x.Chasing Sunshine


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I'm not sure if I would call it slang, but it's definitely not a word you would use if you were writing third person story for English class xD

If you used it in first person, though, it would probably be okay.

Nice 8D We don't have any guys that I think are hot in my year. Maybe it's because they're all way too immature, but I don't like any of them in that way.

He slipped an arm around her waist subconsciously, and that allowed him to pull her almost right up against him without having to pull away to do so.

Oh. I was totally gunna start saying it.

I like guys. As a almost all inclusive general whole. The one thing I'm happy about is that the guy I liked last year--he was a flirt and very adorable, in my defense--I don't usually see him at school. I couldn't be happier because he totally screwed me up.

Blahh. Good morning.

She did however, pull away slightly, for air, but made no attempt to move her body away from his.

Why up so early?

You should say it. We say it quite often xD I always thought it was an American thing, to be honest.

Ohh. That's not so good. Well, that he screwed you up, anways :S

Still, I think the worst thing about me and boys is that the only guy that's ever asked me out or told me he likes me likes to spend his weekends hacking into his high school computer system -.-

I don't know.. I never think of myself as pretty, but I wouldn't say I'm completely unattractive.

Brandon was quiet for a moment, a bit breathless, really, so he just smiled. He didn't notice at first, but he found himself gazing into her eyes, at which point he blushed and looked down at the sand, which was barely visible, however, because they were so close.

I dunno. I just woke up.

Blahh. I would describe myself in more or less the same way. I've been asked out twice. Once on a dare. I don't know what the other one was--but the guy was an idiot.

And I've only kissed two. One kind of attacked me when I was seven. One was truth or dare with one of my best guy friends. It kind of affects the way you see yourself. I hate that, but it's true.

Avery smiled, watching him. Instead of breaking the silence, she reached for his hand, and short of held it against hers.

I have.. virgin lips, as they say xD

Brandon looked back up at her at that point, the red having faded slightly. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you now, but I think you have gorgeous eyes," he said, smiling slightly.

I wish I had those. D:


"Thank you, but you should know that I like yours better." she laughed.

EDIT; Saw your new avvie. Love it. <3

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xD Not sure if I want them or not, really.

Thankyou. Rach and I went to the 3D cinema with our German exchange partners, and we just loved the glasses xD

Speaking of which, Elena sent me an email today.. I miss her D:

"A lot of people tell me they're unusual in colour, particularly because I have dark hair," he said. Yes, dark hair that, because it was wet looked black rather than very dark brown. "But few people have told me they like them. Thanks."

Sounds funn. :)

is she your exchange partner? XD

"Well, I for one, love them. They're different." Avery said. She was still smiling. It was as if she couldn't stop.

Yeah.. She's in Canada right now, on a three month exchange.

She's braver than me, I know that much x3

"Well, yours.. They did match that dress perfectly, until you got it wet," he chuckled. "But the green against the colour of your hair.. It's amazing how well they go together."

Three months? That's scary sounding. How long was yours?

"Well, I'm drying off now." She stated. She was silent for a few seconds.

"We still need to eat dinner." She laughed "But it has been amazing so far."

Ten days. If I spoke German really well I could stay there for much longer.. But three months is a long time.

"Well, I wasn't sure how long you wanted to spend here. And I didn't want to ask in case you thought it meant I wanted to leave," he replied. "You can tell me when you want to go and get dinner. I'm prepared to wait."

That's not bad. My cousin did one to Korea.

You're so lucky you have exchange programs. If there's one thing our district lacks it's letting us out of Texas.

"Well, I'm not hungry right now. Besides, I doubt they'd let us in until we were completely dry. So the answer would be not now. But if you are, we can figure something out." Avery replied.

Korea. Wow. The only Korean I speak is stuff to do with Tae Kwon-Do, so apart from the numbers, I'd never use any of it. Though, I guarantee it's more than most Britsh people can speak of it.

It's so easy and cheap for us to go to other countries in Europe.

Phoebe said the same thing about Texas a while back, actually, just after I'd been on tne exchange.

"Frankly, if you're not in a hurry to leave, I'd much rather stay here," he said, smiling. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach. All I do know is, it wasn't nearly as wonderful as this."

Well, it was India to Korea with a Hing King stop over. XD

Texas is awful really. Some of our district's senior high schools have been asked to perform shows at Sitzerland--for ITS. That International Thespian Society. And the district never let's them go. Which sucks because our theatre programs really are magnificent.

"Thats fine with me. I just like being here with you." Avery said, looking out into the ocean.

Wow.. Our school and council would do whatever they could to get those students to go, if that were here..

Well, I'm off :) G'night <3

"Likewise," he said, and squeezed her hand gently in his. He was quite for a moment. "Maybe next time we could bring food with us, save us the trouble," he suggested with a quiet chuckle. "That is, as long as you're willing to put up with me for another date."

That is simply fabulous. I wish it was like that here.

Ahh. Nightnight.

"Of course. I would love that. Haven't you figured that out yet?" She laughed. "It would be nice. And not only should we bring food, but clothes we can actually swim in."

The distict council may be good at that, but they fail epicly at a lot of other things, unfortunately.

FINALLY. I'm getting away from this place today, and I'm goin' to grandma's. And, as I predicted, the sun is actually shining 8D

"That's a good point actually," he agreed, glancing down at his clothes. They were no longer soaked, but they still needed drying out. And his white shirt was decidedly seethrough, but that wasn't really a problem, considering he was a guy. "And I'm glad you'd like to come. It'd be fun."

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