x.Chasing Sunshine


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I'd give it a go, in any case xD

Brandon pulled her even closer, as if this would somehow help to keep the kiss going. It didn't make any difference of course, but he tried to keep going despite the fact that his lungs were screaming for air-- he never liked being the one to end it.

I'll let you know how it works out.


So HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. (FOR YOU.) Currently, here you've got an hour 40 minutes. :)

Haa---you're 15. That's crazy.

She pulled away after a few more seconds; that was all that her lungs would allow. "Did you say you enjoy me teasing you?" she asked, a little breathlessly.

Haha, okay.


It's okay, some of my friends at school didn't even say happy birthday to me today, so they're the ones who were late xD

And why is it crazy? x3

He took a moment to catch his breath as best as he could. "Sometimes.." he said, his tone almost sounding as if he were admitting to it rather than just stating it.

How was your two days ago?

I don't know. 15 seems a long way off to me. xD

That's an awful explanation...

"Maybe I'll have to stop." She said "If you enjoy it so much."

She managed to supress a laugh, as she sat up straight, to shake the sand from her hair.

It was awesome, thank you. I never felt so loved. Usually no one really says anything, but everyone was singing happy birthday to me and saying happy birthday every time they saw me. I got a ton of presents from people I don't normally get anything from. AND through the magic of facebook I received about a gazillion birthday messages :)

Brandon stayed lying there for a minute. "Hmm.. Somehow I'm not as phased about that as you might have been expecting. Sometimes I find it downright annoying." He snickered and sat up, dusting the sand off himself.

AWWH. :)

That's sweet.

I found like the most adorable freshman ever. <3 His name is Jared, and he's a lunatic.

"Well, then." She replied "I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out."

Haha x3 I feel like I want to ask you something about him, I just don't know what to ask xDDD

"Mmm, perhaps. I see no other option." He smiled and quickly pecked her on the lips, staying quiet for a little bit afterward, thinking of something to say to her. .."Why do you find my life in London so interesting that you're always wanting to know more?" he asked suddenly. He would admit that it sounded a bit odd to ask, but he did wonder about it.

He's lovely... And Cam.

Who's the lead, but a ninth grader, and slightly insane--and disobediant. I don't know what to make of him. Ahaa.

"I don't know." She replied "I just like you, so I want to know more about you. And besides that, it seems like it would be a nice place."


I'm a Who, and one of only four Hunters, AND that's better than anyone else got in my year, except for Lizzie, who is just amazing.

I'm so happy! :3

Sounds like a guy --oh wait, he's got an identical twin, so two guys-- who sound a lot like that.. xD I'm not sure what parts they got, though.

"So.. Tell me something about New York. It's a place I know virtually nothing about," Brandon said.


---Find out their names. Maybe Cam and Jared are related to them somehow...

We have identical twins here too--except they're girls, and they're like my best friends.

"Well--" she thought. She had covered the basics--loud, polluted, fun-- but there wasn't much else to tell in a general sense "We had Centeral Park, which I loved. Because we would go there all the time. My brothers, and friends, and I. And there's the Statue of Liberty, but I've only been there once, when I was young, so I don't remember much. I guess if you live there, you just figure you have all the time in the world to go sightseeing."

I was.. *ahem* fortunate enough to have one in almost all of my classes for three whole years. They're Joe and Same, and I'd feel sorry for anyone who is realated to them xDD

"That's a good point, actually," Brandon said with a nod. "London was never really fascinating to me they way it is to other people. I've been to most of the things to see; and have seen all of them from a bus or across the street at some point.."


Who got the leads in the musical? Are they all senior/juniors?

"The big red ones right?" She asked "With two stories?"

Yeah. Everyone except James, who's playing The Cat in the Hat, are final year students and they got all the leads.

"Most of them are, yes. So you don't call them 'double decker buses' over here, I assume," he chuckled, seemingly amused by this.

Awwh. That's why I'm glad my district splits up high school in to "high school" which is 9/10 and "senior high" which is 11/12.

We get more experience--and there's no way I would be as--for lack of a better word--prominent in the theatre program.

She shook her head, slightly lost--she hadn't heard the term much, that was true.

"We don't. Or not that I know off, actually." She replied.

And our system would be why I have a choral part even though I'm in my fourth year of this school :S

"That's interesting.. I always thought everyone called it that. Even the Germans do," He chuckled.

How does it work there? Like--how is it divided.

We have a K-5, 6-8, 9-10, 11-12.

Though the last four are supposed to be clumped together.

"I don't know. Maybe that's what most people call them. I never did. I think we had a couple of--double decker buses--in New York. I've never been on them though. I've never been on any bus in New York, really." Avery laughed slightly.

Pre-school, which is not compulsory, from age 1-3. Primary School; Reception through to Year 6 (ages 3-11). High School; Years 7-11 (ages 11-16). The Sixth form/ Years 12 and 13 can be taken in High School, or you can go to a special college (ages 16-18). And then University.

"So how did you get around? I'd lose my mind if we hadn't had buses in London.." Brandon said, sounding surprised.

That's so different...

"We walked. Or we took the subway or the cabs." She replied, giggling slightly "You'll see someday."

Though, we do have middle schools in some areas, and then I suppose it's prabably a little more like your system. But it is different, and so confusing :S

"That's true, I suppose there is the subway in London, too. But sometimes you need to be a rocket scientist to understand the maps," he laughed quietly. "Though I assume it's like that almost everywhere."

Maybe. xD

GAH. I want to see Jennifer's Body. awwh.

But it's rated R, though I don't know why--because it's very sexual?

"Mmhmm.." she nodded, muffling a yawn. She was getting slightly tired, though she wasn't about to admit it any time soon.

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