x.Chasing Sunshine


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Jealous. D:<

"No." she shook her head "You can do whatever you want but I'm staying here."

Hope they get better before the show! :S

"Fine, then I'll just come over," Brandon stated, getting to his feet. He sat just behind her, and leaned in, his lips near her ear. "Why won't you kiss me?" he whispered.

They should be back tomorrow!!:)

Thank goodness gracious. I'm ready for this show to be over!!

She leaned back, just till she could feel him behind her. "I never said I wouldn't kiss you." she giggled, kissing his cheek.

Haha, I always hate the end of shows. I wonder what to do with myself afterwards xD

He gently wound his arms around her waist and kissed her temple in return. "Well, you didn't say it, but you weren't letting me, in any case."

I know!! Luckily auditions for our next show are next week and rehearsals start week after. And this is our UIL show---meaning we compete with all other 9/10 schools in the district.

She turned to face him before doing anything else. She gave him a short, quick kiss. "Was that better?"

Compete? xDD Ahh, you're all so serious about this kind of thing, it's amazing. We have one production a year, that's it. And noone competes with anyone x3

He smiled slightly, "Mmm. Yes, it was. I shan't complain anymore. A kiss is what I wanted, and a kiss is what I got," he replied. "Unless that wasn't the right answer."

Ahh wow. O:

We have competitions starting at middle school here. One Act Competitions. :)

"That's fine. If that's all you wanted. There is no right or wring answer, but that wasn't what I expected to hear, love." she giggled slightly.

Lol, that just seems like such an odd prospect xD

"I'm sure it wasn't. It wasn't what I wanted to say, either, but I wasn't really sure whether it was worth saying or not," he chuckled quietly.

Ahh. I'm so excited for tonight!!

Avery cocked her head and looked at him. "What do you want, then?"

I'm nervous. Ahaha.

She didn't pull away this time. Instead her finger found ther way up along his back.

Discussing the Black Death in my WHAP class is amazing.

I'll bet :)

What production are you actually doing?

Ahh, the black death. How I love it xD

We watched the Simpsons in History today in order to learn about prohibition xDDD

Brandon smiled slightly against her lips and continued to kiss her. Her fingers along his back caused him to shiver a little bit, but he ignored it.

It. Was. Amazing.

Bobby Wilson Can Eat His Own Face by the way. Google it. :)

I may get some pictures up later.

She pulled him closer towards herself, almost falling over in the sand during the process. She laughed softly, against his lips, as she steadied herself.

Woo! =D

I've never heard of that one xD I'll have to Google it tonight :)

His smile against her lips widened as she did so, and he tried to pull her more towards him now to stop her from actually falling over, should it happen.

A playwright near here wrote it. :) our next one is Achilles In Sparta and it will be amazing. :)

She let out a soft moan as she continued to kiss him. She would need air soon but she wasn't pulling away from him yet.

That would be why, then xD

I want to do Hairspray for a school musical so, so badly D:

Brandon's hold around her waist tightened minutely so that she was about as close to him as humanly possible, as if this could somehow lengthen his ability to not breathe. It was only a few seconds more before he had to pull away from her.

Were you able to read it?

We were gong to do that hut we didn't have enough ethnically diverse kids in theatre. xD

Even though he had pulled back, she remained close to him, moving only a few inches away. She smiled at him--her obvious happiness comparable to that of a child.

I did. Looks interesting, completely unlike anything we've ever done x3

Ah, I see xD I suppose it would be difficult in that sense.

One of his hands played with a strand of her hair as he looked back down at her, his expression mirroring hers. "I love you, so very much," he told her softly. He kissed her forehead.

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Ahh. We'd have Jessi playing half the cast. xD

"I know." she replied "And I love you just as much." She moved away from him a bit more, only to move back into his lap.

Haha, yeah. I don't think we have anyone in the musical this year that's black.. (gosh, I always feel like saying that's gonna get me into trouble for some reason).

Hairspray; a musical about racial tension and black liberation. Starring an entirely white cast.

Fits well xD

He wrapped both his arms around her waist and looked down at her. "Now, was that really too awful for you?" he chuckled.

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