x.Chasing Sunshine


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Last week of May, actually. But with being in India all summer and school and whatnot, Im just getting around to unpacking.

I probably wouldn't be doing it, but my mom says it has to be done this weekend or I can't go to a concert on Halloween. xD

God--I'm listening to a song off the Princess Protection Soundtrack.

She giggled into the kiss slightly, realizing they were on the ground. His hand on her leg had sent chills down her spine. She was still kissing him hungrily, far from ready to pull away. She did eventually, however, though very reluctantly.

Ahh, I see. I've never moved since we moved from SA. I think I'd hate to leave this house anytime soon.

xDD Which one?

Brandon kept his eyes closed for a moment as he tried to catch his breath. When he finally opened them he smiled up at her. "Avery, I.." Pause. "I love you." And he never thought he'd meet the person he could say that to and mean it, truly, madly deeply, so soon.

This has got to be my favorite house yet. I think it's like my eight or ninth. xD I can't imagine living somewhere for a long time. Like-I think my parents plan to stay here, but I'm here for like three more years. :)

And One and The Same. :)

"I love you too, Brandon." she smiled. There was no hesitation in her voice. "I love you so, so much." She looked down at him, smiling widely. Reaching for his hand, she intertwined his fingers in her.

I'm not sure when I'll move out, really. I suppose it depends on what I choose to do after school. But I don't think we'll move away from here before then.

He let himself wonder for a moment why he had paused. He knew it wasn't because he didn't completely feel that way, and had said it because he felt he should. Maybe he'd just been afraid of what she'd say, maybe that she thought he was going too fast. All he really knew, though, was that he loved her. He squeezed her hand. "I can't even begin to tell you how much," he said softly.

To be honest, thinking about college and the future scares the crap out of me.

"You don't have to." She replied simply, watching him. She laid her head back, on his chest, looking up at the stars.

xD I choose not to think about it too much until I need to. I don't like thinking about my future much, either.

"We'd be here a long time if I did," he chuckled. He smiled softly and ran his fingers through her hair with his free hand.

I'm about to cry. I found the sweetest note ever from my best friend. I'm so awful. XD

Haa. I guess I prefer the past.

"It wouldn't matter to me." she replied "I could spend the whole night here with you. Probably even longer."

Awww x3

I don't really have a best friend anymore. I'm too close to all of my friends. And there's also the fact that they all have their own best friends without me :S

Actually, Janna was really sweet and offered, so she kind of counts as one, except that she lives a few thousand miles away xD

"Well.. Do you want to?" he asked quietly. "I mean.. If you can't tonight, I'd understand. But we could sometime, if you want."

Janna's so sweet. :)

I wouldn't say she's my best friend. We do, miraculously have French together but we aren't as close anymore. I don't know. It's been awkward since last year's musical because I was occupied with that and then---to make a ling story short, we're close enough like "hey, let's go to the mall on Friday" or "wanna sleep over sometime this weekend" but not exactly the kind of person you can tell everything to. Ha. It's a long, boring story, but you get the gist, I hope.

"Actually, I would love to." She said. "There's nothing I'd rather do at the moment."

I love her, she's so awesome <3

I get exactly what you mean.

The girl who was my best friend still means a lot to me, but since we got to high school we weren't in any of the same classes and we've just sort of drifted apart. But we still can tell each other the personal stuff that we don't fell that we can tell to anyone else. It's odd.

He smiled widely and kissed the top of her head. "Great. The only problem is food, in that we haven't had anything, but you're worth skipping dinner for any day, babe."

Yeah. Nicole and I... It's just pretty weird. One day we don't talk at all, and the next we're walking around the mall--just to talk.

"You should eat." she replied, sitting up. "Are you hungry?"

It's hard for me sometimes because I live quite far away from my school and therefore most if my friends, too, so I don't often get to see them outside of school.

"Honestly? My stomach will only decide once I know if you are," he chuckled. "Even just a sandwich or something is fine with me, if you don't want to be away from here for too long."

That would be tough--having most of your friends so far. I go to public school so we're pretty evenly spread out. But many of my friends are going to different senior highs. I'd be lost in your situation.

"I think you should eat, even if I'm not hungry. Besides, it wouldn't matter that we weren't here, because being with you is more important to me." She stated, getting up and making a feeble attempt at pulling him up too.

Mine's also a public school. It's just far away because the school in my town isn't so good and the one I go to is really great, so I wanted to go there.

Brandon got to his feet and pulled her close to his side. "Look, I already told you, I'm not all that worried about not eating. I don't think I could manage much even if I did try," he said. "But, in any case, what are we getting, since you insist?"

Public school here is weird, or so I think. Like the whole trying to go to another public school that you're not assigned to and all the transferring seems like a hassle.

"We could get a sandwich, just like you suggested. Or we could bring it back here. Whatever you want." She replied, because she didn't mind anymore than he did. Besides, it was what came to mind first.

Eh, fair enough. We do it a lot because two out of three schools in our area are crap, but the third one, my high school, is brilliant, so we all try to go there. I wasn't accepted at first, so we had to go to an appeal to get me in. That took a long time..

I must apologise for the fact that I keep leaving without saying goodbye, I always feel really bad for it. But lately my parents just drag me away so I don't get time xD

"We may as well bring it back. Besides, I don't know how many places that sell things like sandwiches would be willing to let us stay and eat at this time of the evening anyway," he said, shaking the sand from his shirt and then putting it over his shoulder for the time being as they headed to where he'd parked the car.

That makes sense. My district is supposedly among the best in the US, which made moving go Texas even more appealing. I have to admit-I was reluctant to admit it at first-but after my second year here, the schools are really fabulous.

Don't worry about it. XD

I'm kind of used to the time difference, though I must admit you sleep early. It's almost four and I'm up.

Avery nodded in agreement and got into the car. She wasn't sure what time it was or how long they spent there, but it didn't seem like a time most restaurants would be open. Perhaps, she was wrong--but it seemed late.

I would go to bed later, I'd just get killed if I did xDDD

Brandon started up and turned right when they reached the road that they were coming down earlier that night, towards the next town along. The town they were in looked a little bigger than where they lived, but not by a lot.

Nobody knows I'm up. My room is above my parents. I'm actually about to start my homework.

Avery looked out of the window, slightly disappointed. She couldn't say she had been expecting much--but at the same time, couldn't fight the feeling. She said nothing and instead looked for a place that seemed to be open.

Ahh, well, my parent's room is right next to mine.

YAY! Avril is supposedly releasing her new album this yearrrrr <3 That's made my day.

"That's a bit of a letdown," he said, quite quietly, as if he were talking to himsmelf. Still, it was better than nothing. They passed a Subway, but he honestly couldn't stand food from there, or any other place like that.

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