x.Chasing Sunshine


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That's alright, I'll be getting loads of homework in the evenings anyway as of next week. We still have weekends :)

Ack. I have to go. G'night <3

"But the important thing is, I've met you, and I told you, you've changed everything. I'm not afraid of what people think of me anymore because there's someone who really loves me, and I'm not shy around you, so I don't see why I have to be shy around anyone else anymore," he said. "But even if I was still afraid, I'm still in love, too, and I could never ask for any more than what I have with you."

Yeah. I'd be fine if it weren't for homework. Haa.

Good night. :) and have fun with your second week.

Gahh. My phone's auto corrects are terrible. Who the crap is Jim? D:<

Avery smiled. "Whenever you say that, it makes me incredibley happy. You can't begin to imagine how it feels."

Aha. I'll you this weekend most probably.

"I probably know how much. Because I feel the exact same way." Avery replied.

xD Okay, whatever that missing word was, I'll do that.

He smirked, kissing the tip of her nose. "That's not entirely true, because whatever you may say to disagree.." He paused. "I love you more."

See. :) seeseesee.

I had like no homework today. Lucky, lucky.

She shook her head. "Liar." she replied instantly "That's not true."

I'm pulling an all nighter tonight. Or waking up at four at worst. Haa.

She shook her head. "Its not trueee." she stretched out the last word, and combined with the head shaking, she did look a bit like a child.

Gaah. I hate school.

My mom took away my phone. xDD

"First of all, that's terrible reasoning." She replied "And second, it isn't even true."

I don't know what that was directed too. xD

I hate school because it's--that's a lie. I love school. I just don't like the fact that I'm not getting some of the stuff.

I got my phone taken away because I have three B's. But of course, the fact that I have a 96 in WHAP doesn't matter at all.

"But I don't want you to say more about it, because I still think you're wrong." She leaned over and pulled his Coke out of the bag anyhow, but didn't give it to him.

Haha, sorry. I meant about your phone, but I guess I was curious to know why you hate school, too.

Ack. I meant to say 'no more about it'.. Goddamn Wii xD

"Alright, no more about it," he said, resisting the urge to add 'for now' onto the end of the sentence. "But that doesn't mean that you love me more, either."

I don't hate school. xD


"As long as it doesn't mean that you love me more, you can have your Coke." She replied, handing it to him.


I actually have to go pick my sister up from a friend's house in like 3 minutes, but I'll be on this weekend.


"Fine." She replied, reaching for her own bottle of water. There was something--one could tell she wasn't completely satisfied with his answer.

AHHHHH.. But I won't be on tomorrow night because of my campout to celebrate said Beeday ):

But yesh, it iss =D

He'd in fact said that to get that exact sort of reaction from her. He leaned over, his lips against her ear, he murmured, "The fact that you're sulking suggests that I may have underestimated you, Avery French," he surpressed a chuckled in her hair-- as if there'd ever been any underestimation. "I do believe I may have to admit that you love me just as much as I love you, as much as I don't want to.."

Awwh. Have fun. :)

I'm actually not picking her up--just eating a brownie and drinking milk. haaa...

It hadn't taken much to make her feel better--because she definitely looked very happy now. "So this means we can stop fighting about who loves who more?" she smirked before twisting the cap off the bottle and taking a sip. The water was refreshing--because she hadn't drank anything since the Coke earlier in the day.

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