x.Chasing Sunshine


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Sounds fun. :)

does the sun not shine often?

I just scrolled down and realized I wrote Hing King. D:

"It would be fun. I'm having fun right now. Today has been amazing. Thank you, Brandon." She said.

Hahahahahaha xDD Ahh, reading that really made me laugh. In Britain, sunshine is practically a Godsend! We must have had about four genuinely hot days this entire summer. Whatever happened to Global Warming? xDD

You didn't notice. I had planned to ask you about it, but forgot x3

"I've had-- and am having-- a lot of fun today, too, Avery," he said. Smiling widely at her, he pecked her on the lips. "All thanks to you. And you have no idea how much I love being able to do that."

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Really? That's terrible. I'd like to think Texas is a bit weather bipolar.

But god--when I used to live in California. Perfect. Year round.

Gosh. How do you live?

D: I meant Hong Kong. But the I and O are so close. Especially on my phone. D:

Haha. Sorry I wasn't on much. Our first show auditions were today. I'm doing tech stuff, but I ended up missing the bus and getting home an hour later.

Avery smiled in return, resting her head lightly on his shoulder.

"To say the least, today has been perfect." She pulled him into an embrace.

Wow, it's sunny today 8D

how we survive.. I want to go back to the mediterranean, where the weather is gorgeous all year.

It's particularly strange after living in South Africa, where we had a barbeque on Christmas Day xDD

That's alight, I only got on once because I was reading all night. Book finished at last. And, my, what a good series that was.

Brandon smiled and held her against him, wrapping his arms around her into a tight but gentle hug. "Perfect could almost be an understatment," he replied, chuckling quietly. He rested her head on hers and ran the fingers of one hand through her hair.

That would be quite odd. O:

Andddd. Which book/series is this?

She moved her head slightly, to kiss his cheek, because even as much as she wanted to reach his lips, she had no intentions of moving to far out of their current position.

The Noughts and Crosses trilogy, by Malorie Blackman. It's incredibly thought provoking.

He returned the kiss, and felt a similar longing to catch her lips. He had thought about mentioning that she should be taller, so that they wouldn't have this problem, but he didn't want to ruin the moment. Instead he stayed quiet. There was something else he really wanted to say to her. He wasn't afraid of ruining the moment by saying it this time, but rather that he might think he was moving too fast.

Maybe I should read it. I'm out of good books to read it. I'll look it up for sure.

She twisted her body slightly, raising her body higher. The temptation was getting to her. She smiled slightly before pressing her lips to his.

You definitely should. She's an English author, and I'm not sure how well they've sold in other countries, so they might take a bit of searching for. But it's worth it.

Brandon's hand dropped to about level with her shoulders, while the other held her to him by the small of her back. He kissed her back, glad to be relieved of his temptation and smiled against her lips.

I'll check it out. I'll probably try the library first. What's it about?

She couldn't help but to also smile after feeling him. She was more than content with the little, if any, amount of space between them, and placed her hands on his shoulders.

It's about a society full of racial prejudice, where Crosses, dark skinned people, treat the noughts as second class citizens. It's also about the forbidden love between Sephy and Callum, because Sephy is a Cross and Callum is a nought. That's the theme running through the books, showing how things changed. I can't tell you much about the second and third books, because it would give too much away about the first.

Brandon kissed her until his lungs were screaming for air. And he'd never wished more in his life that he didn't have to breathe. As he pulled away, he still held her close to him, his breathing ragged and deep.

That sounds interesting. Part of it because it's so different than what we hear in history class.

She sat down in his lap, resting her head on his chest, because she too was in need of air. Once she figured she had enough, she kissed along his neckline, because it was as far as she could reach.

That's how it is in South Africa. But in countries such as the US and the UK, history obviously tells us how white people treated black people so badly.

He shivered when her lips made contact with his neck. That was his definite weakness, and it would only be made more obvious if she came across his sensitive spot, which-- and he was glad of this-- she hadn't yet.

I haven't learnt much about South Africa. Mostly about apartheid. Which they covered vaguely.

Her fingers played with the collar of his shirt as she continued kissing his neck. She stopped after a while, but let her lips linger nearby.

Sorry about that. I went to the fair with some family :)

We've done nothing on it. Yet. But as part of our GCSE course we're doing a huge study on it, particularly focussed on Nelson Mandela.

"You're just teasing me now, Avery, and I'm not good at dealing with that," he whispered, chuckling quietly from deep within his chest.

Mhmm. We learnt about him a bit.

And no big deal--we're off to the arboratum. Flowers. :)

"And what if I keep teasing you?" She whispered back, her lips still inches away from his neck.

Oh, okay x3

Have fun :)

Even her breath on his neck was enough to raise a few hairs on the back of his neck. "That all depends on how well you deal with teasing yourself," he replied softly. "And then I'll decide from there as to what my next move would be."

:) it's pretty.

"Well." she said, wondering how she would reply. She decided not to say anything and turned away from him.

"So what will you do now?"

8D Beatles Rock Band. I WANT! xDDD Just saw it on the TV now.

He smirked and lifted her off of his lap and set her down on the sand, and then proceeded to shift away in the opposite direction, concertrating on drawing things in the sand with his finger.

saw that at blockbuster and my dad was like "whaat?" and I was like "...nothing."

I just want Rockband in general.

She had let out a little squeak of shock when he had placed her on the sand, but soon turned in the opposite direction. She was determined not to give in first.

I'll have either, because then I can just buy the other game cheaply through the joy of t'internet.

I have Guitar Hero 3, but the drums are just so fun xD

He couldn't deny that it was hard for him to be doing this, but he was spurred on by the amusing thought of her caving first, in which case he could just verbally tease her for that.

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