x.Chasing Sunshine


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"It's very good." She argued "It's amazing really. Keep singing, please."

She smiled and looked out of the window as she listened. His voice was perfect---she loved it.

Awwwwwwwwww <3

I just watched Ghost and cried my eyes out <3


He sang all the way to her house, considering she obviously wanted to-- he'd noticed how she'd rushed conversations in order to get back to him singing. He stopped when he pulled up in front of her house. "Are you sure you don't want me to come in just for a second..? I mean, I kept you out all night and then I just drop you off to go in by yourself.." he said to her.

I haven't seen it. :) is it good?

She laughed slightly. That did sound a little suspicious. She nodded to him.

"Yes. Come with me then." she got out of the car and made her way to the front door. She half wondered if anyone had bothered to lock it after she had left. It seemed unlikely and after twisting the handle she wasn't surprised at all to find it unlocked.

Amazing <333

Plus, it's Patrick Swayze. What's not to like? xD

Brandon got his shirt off the back seat and quickly put it on, and the jacket he'd brought on top of that, hoping he wouldn't look too untidy. "We can still stick to the plan," he said, before he opened the door, "But I didn't want to just leave you." He stepped just inside the door behind her.

Awwh. :)

What's not to like--how true.

She nodded in agreement, and looked around the house. What time was it anyway? It was about nine--she realized, after looking at a nearby clock. Her brothers wouldn't be up yet--though her parents might be. She reached for his hand and led him into the living room.

He's hotter in Dirty Dancing, but he's still gorgeous xD

He took her hand and followed alongside her. It was earlier than he'd though, but then, it was summer, so it obviously would be lighter earlier. He glanced around the house every so often, amazed at how different it was to his London home, and even to the one here in Ivory Bridges.

I've still seen only clippits of that movie. D:

The whole downstairs was empty. "Come upstairs." she said, leading him towards the stairs. "If they're sleeping, you wouldn't have to tell them you and I were out all night."

You HAVE to watch it! xD

It's amazing <3

"Oh, good idea," he replied, still following along with her as the climbed the stairs. "I like your house, by the way," he said to her with a quiet chuckle.

I know. :) I like what I've seen, though.

"You should tell my parents. They would love you." she smirked. After a quick glance around she said "I think they're still asleep."

I can't say what my favourite part is, actually xD


"Nobody puts Baby in the corner." <333333

"Okay, I will do when I meet them," he chuckled. "So.. What do you want me to do? Go home and come back again?"

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Squee. My mind immeadiately went to the Fall Out Boy song. xD

She shook her head. "Honestly, no. I don't want you to leave yet."


I'm going on the exchange! =D

"Okay.. So, what's the new explanation? We could say I came here early," he shrugged. "But I like the way you think, I don't want to leave you, either," he smiled, kissing her forehead.

YAY!! :) when is it?

Ohhmygosh. I'm seeing Mary Poppins on Thursday!!!

"I guess we could tell them that. I don't care what we tell them. As long as you don't leave yet." she said. After a few seconds, "What about your aunt and uncle?"

Not until next year xD But I'm still happy I can go :)

Mary Poppins.. How ironic x3

"Good question," he said, frowning slightly. He took his cell phone out of his jacket pocket. "I'll call them, or just leave a voicemail, and then we can always drop by later. I don't think they'll have been too worried."

He called the house, and had a quick conversation with his auntie, explaining himself. She was glad to hear from him, though she hadn't been worried or annoyed with him at all for being out all night. He put his phone back and smiled. "She says if you like we can stop by later and you can meet them. If not, she just said, she'll see me when I get back. It's all fine.

"And, so, I'll stay here, if that's what you wish." He smiled.

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That's a long time. O:

Ironic? How?

"I'd love to meet them." she nodded happily, and kissed his cheek. "I'd show you my room, but there really isn't much to it at this point."

Well, you have to apply early so they can organise everything.

Wasn't it one of the musicals you'd never heard of, or something like that? x3

He chuckled, returning the kiss, "Well, where should we go, rather than standing at the top of the stairs doing nothing?" He paused. "I mean, we can go to your room anyway, I guarantee mine is just as.. Not room-like-- for lack of a better word."

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Ahh. I see. :)

ohyes. I should have explained better. I had never heard about anything Mary Poppinsy until the field trip was announced.

And I'll see my friend Erin, who is a grade above me and goes to a different school as the one I'll be at next year. Besides, she's supposed to bring me my yearbook from last year. She's had it for like five months.

"Yes, love. If you really think my bed and a dozen or so boxes are so interesting." she smirked, leading him towards another room. It was exactly how she had described it--a bed, though it was a fairly large one, and a lot of boxes.

Okay, lol.

Well, hope you enjoy it :)

"I didn't say we had to go. I only said I didn't mind," he chuckled. He looked around, "Looks like how mine does at the moment, except that yours is bigger," he said.

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