x.Chasing Sunshine


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Yeah. I've always heard that the drums are great.

Avery turned slightly, to peek at what he was doing. She even considered going over, but eventually decided against it.

I've only played them once. It was awesome :)

He had caught her glancing out of the corner of his eye as he drew. He was determined not to give in first, or even show any signs that he noticed her, so he kept himself from smiling, just.

Life goal; play Rockband drums. :)

She turned away from him once more, wondering how long this would go on. A few minutes later, she shifted over to him. " I'm only letting you win. But only because if one of us doesn't end it, it'll go on forever." She told him while reassuming her former position on his lap.

I thought they were quite realistic, compared to playing guitar on it, which is completely different to the real thing.

I've been painting my cousin's room all day x3

"Excuses, excuses," he said, smirking as he wrapped his arms around her waist again. Whether she was making excuses or not, he was glad she'd come back anyway.

Sounds fun. It's so much work. Like it takes forever.

"You know I'm right." she was giggling now, at the whole situation. She was playing with the buttons on his shirt now, unbuttoning and rebuttoning one of them.

I enjoyed myself, apart from the fact that my cousin was being a pain in the butt the whole darn day.

"I don't wanna paint this anymorrree!" And so on. I'd kill for her room. Her dad and stepmum are having a baby, so she's gotting her own room separate from the whole house with a ton of amazing stuff to go in there. But she's so ungrateful for it all. Her dad's been working on it for months and I was there the whole day painting while she complained.

"No, you're not, acutally. I would have given up eventually, I'll admit," he chuckled. He was quite as he watched her for a moment. "Any reason for this at all..?" he raised an eyebrow.

Gosh, that's amazing. O: what I wouldn't do for a room like that. I'm just jealous her parents let her paint her room.

"For what? Coming back? I missed you." she replied, genuinely confused about what he meant. She was a little to immersed in the buttons of his shirt to think about it.

Exactly. I painted two coats on the ceiling, and two coats of colour on the walls, as well as cleaning the doors today. And she didn't even finish one coat on the ceiling when she was doing it with me and then went inside for something, where she stayed so she could go on msn.

"Well, I'm glad you missed me, but I'm actually referring to what you're doing with my shirt," he said.

God. That's kind of awful. How in the world did you reach the ceiling.

"I'm unbuttoning it." She replied, just as she unbuttoned it. "Would you prefer if I didn't unbutton it?"

I'm seven foot two in height xDD

Her dad's put two platforms up where you can sleep, and then we had a ladder going across the two, so it was fairly easy to reach.

"No, I actually quite like the idea of it," he stated. "I just wondered why you weren't continuing with it, staying on the same one, that's all.

So you're like--what, world's tallest teenager?

I see. I think. I think I visualize it.

Ommmygosh. Guess what I just figured out. Both our siggies have the word 'ignorance' in it. I swear I almost squealed when I saw it.

"I can fix that." She replied, working her way up. When they were all unbuttoned, she slipped it off his shoulders. "Better?"

Yes, unofficially xD

It's hard to explain, really :S

And ignorance is also the first word in both xD I love the song the lines of my sig are from. I'm surprised I haven't used it already.

"I'm actually more concerned about hearing your judgement on that," he smirked, chuckling quietly. "But you have put me out of my misery."

I'm going outside for a half hour or so. Be back after that :)

And on my phone, the font looks the same. Mine is a Paramore song. :) yumm.

Mmkay. See you soon.

"I think it's much better." She replied, kissing along his neck yet again.

Ohyeah. They performed a live acoustic cover of it on Radio One the other day. They also did Use Somebody, by Kings of Leon, and it was absolutely amazing.

And, they're also about to be on the radio now. Well, Hayley and Jeremy are.

"I'm wondering whether I should be surprised by that," he snickered, shivering again, but more violently this time, as she kissed her neck.

Now I am jealous. I want to hear it. D:

"Why would you be?" she managed to ask in between kisses. She didn't gave him time to answer, and moved on to his lips, kissing them with more force than she ever had before.

Okay, I think it's on the website still.

If you go to www.bbc.co.uk/radio1 (can't give you a link, I'm on the Wii) and near the top right of the page there's a big box that advertises various things from the radio. Eventually it'll go onto Paramore, so then just click that and it's got the interview and the two songs.

His initial response to her question would have been along the lines of, 'exactly' or 'that's what I thought', but he saw no reason to pull away just to say that. He kissed her back passionately, actually liking that she was being rougher with her kissing this time.

I'll have to check it out once I get on my computer. :)

I found a broken ruler in my boxes. And one of this mini slinkies you get out of a vending machine. Inside was a little Charmander toy which my friend had given me before I left for India. It made my day. :)

She intensified the kiss a little more and smiled into it. Her hand was in his hair hair now, and the other on his bare back.

I love finding things like that.

Some things I find make me cry, they have such great memories attached to them.

He let out a very soft groan, causing blood to rush to his cheeks. Still nobody kissed like this with their eyes open, he figured, so at least she wouldn't see that. As the kiss intensified, he started to lean back little by little unconsciously, and with both of his hands holding her as close as humanly possible, it became increasingly harder to stay upright.

I just found my program from the first show I ever did. Annie. My eyes are watering.

Gahh. I'll never get my room set up at my pace.

Avery barely noticed that he was leaning back. She was concentrating on the kiss right now, not thinking much about anything but him. She knew she would need air soon--but decided not pull away until she absolutely needed it.

Did you just move or something?

Saving himself from falling straight back onto the sand with one hand, he slowly let himself down until he was lying back, and kissing her just as fiercely, one of his hands ran down the back of her leg subconsciously while the other was still around her waist. He'd actually forgotten his need to breathe for the time being.

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