anyway, then," Isabella said. She watched them head up until they were about halfway up the stairs, smiling to herself, and then turned to go back to the kitchen.

Brandon lead Avery to his room, which was at the end of the landing hallway. He blinked when he opened the door-- most of his boxes had been unpacked and taken away-- boxes contaning clothes and such. His room looked incredibly tidy, and.. Nice. His framed concert posters were up on the walls, and all of the furniture was where he'd wanted it.

"This is my room, which looks slightly different to how it did yesterday.." he chuckled.

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Awwh. Did you visit her?

"Wow." she said in awe, her eyes skimming over the posters "Your aunt seems so nice. I just can't imagine how she had the time to organize so much. It seems so impossible."

No, not yet, her and my aunt are still resting in the hospital. She's been Facebooked xD

"I know.." he blinked. "I don't have a clue how she did it..." He lead her in and sat down on the bed. "She is lovely, I agree. And she's taken me in like I was her own son."

Ahh. I see. :)

goodness. I woke upbat like 8:06 today and had like 14 minutes to get ready. I'm tired, pi**ed off, and I want to hurt someone. Today will be a bad, bad day. Due to the fact I don't have rehearsal today or tomorrow because my teacher is goin out of town.

She nodded and sat down next to him. "I like your house." she told him "And your room." She looked around once more before giving him her full attention once more.

I know exactly how you feel..

I'm on holiday for just over a week now, except that it can't really be called a holiday because of the ridiculous amount of homework I have to do..

-Write advantages and disadvantages for every energy resource and use them to write your solution to the energy crisis.

-Write the leading speech for our class debate on the BNP.

-3 double page (that's pages twice the size of normal paper) spreads of 3 mixed media portrait artists and another 5 pages of observational work based on them. Also put together ideas for the final piece.

-A biography on a famous mathematician.

-A mock History exam paper, minus the essay, since I already did that.

-Extreme revision over all Biology and Physics work for the modular exam in November.

-A write up in French about a movie we watched.

-Read the next 10 chapters of To Kill a Mocking Bird.

Wooooo Dx

"Thanks. It surprises me that you think that, considering what I thought of your house. But I like it here, too," he nodded. "I didn't like the location, of course. Until I found you living in the area-- that makes it about as desirable as anywhere else in the world," he chuckled.

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Ohhdearry. D:

To Kill A Mockingbird is such a good book, though. Where are you in it?

She laughed, tilting her head up to kiss his cheek. "You live so close. I can visit you all the time."

It is a good book :)

I'm at the part where Dill comes out from underneath Scout's bed after her and Jem had a fight.

"I'm expecting visits from you no less frequent than that, and vice versa," Brandon smirked, returning the kiss.

Ahh. I love that book. :)

"All the time, then." she laughed "And what are your plans for the day, love?"

Dill was apparently based on Harper's childhood friend, Truman Capote, who wrote one of my all time favourite books-- In Cold Blood.

"Well, I got as far as get re-dressed, and then try some of Isabella's cake and then.. I'd decided to go along with whatever you planned, really," he said.

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