x.Chasing Sunshine


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xDD That would be funny.

I'M LISTENING TO DAUGHTRY <333333 Call Your Name is amazing!

WOW, I MUST TRY IT 8D Isn't it Talk Like A Pirate Day or something?

I'm going to go music making for a while. Chat to you latersss :)

"Yeah, that makes all of us that have done that so recently and our age the group of idiots. Incapable of cleanly eating an ice cream," he chuckled. He was somewhat surprised to see that she'd finished her sandwich before him. "Hungry, I see."

I haven't heard it. D:

Actually, it was yesterday. xD

Kaay. Byeee. :)

"Very." She replied, before taking a sip of her water "I don't know what was in it though."

Ahah. I'm working on WHAP. I have a crapload of reading I've put off.

Like one thirty paged packet and a couple of ten paged ones. I may die today.

"Yes, it was good." She nodded. She looked around the beach--wondering if there was a sort of trash can.

I'd much rather be doing what I am, then xD

I have to write about myself, two sides of A4. Not too painful at all.

"I'll throw the stuff in the car and I can get rid of it tomorrow," he offered, reading her mind, almost, holding out his hand for her rubbish.

Haha. YES.

It's actually semi-interesting, if you read slowly and give it time to sink in. I'm on page three of the long one.

It sucks more because the font is oober small and there's next to no pictures. What's an A4? xD

"Thank you." She smiled, handing it to him. There wasn't much of it, just a little bit of saran wrap.

It's a paper size.. Wow, that is interesting, that you don't use that term.

It's the usual size that you get. 29cm x 20 (ish) cm, I think.

He put his and her wraps and this empty Coke bottle in the side pocket on the driver's side door. He half-walked-half-ran back to her, sitting next to her again and then lying back on the sand. "I'd considered getting my shirt out while I was there but I wasn't sure you'd like that idea," he snickered.

Oh okay. We go by inches. Regular paper--printing paper?--is 8 inches by 11 inches. OHMYGOD. I just totally realized you put your commas in for dialogue. God, I feel like an awful comma rule breaker.

"I'm very glad that you didn't get it." She replied, lying down beside him "This is much better."

Yeah, that kind of paper. And then the next size up, which is two of those sheets, is A3. And the next size down, half a sheet, is A5.

I can't write my dialogue any other way. It's just stuck to me since I actually started writing with good literacy on the internet xD

"I thought you might say that," he smiled. "I don't know why you would, seeing a fat guy like me with his shirt off, but I knew you would," he laughed that time-- if there was one compliment he would pay himself, it was that he was a well built guy.

Your paper is strange. I don't think ours vary by that much.

I just never ever understood the comma in dialogue rule. Like--it confused the crap out of me, and nobody seemed to care when I didn't use it so I just never did.

"It's because I like you too much." she laughed, kissing along his neckline again--though very, very lightly this time.

That sounds strange to me, though xD

I couldn't explain it to you, I just know where it goes without thinking about it.

"You could never like me too much, Avery. I feel that the more you like me, the less chance I have of ever losing you," he said softly. He didn't react much to this kisses this time. He shivered very lightly every so often, only on the most sensetive spots.

--I like cardstock paper, actually.

I remember I would sit there confused in second grade like "WTF?"

Actually--I didn't cuss at that time, but you get the vague idea.

"Good." she murmured against his skin "Because I never, ever want to leave you." Her lips traveled up, closer to his jaw now, lingering there before his lips.

Haha, yeah. I think it's scary when young kids cuss. I don't know why, it just.. I just get scared xD I wonder what their home life must be like.

"I would hope so," he replied softly. When she stopped before reaching his lips, he smiled slightly, having almost been expecting it. "I take it you find teasing me enjoyable."

Really? I've never seen it happen, actually. But the stories I hear are amusing and just---strange.

"Sometimes." She admitted. Her lips lingered near his for a few seconds longer before they met his. She had to adjust herself, therefore completely pessing her body against his.

I knew a kid who was swearing from his first day at school.. x3

"Me too, believe it or not," he said, the moment before their lips met. He wrapped one arm around her waist tightly and kissed her back.

That's crazy. actually. GODDARN.

I hate our doorbell. It's like sound activated or something. Everytime Dasher barks too much, it rings. That's how I woke up yesterday. Ten minutes of nonstop barking and ringing.

She smiled into the kiss and placed her arms loosely around his neck. She was too focoused on kissing him to do much else.

That's odd. And I'd actually punch it or something eventually.

Brandon did much the same, evidently unable to multitask, he could only kiss her, and only think about her. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing; he liked devoting all of his attention to her, because he knew nothing or noone else mattered.

Punch a doorbell? xD

I hope that's what you mean, because I'm not punching my puppy. lmfao.

I have to go noww. D: BYEE.

It was obvious she was enjoying this--she was kissing him eagerly.

Blahh. Kay--I'm going now. D:

Yeah. You don't seem like the puppy punching type.

Though punching a doorbell may be tricky.

She hated knowing they would have to end the kiss soon. That was definitely the worst part. However, she didn't pull back, lengthing the kiss for as long as she possibly could.

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