x.Chasing Sunshine


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Gah. Saturday rehearsal today. D:<

Germany sounds nice and yes--they should definitely visit sometime.

Ahh. :) your exchangeness makes me super duper jealous.

"Its your choice, love." she laughed softly "Though I admit, Paris does sound nice."

Darn D:

I want to go again this year but my parents have got other ideas... Dx

"My parents went there one year, I remember. It looked really beautiful. I think I'd like to go," he nodded, smiling.

I'm sleeping over at my friends' house. I've always wondered how that sounds if they're twins. :)

Awh. ): that sucks. Maybe you can convince them.

"Your choice." she smiled "I'd love to go anywhere with you though--even Ukraine."

Haha, it sounds funnier when said out loud.

I'm going to dinner with nineteen family members tonight to celebrate Grandma's birthday. Woo xDDD

They said they thought it would be better to have her over in the summer so that we wouldn't have to go on the trips with school.. I reckon it's so they won't pay for me to go to Germany D:

He chuckled. "Ooh! Ukraine it is, then!" he exclaimed in mock excitement. "Nah, we'll go to Paris, in that case."

But you still get to meet each other, right?

Oh god. What a day. D: my teacher just scared the crap out of me because after rehearsal she says "Miss. Diva. On Monday I am not going to be helping you. The show is yours."

and I was like "efff."

Avery laughed slightly, to herself, when he said that. "If that's what you really want."

Oh.. Wow.. Well, good luck to you is all I can say xDDD

Yeah, it's just annoying for several reasons. It's fun to go to their school for a change and also to have them in your lessons for school. It's also nice to have another friend there with you. Rach and I went to a lot of places together with our partners in Germany.

But, as long as I get to see Elena at some point, I suppose it's alright.

"What I really want, love, is to go somewhere, with you. I don't care where," he said, "But as we have the choice, we'll go to Paris, on top of Venice." He smiled and kissed her on the lips briefly.

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Ahh. I shall need it.

Oh I see me. But yeah. Seeing her during summer would beat not seeing her at all.

She kissed him back while she could, though her arms were wrapped around him, pulling him closer as if it would prolong the kiss.

Indeed. And they have promised that I will see her at some point next year. And I know there are a lot of advantageous points to having her here or for me to go during the summer.

Will be extremely slow, I'm writing an article about Jazz Music in 1927 for History :)

Brandon smiled against her lips and leaned into her quite willingly, his arms tightening around her. He kept his lips to hers for longer than intended, and wasn't showing signs of pulling away anytime soon.

Blahh. I'm having a hectic weekend. So no worries. Next week will be bad though. He'll week, followed by audition week.

Have your musical rehearsals started?

She pulled herself to pull away from him, almost as if she was teasing him, because that was what she was going for. She laughed slightly, when her lips were just inches away from his.

I don't even know where this weekend went to, it's gone so fast ):

They start tomorrow. I no longer have a social life, it's official xDD

He chuckled quietly as she pulled away. He tried kissing her-- just a few pecks, since that was all he could get-- a couple of times between saying, "See, what I don't get is how you pull me closer, and then you tease me."

Ababa. Rehearsals are the equvilant of no social life really. How long are they? Our hell week is next week. God knows when I'll get home. And then the week after are auditions for out competition show so she's going to be picky about that. Especially with cast. I'm just doing tech though.

She smiled, turning away from him. "There isn't anything to get." she laughed "I thought you enjoyed it anyway."

They're about an hour to start off with, but then we get weekend and during school rehearsals aswell. On top of homework.. It's just craploads of stuff to do that draws you away from friends xD

"I said I sometimes enjoy it," he replied, smirking. "Right now does not fall into that category, I'm sorry to say," he chuckled, trying to lean around to get a kiss.

That's not too bad, really. I'm jealous of your in school rehearsals. D:

"Maybe I don't want you to enjoy it." she stated, turning her head yet again. She wasn't giving in yet.

Haha, yeah. I think we get one full day of in school rehearsals-- or perhaps two.

Oh yeah, and there's rehearsals at lunch.

To be honest theatre and such in school isn't as much of a big deal as it is for you guys.

"Well, that's not very nice," he said, faking a small pout. "And what would you do if I was enjoying it?" He still continued to try and get a kiss from her.

Oh my gosh. I am so sorry for not posting earlier. It's 8:20 and I just got home. This is earlier than usual too. xD

how was rehearsal??

"I would have to make sure you didn't enjoy it." she stated "Maybe I would do this-" She stood up shakily--her dress was slightly crumpled looking too-- and stepped away from him. When she was about ten feet away she stopped and sort of laughed at him.

Ack, and I didn't get to post this morning either. I was halfway through when I had to go. I post in Innocence, and then Janna doesn't even post back so there wasn't much point xD

It was awesome! I was put in this group in which Mr. Carey used us an example to everyone, and I quote; "Those of you singing in the higher register, yes, all of you in the middle here, lets just listen to that group of girls first, because they really know how to sing!" I'm happy to have been part of that group xP

He pretended to look profoundly shocked by this, and also tried not to laugh at the same time. "Look, what you're doing right now, I told you before, is just not allowed, Miss French. Don't make me come over there and get you." He smiled wryly.

Awwh. That's awesome. Stuff like that is so self esteem boosting.

She shook her head and sat down where she was. "I'm sitting here, Brandon. And I'm not coming back either."

It is indeed :) I really had fun yesterday.

"Fine, but I'll just wait here and then leave and you'll have to walk home," he called over threateningly, chuckling quietly to himself. "It's cruel, but I will do what I must, since you're breaking the law."


Oh god. Everyone in the show is getting sick. And we open on Thursday.

"Fine. Do whatever you want. I don't care." She replied, pouting slightly as she drew circles in the sand.

Sounds like our school, except that our production isn't until February, so that's okay, but everyone's ill at the moment ):

"That's an unfair statement. You know what I really want, but you won't let me do that, so you can't say that," he pointed out. "You wouldn't be over there if you really meant that."

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