x.Chasing Sunshine


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There are lots of other crazy ones, too. One too many chairs in a room is against the law in case someone gets stuck in a fire. One. Freaking. Chair. And so then the insurance becomes invalid.

"You think you have enough to go to the places we though of..? Wow.. I wish I could say the same," he chuckled.

I kinda wanna move to the UK now, so I can build my life around these laws and be paranoid about chairs. :)

"Some maybe, if not all." She replied "We don't have to go everywhere now. Just a couple of places."

No, you really don't. Health and Safety laws make living in this country a nightmare.

They're encouraging sharing car lifts in order to help the environment but not they're bringing in a law which means that all adults that are working with children who are not their own in some for, stuff including lcar lifts to places and helping at after school clubs, have to get checked by Police.. -.-

"I don't know if I can afford to go right now. I had to pay some of my plane fare to get here"- he'd argued against that, considering it wasn't his decision to move. His argument failed, however- "And there's no way my aunt and uncle would pay for me to go. But I'll check and see how much I've got, in any case.."

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That's really strange. And slightly funny, from my point of view.

GAH. Do you know how to "sashay across the ballroom?" I don't think they mean the dance kind--but I have to sashay for my monolouge and I really don't know how to. D:<

"I could pay for you." She offered at once. She would have payed anyhow--even if he said no.

Thanks anyways. :)

Mmkay..yum. Food.

"Why not?" She protested "I can pay for you if I want."

That sounds so much better than my leftover pizza lunch. :)

"No. I wouldn't. But that's not the point. Please just let me." She replied, pouting slightly.

Hm.. I'm not a fan of cold pizza, actually. I don't really know how people eat it..

"It's exactly the point. I can't let you pay for me, Avery, it isn't fair." He knew she wasn't going to give up anytime soon, but he wasn't, either.

I hate it cold too actually. So we warm it in the microwave for like 30 seconds. And when I take pizza to school, I put it in their microwaves. xD

But as a general whole, I don't like pizza--I'm just forced to eat it.

"Fine. Say what you want, but I don't need your permission to buy plane tickets. I could buy two of them whenever I wanted." She stated, somewhat matter-of-factly.

You have microwaves at school? Another thing we wouldn't be allowed to use, unless we're actually using them in Food Tech lessons..

I loove pizza. When it's hot, anyway.

"In which case, I would find a way of repaying you in any way possible, whether you like it or not," he replied in a similar tone.

Yeah. In the cafeteria and the food-cooking-areas. We have like 4 in the cafeteria--I mostly use it for days when I have microwavable soup. It's funny when people come to school with like frozen microwavable meals though and they sit there and stir it halfway through.

"Does that mean you'll let me pay?" She asked, her voice softening.

Wow.. I wish we had that.. xD

I'll be back later. The X Factor is on TV.

"I didn't say that. I said if you paid without telling me, then I'd let it slide and repay you some other way. That doesn't give you the right to. But, in a way, I suppose you could assume that I did mean that."

Mmmkay. See you later. :)

"Fine. Then I'll assume that you meant that I could pay. But you have to tell me where you want to go first." She said happily.

I need a shower too. D:<

Darn. I've been being lazy all day, but I did get some crap done.

She was silent for a few seconds, probably thinking about the places they had discussed the day before. "Italy. We'll go there first." She decided.

I know what you mean. Today was pretty productive for me, though. I sat outside enjoying the sunshine while I did homework. It feels much less like hard work that way :)

"Italy it is, then. Venice, I assume..? And I heard Rome is nice, though I don't know how far apart they are from each other," He mused. Italy was one place in Europe he hadn't been to yet, so it was exciting to think about going there.

The only things I haven't done are my english rough draft--which in honesty, won't be hard. And my Shakespearean sonnet--which will be terrible. Following the rhyme scheme and sturcture will at least.

We've done free verse up until now--and my last poem was written about choosing which jeans to buy.

"We can go to Rome and Venice." she nodded. She was excited too, already somewhat impatient, despite the fact that they hadn't even bought tickets yet.

I drew and old man for my Art homework. I haven't done the other half yet, which is to draw a young child..

I finished my Biology, and my English and got partway through Physics. So it's not too bad.

I just can't believe how much I'm getting this year..

"And you think your parents will let you go?" he asked. "I'm not sure how much arm twisting it's going to take before I can get my aunt and uncle to let me go. Especially with their brat of a son doing anything to interfere with it."

Homework is bad this year. D:

Like they kinda hand it to us and are like "be done in three weeks." I think they're trying to teach me time management.

"I could try talking them into it. I don't know what exactly they'd say. But I could try. The worst I could do is just leave for the whole summer." She shrugged. She didn't mean the last bit, really.

I have to bathe Dasher. :)

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