x.Chasing Sunshine


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I got set ten pieces in the second week Dx It was absolute hell.

Okiedokie :)

"I'm pretty sure if you did leave my family wouldn't mind you staying with us," he chuckled. "I suppose all we can do is try, anyway. I'm sure showing them the town would be enough to convince them that you need something more to keep you interested for the summer."

I don't know what exactly that means, but it doesn't sound fun.

My. Dog. Is. An. Idiot. He acts brave, but isn't. And the worst part is I got a backache from holding his ears closed because he's prone to ear infections. I don't know why he has to get them. D:

"Hopefully you're right." Avery nodded "But before they'd let me go anywhere, they'd have to meet you, I suppose."

Ten pieces of homework xD

Awww ): My Grandma's dog gets ear infections quite often. What kind of dog is Dasher?

"I'll try to be as charming and polite as possible for them," Brandon chuckled quietly. "You can introduce me when I take you home, if you like."

HAHAHA. Sorry, I'm just so happy. I got my internet channel working again! The geeks at Nintendo said I'd have to send it to a repair centre. I FIXED IT BY MYSELF =D xDDD

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A chocolate lab. With a long nose.


"I'll do that." she nodded slightly "I'm sure they'll like you."

I love labs <3

Perhaps I could, if I wanted. I have better things to do, though. I'm not into video games much anymore..

"Good first impressions. 'Sorry for keeping your daughter out all night without planning it'," he laughed.

You could be "Wii Internet Problem Solver" or something. I dunno.

Good god, the most awful thing happened at school today.

This one girl made a list of everyone who she "thought" did drugs (she hadn't talked much to half these people) and apparently (this I don't believe) the school paid her $700 for the list.

But this one kid's parents (who was totally clean) sent him to boot camp in Utah. Everyone hates her now--and to be honest, I don't like what she did much either. I hate that she did something so low.

I know that sounds bad, but I really don't like that. And bootcampboy's friends' are wearing red to show that they miss him on Thrusday--but now the whole school is A. wearing it because they hate her or B. wearing it because everyone else is.

I would wear it, had I known the boy--but I'm not wearing it because I hate her. I don't like her at all, never did, actually, and as much as she deserves the FB crap she's getting, I don't think anyone deserves a schoolwide (and some other schools too) protest against them.


Sorry you had to hear that, and I wouldn't blame you if you skipped it.

Avery frowned--this was an issue. "Maybe..." she started "Maybe you should go home first and get changed. And then come over later in the day once I've convinced them it wasn't your fault that I went missing all night."

Oh my god.. That's so awful O:

If she got found out for that in our school she'd be expelled without question. And so would the people who were on her list..

"That's a good idea. We'll do that, then," he agreed, nodding. "Of course.. We don't have to go yet, if you don't want."

Gah. They're doing drug tests on those people. There's even a facebook fan page for hating her. It's so out of control.

"No, not yet." she answered, moving closer to him and entwining her fingers with his. "I just want to stay here, with you, for a while longer."

I understand that people would have one, and why people hate her. But I don't think I'd join it if I knew her, honestly.

He smiled, squeezing her hand gently. "I was hoping you might say that," he said softly. He kissed her cheek. "I love you." It might have seemed like a random time, but he hadn't said it yet today, and he wanted to tell her again. He'd never stop reminding her.

I didn't join. This one kid who was on the list made it and it was the stupidest thing he could do.

I have two chapters of reading. :/

She had a little pit of pressure to his hand when he had squeezed her's. "I love you too, Brandon." she told him after returning the kiss, her lips pulled into an happy smile.

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Ahh. I keep forgetting you don't know my vague terms. WHAP reading. Each chapter is 20 pages of text--small text and barely any pictures.

We had an open note quiz today and all my friends had 3-5 pages of notes. I had twenty. I had a chapter worth of notes...

OHMYGAWD. I get to call cues for our first show!! :)

"Yes." she replied. "Most were about you. All were, actually."

Ha. It's awkward. I got my phone back by the way.

"Well, I guess they were similar to yours. Us...together. Traveling." she replied.

I totally forgot to say how cool I thought it was that you're calling cues. Early mornings x.x

I thought you might have xD

Brandon smiled. "Hopefully it won't be too long before we don't have to dream about it anymore," he said.

Yeah. I'm more than freaked out.

Yeah. No other way for her to randomly post?? Haaaa.

"Not if we're lucky." she smiled, more to herself "We could be in Italy soon. And whatever place you pick next."

Yeah, I realised it when you started posting in the mornings again x3

"I thought about nearby places to start off with; Eastern Europe, mainly. And, well, I don't know about you, but somehow Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, for instance, really don't hold much interest for me," he laughed. "Ukraine, perhaps," he added sarcastically.

Actually. Wait. Your morning or my morning?

But really either ways it was the computer if it was before this Wednesday.

"We can stick to the west, maybe. Unless you absolutely have to visit Ukraine." she smirked slightly. He was right--none of those places sounded particularlly interesting to her.

Haha, well, both, really. Early morning for you and around 10-11 o' clock(ish) for me.

Omg, Germany would be an awesome place for them to go.

Germany is, like, one of my favourite European countries, but I think that probably has a lot to do with Elena living there xD

"You mean you're not interested in going to Ukraine?" He tried to look disappointed, though it didn't last long. "No, I agree. Spain or France or something like that. Paris, perhaps, if you're not all romanced out after venice," he chuckled.

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