x.Chasing Sunshine


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Teribbly. Haha. I'm not reading WHAP chapters. I'm doing the online summaries.

"That's true." she nodded "I guess they'll be up soon." She hoped they slept for longer, though. She liked this--just the two of them.

Tut tut xDDD

"You guess they will be, but I hope that they won't," he replied with a smile, giving her a peck on the lips. "Eager as I am to meet them," he stopped to chuckle, "you are why I'm here."

Well it's twenty pages condensed into four. I prefer summaries. xD

"I hope they don't wake up, as well. I like this. Just us." she smiled.

What are you actually reading about?

We don't have anything like WHAP chapters here xDD

"So I see another reason why you're so excited about travelling," he said. "I agree, I like things when it's just you and me. "

Uhm. Byzantine. Eastern Europe. We just finished the spread if Islam & Christianity in the Post Classical Age. Well--we're not done with the unit. We focus more on the spread of things && we focus mire on world history than the other world history levels. Like everyone else does more on Europe. We do a more worldy basis I suppose.

She nodded when he mentioned traveling. She was excited. "I'll ask them about it today. It'll be nice."

Ah, I see. We're just left to research things for ourselves, rather than be given something to read.

And right now I'm writing an essay on freedom and hatred both existing in US society during the Roaring Twenties. Funfunfun xD

"Did we say we were going to Rome as well? I don't remember," he chuckled.

God. And I thought reading was bad. Actually no. I prefer the essay. You'd understand if you saw the chapters. xD

"We said Venice. And Rome, because it shouldn't be too far away." she replied "So yes. I guess we did."

I'll take a picture for you someday. So you can experience the vast amount of knowledge. :)

Chapter 10 Summary;


She nodded happily. At that point, she could hear the opening and closing of a door.

"Sonebody's awake now." she told him. Sure enough, a little bit later, her mother entered the room, tired looking, and quite surprised to see them both there.

"Mom, this is Brandon, my boyfriend. He came over earlier." she introduced him.

That's the outline? xDD Wow.

He was struck by the resemblance between Avery and her mother. He'd have known they were family from a mile off. He smiled politely, "Hi, Mrs. French. I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself to you last night," he said.

Mm. Yep. The chapters are like 20 pages of size ten font. With five pictures. But I love my WHAP book. I adore the thing.

She nodded. "Its nice to meet you. Are you two hungry? Did you eat anything?"

Avery shook her head, answering both questions. To Brandon, she asked "Are you hungry?"

Well.. Um.. That's good? xDD

"And a pleasure to meet you, too." He smiled.

He shook his head and said, "No, thank you." But his stomach had other ideas and growled. He rolled his eyes, "Ignore that, I don't want to trouble you or anything.."

Ha. Thanks.

Okay. I just realized that the 2012 Olympics are in London. So now, I'm insanely jealous of you.

"You won't be troubling us. Are you sure?" Avery asked him.

Her mother watched, before yawning. "You can eat whatever you want if you change your mind." she told them before turning away--probably to work.

The sailing venue is forty minutes away from where I live xD

But I doubt I'll go up to watch somehow. I'd love to, but I don't see it happening.

Although, I will be seventeen by then, so maybe I will :)

"No, it's fine, I'll grab something later, really, thanks, though," he'd directed it at both of them, but he'd been looking at Avery, so he hadn't seen her mum leave. "Oh.." he looked remotely puzzled.

I really want to go. And it's after high school and everything. So assuming I do well enough, my parents shouldn't mind. And also my friend who's 2 years older than me wants to go and it was our plan to go together. xD

She giggled slightly. "She's probably going to work or something." she explained.

Ahh, we should meet up once we're there. Go and catch a West End Show one night, go shopping in Camden.. Would be amazing :)

"When do they stop working-- other than when they sleep--, then?" he chuckled.

Yess. Definitely. As long as I'm allowed to come. xD

"Ver rarely." she laughed "On our birthdays. Holidays. Should we go to your house and check in with your aunt and uncle?"

We shall see :)

Ohmigosh. Music performace today. I played my piece the best I've ever played it. It's contributing to my GCSE grade, so I'm uber happy =D

"Wow.. Surely that's no fun.." he mused. He nodded, "Sure, I'm pretty positive they'll be up by now. Are you planning to go like that?" he chuckled.

Awwwwh. YAY!:)

Ohh. I like your siggy btw.

Ahhh. Rehearsals for UIL show begin today!

"No. I'll go have a quick shower." she stood up again, and pulled yet another set of clothes out of more boxes. She had a bathroom which was adjacent to her room. Usually, it would have taken a long time to get ready, but she could be quick so he wouldn't have to wait.

Thanks :) Took me ages.. Longer than it looks like it should have xD

Another show already.. Wow xP

Brandon picked his jacket up and slipped it back on, pushing up the sleeves afterwards. He sat back against the headboard of her bed as he waited.

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