x.Chasing Sunshine


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A blister? No. Haha. What is this?

"You've told me too many times. And I still haven't figured out why you think that." She laughed softly. "But whatever the reason, I'm glad you think that."

You don't know what a blister is? xD Or am I just confused?

It's like, when your shoes rub against your feet, for example, and your skin sort of.. Well, it just looks like a bubble and it pops and it's got all horrible liquidy stuff in it.. -failedexplanation-

But yeah, I wrote it in NonTT in Bruises, bumps.. Whatever that topic's called xD

"A man can never tell a woman she's beautiful too many times," he replied, chuckling. "The same way he can never tell her he loves her too many times."

Ohnoo. I meant what is the story? But that is a lovely explanation. xD

She giggled softly and reached for his hand, playing slightly with his fingers. "You're amazing. Did you know that? I don't know what more I could want in a man. You're perfect." She tilted her head up to peck him on the lips.

You're all so confusing.. xD

Basically, I got given a harp part for a piece we're doing in Orchestra. I'm the pianist, so basically, I get to run my hand up and down the keys. It's amazingly fun 8D

Except that I obviously tilted my hand back too much and had the skin of my fingers running along the keys as well. So now I have a fat blister on the top of my finger xDD

He smiled and returned the kiss. "I am far from being the perfect man, love," he said. "But as long as I can be perfect to you, nothing else matters more to me. You'll think of something else you could want in a man, I'm sure, and when you do, I will still be that man for you."

Oh goodness. That must take some degree of talent. xD

"As long as it's you. That's all that matters." She was quiet for a few seconds before she wriggled out of his arms. "I'm going to change into something more comfortable." she explained, making her to the box she had opened the day before. She pulled out a pair of night shorts and a large t-shirt.

"You wouldn't mind if I changed right here, would you?"

That's what I thought xDD


Brandon shook his head. "That's a stupid question to ask any guy," he laughed softly, "Of course I wouldn't mind. I'll look away if you don't want me staring."

Wow. All I can say is 'wow.'


She had laughed at has initial response but shook her head afterwards. "I don't mind if you do, love." She then proceeded to pull the dress off over her head. Then she slipped into the shirt and shorts before bouncing down besides him again.

Still, it was worth it.

I'm the only person in any of the school bands who ever has, and ever will be allowed to do that on the piano xD

He just took her hand this time, stroking the top of it with his thumb lightly. "It's just as well, you didn't then," he chuckled, putting on the image of a schoolboy who'd just sneaked into the girl's changing room at the end of a lesson. Of course, he wasn't really anything like that at all.

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That's an accomplishment then. :)

She smirked slightly, kissing his cheek. She moved the hand he was holding so that she could intertwine her fingers with his.

Harp looks fun to play, actually. If I knew where I could try one out, I should xD

He squeezed her hand gently. "And, of course, you're looking lovely as ever in your oversized t-shirt," he chuckled, returning the kiss. He glanced at his watch, "Your parents sleep a long time," he said.

Harp. :) I just love the word. Harpharp.

She nodded slightly, looking at his watch as well. "They'll be up soon, I'm sure. I wish I could say the same about my brothers."

It's a cool word, actually xD

Local folks would sound hilarious saying it.. "Harrp.." Farmer talk xD

"You have more than one?" he asked. He'd only met one of them. "I'm not in any hurry for them to get, up, though, in case you were wondering why I asked."


sorry for randomly disappearing btw. I slept. xD

And a bunch of other crap.

"I have two." she nodded "And I hope they sleep for a little longer too."

She laughed slightly, imagining what her mother's initial shock to seeing him in the house would be.

That's alright. I've been round Lauren's, watching movies and such. So I've been disappearing, too.

"Oh, I see," he said. He tilted his head to the side slightly, "What are you laughing about?" he asked, just curious.

I'm so mad at myself. I've had the homework I've had for 6 days && I've just now started it.

"I was just thinking about how my mother would react if she woke up right now." she laughed "Though it really depends on how awake she is."

I used to do that sometimes, but I can't afford to do that anymore with the amount I get and the importance of all of it.

"Well, it's not as if I stayed here all night with you," he chuckled, "We did that at the beach instead." He smirked a little bit. "I imagine that if it were my parents-- or aunt and uncle.. Well, I don't know, actually."

Aha. I wish I had started earlier.

Gahh. I had two Cokes today && they're not working.

She smiled slightly. "My dad. He wouldn't mind too much. Nor would my mother, if she were barely awake. Otherwise, she woulb be---shocked."

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xD Coke at 4am would make me feel sick.

"Shocked? Really, why?" he looked somewhat surprised by this. He couldn't imagine his mum being shocked had any of his girlfriends being there-- well, depending on the situation, anyway.

Apparently it makes ne tired. D:

"Well, shocked in the sense that it might startle her. Because she tends to check on us in the mornings." Avery explained. That had probably been a bad choice of words.

How's the homework coming along? ):

"...Fair enough," Brandon nodded. "Oh, well, at least she probably won't be as startled as she would be if noone was here, which could have been the case," he chuckled.

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