x.Chasing Sunshine


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O: I want a brownie!

"As much as I want to disagree, yes, that is what it means," he replied, smilling as he sat back a bit from her and took another sip from his Coke. "I'll tell myself I love you more, because I like to think that, even if it isn't true. And I won't say it again to you, in any case."

Editt (I had to): 500 posts, woop! xDD

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YAYY. :)

WalMart--makes better brownies than me. D:

"I guess I'll have to live with that." She smiled to herself, partly because he had agreed not to mention it again and partly because he had agreed that it wasn't true.

I have to walk Dasher.

You might be gone when I get back sooo bye. D:

EDITT: I keep telling you something and my mommy keeps changing her mind. xD

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Yeah, I may aswell head off now. BYE :) ILY <3

"Well, you've got no better option," he chuckled, and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll just make simple. I have no idea of the lengths of how much, or whether it exceeds your love. All I know is; I love you, Ave."

Just as I edit my post. xD


"I love you too, Brandon." She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.

I'm watching Glee. It took me like half an hour to write that one sentence. xD

I found it amusing.

"Maybe." She replied "Maybe not. But I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions. What would your aunt and uncle say?"

"Well, I'm not really sure that we're close enough that they would mind too much, or actually say something to me about it. In any case, they know I wouldn't have been doing anything stupid, everyone knows about my quiet reputation," he chuckled.

"That's fine then." Avery replied "Do you want your sandwich now?" she asked, as she pulled hers out of the bag.

How was your party? :)

Great, thankyou :)

I realised that not even I knew the limits of my cousin's pure weirdness xD

"Sure, thanks," he said, putting out his hand for her to give it to him. They'd been so busy 'arguing'-- hardly, but for lack of a better word-- he'd almost forgotten it was there.

Okay--so I'm not even going to ask.

She pulled them both out of the bag, but wasn't exactly sure which was hers--she hadn't spent much time picking it.

"So which one do you want then?" She asked him, offering them to him.

I don't know if I've told you, but she's a 'goth'. Reason for inverted commas: she's one of the suckiest goths I've ever seen xDDD

And she just says the strangest things.

I did get a hilarious present from my friends, though. They bought me pajamas; A white t-shirt with TEASE ME written across the front in pink, and extremely short, pink and white checkered shorts to go with it xD It's the last thing I would ever pick out to wear.

"Ladies first," he said with a smirk. "I didn't look to see which one I picked, so I don't care."

I like short shorts.

I sleep in short shorts all the time. They're extremely comfy but a womanlydog in the winter. xD

I think you should start wearing them.

She handed him the one closer to him, because she didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to figure out what was in them. After the first bite, she stil wasn't exactly sure what it was, but it was good.

It's not that I don't like them. I just hatehatehate my legs, that's why I won't wear shorts. I just feel too self conscious..

Brandon took his out of the packet, and took a bite. Mayonnaise was the dominant flavour, so it was hard to guess what else was in it. He liked the taste, though, of whatever it was filled with. He was just never good with eating things that had the potential to be messy; mayonnaise appearing at one corner of his mouth.

But they're pajamas. O:

They're probably like superduper comfy. I'm going to somehow force you to wear them.

I always feel whoreish when I wear shorts, actually, except my Bermudas. It's hard to feel like a whore when something goes down to your knees.

OHMYGOD. I saw Moulin Rouge last night. It was the saddest. movie. EVER. Apart from Marley and Me.

She giggled slightly, seeing him, and reached up to wipe it away.

I was talking about short shorts in general because I thought you were xD

I have every intention on wearing them at some point. I wanted to wear them last night, but it was a bit too cold outside -sadface-

I haven't seen it. Fail!

He finished him mouthful and said, "Thanks. You'll learn that you can't take me anywhere sooner or later. I always do something daft."

Oh. Well now I feel stupid. D:

IT'S SO SAD. I CRIED. I feel like crying just thinking about it. It's kinda funny, because it's in like 1899 and they're covering Madonna's Like A Virgin and other modernish songs.

You have to see it.

"I'll take you wherever I want." she replied, after finishing her bite "And what you did wasn't stupid, either."

I agree that I was unclear in what I was saying, so it's not your fault :)

I shall watch it at some point, then.

Do you use the word daft in the US? It sounds so completely British xD

"Aha, but you haven't seen me eat ice cream yet," he snickered. "I honestly walked around all day with a white smear across my face without noticing one before."

Actually no. I've just read too many Enid Blyton's. And Agatha Christie's. They're in one or the other, I assure you.

And then there's Harry Potter. Educating the world. :)

She couldn't help but the giggle, because she couldn't imagine him doing that.

"Haven't we all done that at some point in our lives?"

Aha, I see xD

"Of course we have, but I'm sure not all of us managed to do it just a few weeks ago on a beach day with your friends," he laughed quietly and took another bite. "It strikes me as something that small children do, rather than seventeen year olds."

I think the word itself would actually lose it's charm if said with an American accent. That would be like a British person saying "y'all."

"Well you're probably not the only one." She smirked, taking another bite. Her sandwich was almost done--it was more than obvious she had been hungry.

Ahaa. If you change your FB language to Pirate, everything is much more exciting. Like "poke" is "prod so and so with your dagger"

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