x.Chasing Sunshine


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Haven't even heard of it over here yet.

I wanted to see Fame this weekend.. Not gonna happen, I reckon.

"You know you are allowed to tell me when you want to sleep," he told her softly, putting an arm around her shoulders.

How do I put it--Megan Fox plays a girl who kills boys. The plot sounds terrible but the soundtrack will be amazing. xD

The Famee--that sounds good too. :)

"I'm not tired." She insisted, nestling up against him, closing her eyes for a few seconds.

Aha, I see xDD That's usually the kind of movie I wait until it comes out on DVD to watch.

It should be amazing. And more viewer friendly than the original. I had no idea that the old one was an 18 rated film over here..

"You look like you are," he said bluntly, kissing the top of her head and keeping his face buried in her hair afterwards.

I didn't even know there was an old one. xDD


She shook her head slightly, though she said nothing else, and fell asleep fast enough.

You haven't heard of Fame?! The musical...?!

I'm surprised at you, Diva! xDD

Brandon smiled and gently laid back again into the sand, still holding her close, hoping he wouldn't wake her by moving too much or too quickly. He didn't feel tired enough to sleep yet somehow, but he found watching her somewhat relaxing.

And you have all the right to be. :)

Gah. I hadn't heard of Mary Poppins till this year. xD

Because we're seeing it October 15th as our theatre field trip. Then I realized like everyone but me had heard of Mary Poppins. It was--awkward.

She slept peacefully, though still very close to him. She was a deep sleeper, and was barely moving at all.

Wow.. For someone who's into that sort of thing.. I'm really surprised xD

Haven't you even seen the Disney movie?

He was awake for about another quarter of an hour. Obviously he'd become so relaxed in watching her that he began to feel tired himself. He fell asleep, his hold around her loosening, but not all the way.

No. And I never saw Aladdin until summer of 8th grade. Haa.

Every other Disney cartoon I've seen though. Maybe.


She woke up the next morning, though she didn't know what time it was. She didn't move, because she was content, just laying in his arms.

xDD Okay, fair enough.

He was still asleep when she woke up. Had she moved, it probably would have stirred him, but now he still slept soundly. He murmured her name at one point, very quietly, obviously still deep enough in sleep to be dreaming about something.

I feel like I'm being teased. :)

Avery smiled, hearing him say her name. It made her insanely happy, that was true. She shifted her body, though very carefully, trying not to wake him up, towards him slightly, so that she could see him better.

No, well, not intentionally. I admit that there are quite a few Disney films I still haven't seen.

Her movement didn't wake him, it only made him say her name again, it seemed. He slept for a few minutes more, before he half opened his eyes sleepily. "Hey.." he said when he saw her, smiling as best as he could considering he'd just woken up.

I honestly wouldn't care if you were teasing me. About anything, really. :)

I want to see Toy Story 3. That comes out next year--but I'm planning ahead.

"Good morning, love." She smiled, kissing his cheek. "Would you like to tell me what you were dreaming about?"

Sorry, we went to a car boot sale. Woo.

I don't what I would tease you about, anyway. Though, I do like to tease Janna about the American variation of the English language. That's always quite amusing xD

There's not been much news on that here, either. Only that it's in 3D.

"You." He returned the kiss, chuckling. "Is there a particular reason why you should like to know?"

That's fine--I went to sleep.

But how exactly does a sale like that work? Do you just sell parts of cars?

I rarely watch TV, so I wouldn't know its in 3D. But now I just want to see it even more.

"No particular reason." She shook her head "But what exactly were you dreaming about?"

Lol, no. The only reason it's called a car boot sale these days is because people sit in the boot of their cars while they wait to sell their things. People basically bring all their crap from home that they want to sell and set up a stall in the designated area. I guess it must have had more to do with the actual boot of the car when they were actually invented.

I almost never watch TV anymore. I can't be bothered. All the shows are crap, and I could be doing something productive like drawing or playing music or writing. I only know it's in 3D because Mum told me this morning xD

"Hm.. Just life, with you in it, I suppose. Going to some of the paces we talked about.. Spending more days on the beach. That sort of thing," he replied.

Oh wow. I thought they sit there and sell car trunks and I was like "...wtf?"

We have those here--but they're called garage sales/yard sales. It's the same concept, except you sit in your garage or frontyard.

I know what you mean. I watch Glee once a week, but on a regular basis, that's really it. That and movies.

She nodded and smiled happily. "I wish we could do that sooner--go places, I mean."

I'm actually not sure if it's legal to have one outside your house here anymore. Either that or there's some other reason as to why people don't do it xDD

"So do I. You might be sick of me by the time we actually get to do it," he laughed quietly. "But on a serious note, I do wish we could.. So much."

They can't outlaw selling your own crap on your own property! D:

She had muttered something along the lines of "I'll never get tired of you." when she had heard the first part. Upon hearing the second half, she said "We will go. Soon."

Aha, they can justify outlawing just about anything in England these days.

We're no longer allowed to have gloves when we play games in Phys Ed any more in case the ball takes up the fibres from the gloves and go in your eye and blind you.

I'm getting out of this country as soon as possible xDDD

"There are a few things to consider. First, I wonder how you plan on getting the money to go places. Second, there's school. Sure, it's three months away, and we could go, it if wasn 't for the first dilemma," he pointed out.

That's...so strange. Wow.

That's...interesting. The reasoning behind it. I don't think we're allowed to have gloves on during school at all. Or maybe we are? I don't know.

She frowned slightly--she hadn't thought this through much. "I'm sure I have enough in the bank for the trip." She wasn't sure--she was only assuming that much.

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